I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love, I will exalt You Jesus, I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up your Name above every other Name.// you are Lord that healeth me, You are the Lord my healer, You sent Your Word and heal my disease, You are the Lord my healer. You sent Your Word and heal my disease You are the Lord my healer.

Our Heavenly Father we thank You, O Lord! We bless Your Holy Name, we adore Lord for You are good, You miracle is great, there is no one else like You, there is no one else like You. Thank You for Your faithfulness all through the month, Your Lovingkindness towards us, Your Unending provisions, Your Divine Guidance, Your Supernatural interventions, we cannot thank You enough. Yea! We cannot thank You enough, be Thou exalted forever more! Receive our thanksgiving; we enthrone You forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved wow! How the month fly, wow!!!!!! We are coming to this wonderful and glorious week today and by tomorrow the month will be over, but be assured that every package assign to your Name this month will be delivered, the Spirit of God will accomplish that so be clam and be rest assured that the Lord is not done yet with you in that case, he will show forth His pleasure concerning you. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking back from where we were coming from, we cannot acknowledge the goodness of God in watching, keeping and preserving us, we have wonderful testimonies to share concerning us, the Lord took us from obscurity to light, from failure to success, from nothing to glory Praise the Lord.

Let us exalt the Name of the Lord forever for His goodness and His wondrous works in the lives of His children forever in Jesus Name. Faithful is the Lord, faithful are You Lord!!!!!!!! Faithful are You Lord for You are so faithful God.

Beloved sing with a Lord voice and be merry, cast into fire all the glooming look and thoughts, spread your wings and fly into the cloud Praising God. it of His mercies that we not consumed . you may not have gotten to your desired heights, is possible you are facing a challenge as you read but remember that it is not more than God, God is above all, nothing is too hard for Him, nothing is also impossible for Him. all you need is too stand strong on His Word and before long revelation will come.

Don’t also forget that they are seasons for everything, so loose out, take a walk, may be a new environment might be the key, go shopping, visit a relation or a friend is possible a different approach is just what you need and the solution will come. Don’t cage into that situation, don’t allow situations and challenges to weigh you down, be optimist, be upward looking, defy failure and suicide talks, just a step from where you are will definitely help you.

I listen to one of the message a great leader of our time though late and something struck me, he said “attitude is a product of belief.” A Lion is fearless and believes he can eat an elephant. His belief system makes him fearless. He believes he can achieve whatever he dreams; he believes he can eat an elephant. The elephant is 100% smarter than a lion, 58% bigger than a lion, 69% heavier and 100% powerful than a lion, as a matter of facts an elephant can kill the lion with one stamp but when a lion sees an elephant he reduces it to a simple word “he is a day’s lunch,” so the lion reduces the elephant to a meal in his mind.  The lion is not the strongest, largest, biggest or even the tallest, he is not the smartest, powerful and not the most intellect and yet he is in charge, he is a leader in the animal kingdom. What makes a lion a leader is attitude. He destroyed everything you have learnt about leadership, so there is hope for you if you change your believe system or your mindset.

When he wants to attack an elephant, he attacks him from the back and brings him down, he also diverse a team work approach. They attack the elephant from the back and bring him down. So we need to bring those problems down, reduces them to a mere lunch and you will soon triumphant over it. Beloved, you may need someone to work with you, someone who will complement your ideas and you are go to go.

Beloved, meditate on the Word of God concerning you, be confident of who you are in God and you will be victorious. Change your attitude to life and you will reign. You are created a leader but you need to think as one to become who God made you to be.  Remember as man thinketh in his heart so he is (Prov 23:7).

As we are rounding off the month ensure that your laughter is not over by the attitude you put up, don’t give up easily, keep on engaging in those activities that will keeps you moving forward and sooner than you think you will emerge a winner/leader . Praise the Lord.

We have some instructions to grasp below so come along:

Job 15:14-17:16, Psalm 104:31-35, Proverbs 21:17-19, 1 Corinthians 7:1-24

The Ceaseless Creator

May my meditation be pleasing to Him; I will rejoice in the Lord.—Psalm 104:34

Dr. Douglas Speere says that with advancing years, “Our greatest danger is not hardening of the arteries but hardening of the attitudes.” We harden our viewpoint, refusing to look at anything beyond it. We groove our thinking and acting, and the grooves get deeper until they -become graves that bury us. As someone put it: “You don’t grow old; you get old by not growing.” Some people are dead at 40, although their funerals are postponed until they are 60. For many Christians, life has settled into ruts—mental, physical, and spiritual ruts.

“And a rut,” said someone, “is a grave with ends knocked out.” In Canada I saw a dirt road leading off the main highway which had a sign on it that read: “Choose your rut—you will be in it for the next 20 miles.” When New Year’s Day comes, many could say to themselves: “I’d better choose my rut, for I’ll be in it for the next 365 days.” Life for them is not an adventure. It holds no surprises, offers no excitement, and is uncreative.

My friend, I beg you, open your mind to God today and don’t resist the Divine Eagle as He prepares to push you out into a more creative way of thinking, acting, and living. Someone has said that the last words of the church when it is taken up to heaven will be these: “It has never been done like this before.” Focus your mind once again on today’s psalm, and keep in mind that the God who created all things desires to live, move, and think in you.


O Father, You who are a ceaseless Creator, make me a ceaseless creator. Break the molds of my thinking patterns, and give me new ones. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Col 2; Isa 11:2; Mt 13:15; 1Co 1:25; Rm 11:33

What are the characteristics of Christ’s thoughts?

How are they opposed to human philosophy and tradition?

Beloved, if you have ever found yourself grounded, I was once was (Jas 1:2-9) but remember who you are in God, who He created you to be and resolve to be that. You are not a failure, you are not weakly, and you are not a disappointment. Rather the Word of God said “But you are a Choose generation, a Royal Priesthood, an Holy nation, a Peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out from darkness into His marvelous light (1 Pet 2:9).

Don’t get yourself to rut rather get into the highway of great discover and soon you will hear a voice behind you “this is the way” and you will rejoice therefore and laughter will fill your heart and your mouth will confess of God’s goodness. Amen! (Isa 30:21). God is not yet done with you, You are His project, and He will continue until He finishes the process in your life. Always remember “He is a Ceaseless Creator”

Penning down here for the month, have an exciting weekend and see you next month if Jesus tarry. Please join us to pray for the new month that God will visit us and make His mind known to us, help us to keep trusting in His Holy Name and be His true children indeed.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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