Glorious God, Beautiful King excellent God I bow before the throne. Glorious God, Beautiful King excellent God I bow before the throne. I worship at feet, I bow before You’re your My Glorious God.//  Thank You Lord Thank You Lord thank You for everything You have done in my life. Thank You Lord Thank You Lord thank You for everything You have done in my life.

Our Father we thank You, O God we bless Your Holy Name. Thank You for the Who You are. Thank You countless blessings that You bestowed on us and the territories You reclaimed for your beloved all through the month. You are God that answers by fire, thank You for deliverance You wrought in our lives and blessings that You showers upon us, blessed be Thy Name O! Lord in Jesus Name.

Beloved, we are here today to celebrate Our Father who love has brought us thus far, it is indeed love that make us stand before the fearful God and could Him by his Name and was not consumed. Raise your voice up and give songs of Praise to exalt the Holy One of Israel, worship Him in the beauty of Holiness for there is none like Him. Give Him Praise, adore Him for without His help we will not have come this far.

Beloved, we will be rounding up this month on a glorious note, are you happen? I am so happy and am glad to have you around me. Praise the Lord! The Word of the Lord to us was fulfilled to its fullness in my life and ministry. All through the month I saw the Hand of God moving in situation I don’t know how to get around it, He will show up and give me victory, solve the puzzled, make a way, give an insight and above all heal and deliver. I have countless moments of excitements all through the moment even up to this morning as I am writing to you. Beloved, I always remain us that God is not a talkative, He means what He say and He will do what He says.

I believe you have countless blessing chasing you down alleluia! it can only be  the Untamable love of God that we receive all His goodness as the day goes by. Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ.

God is the full expression of love (1Jn 3:1). His love towards mankind is unlimited, unquantifiable and incomprehensible. He demonstrated it by not even sparing His own Son (Rom 8:32). He endured the agony of a cruel death (Phil 2:8). Drinking the full cup of the wrath of God in our place (Mk 14:36). God commends His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom  5:8).

The breath, the length, the height and depth of the love of Christ was expressed on the cross of His crucifixion where the worst of men were reconciled back to God. This love is so unreservedly extravagant that the vilest of sinners can now stand in the Holy holies without condemnation. God’s love is unlimited, unchanging, unending, and unmeasured. You don’t deserve it, cannot influence it, or earn it. This is because the love of God is God Himself.

Beloved, God is love and in Him there is no fear of punishment. Where there is strife, jealousy, anger, unholy rivalry, hatred, grudges etc, can only mean one thing- the absence of God’s Presence.

Beloved now you know what makes God to go all out to save and restore you will not Praise His Name forever?


“The earnest of our inheritance.” Ephesians 1:14

Oh! what enlightenment, what joys, what consolation, what delight of heart is experienced by that man who has learned to feed on Jesus, and on Jesus alone. Yet the realization which we have of Christ’s preciousness is, in this life, imperfect at the best. As an old writer says, “‘Tis but a taste!”

We have tasted “that the Lord is gracious,” but we do not yet know how good and gracious He is, although what we know of His sweetness makes us long for more. We have enjoyed the firstfruits of the Spirit, and they have set us hungering and thirsting for the fulness of the heavenly vintage. We groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption.

Here we are like Israel in the wilderness, who had but one cluster from Eshcol, there we shall be in the vineyard. Here we see the manna falling small, like coriander seed, but there shall we eat the bread of heaven and the old corn of the kingdom.

We are but beginners now in spiritual education; for although we have learned the first letters of the alphabet, we cannot read words yet, much less can we put sentences together; but as one says, “He that has been in heaven but five minutes, knows more than the general assembly of divines on earth.”

We have many ungratified desires at present, but soon every wish shall be satisfied; and all our powers shall find the sweetest employment in that eternal world of joy. O Christian, antedate heaven for a few years. Within a very little time thou shalt be rid of all thy trials and thy troubles. Thine eyes now suffused with tears shall weep no longer. Thou shalt gaze in ineffable rapture upon the splendour of Him who sits upon the throne.

Nay, more, upon His throne shalt thou sit. The triumph of His glory shall be shared by thee; His crown, His joy, His paradise, these shall be thine, and thou shalt be co-heir with Him who is the heir of all things.

Praise the Name of the Lord! Beloved the earnest expectation of the righteous will not be cut short as the Lord shall continual help us and make us worthy for His heavenly abode. We will not be tried, we will not give up, we will not be weary because we know that God love us in spite of what is happening around us we will trust the Him for His love for us is more than silver or gold. He will bless us and honour us, He will make the light of his countenance fall upon us for good and bless us indeed.

Beloved it does not matter what the devil is saying or if the people is with you or not because one with God is majority and I think the earnest desire of every child of God is our inheritance in the kingdom of God, so you got to square your shoulder and keep looking straight to the Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith, Praise the Lord! Alleluia!!!!!

As we round up this month today we still have expectations from the Lord, I tell you don’t give up, it will be deliver to you before this slip off to eternity in Jesus Name.

Once again I think for being there, I hope we are imparting you positively and your walk with Christ is on improving as the day go by, keep moving, no stopping, the Lord will come and will not delay any longer in Jesus Name! Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

I will enjoin you to join us to pray as we usher in the new month, pray that God will favour us and help us to be better and more valuable to the kingdom work in Jesus Name. And as we labour in the Lord vineyard, His promises will be for us and our generations to come in Jesus Name Amen (Ex 23:25, 1 Cor 15:58, 3Jn 1:2, Matt 24:42-51).

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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