Who is like unto Thee O! Lord, who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.// how excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! who Wonderful is Thy Name O! Lord! who marvelous is Thy Name O! Lord! how excellent is Thy Name, how excellent is Thy Name, how excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! how excellent is Thy Name, how wonderful is Thy Name, how excellent is Thy Name O! Lord!
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You we give You Praise adoration to Your Name O! Lord! Thank You for who You are. You are a Mighty man in battle, El-Shaddia, Great is Thy Faithfulness. Thank You Father for Who You are, thank You for helping us in all circumstance, thank You for being there for us every day all the time, glory be to Your Name in the highest in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, how was your weekend, hope it was beautiful? Thank God for another glorious week ahead of us, let us thank Him for His faithfulness, His mercies that liveth forever more. Thank Him for preserving you from all evil, Thank Him for standing firm and holding you up against the wiles of the satan. It can only be God who can make all things beautiful at His own time. Glory be to Him alone now and forever more.
Last week we ended the week with an exposition on “The power of Truth.” Today, we will be taking it a bit further this week so as to help our understanding better on this crucial topic for our Christian race. We think that this teaching should go side by side to help us better.
Beloved, “doubt” is a powerful weapon against “truth” if go unchecked, that is, if it not well handled, if you don’t put it in the rightful place “under your feet” it will mar the manifestation of the promises you received from God.
The Word of God says “By His stripe you are made whole.” The Word of God says “You are gods, the Word say “you are a chosen generation,” “a Holy nation,” “a people for God’s own possession…..,” “in blessing I will bless Thee…..,” “I am your shield …..,” (Jn 10:34,1 Pet 2:9, Gen 22:17, Gen 15:1).
Can you believe with me that often times we doubt this promises even when it is before us and apply to the very situations confronting us. At first, the Spirit of God will bring this scripture to our heart, our heart will be gladden and light fill our eyes and suddenly we go blank and doubt enters our heart when the things we are expecting are not working out the way we have planned them or when the promise is delayed.
Beloved, to work in the way of truth, you must first kill “doubt” in your heart. To receive from the Lord whole heartedly “doubt” must first be rooted out from your heart then you will be in position to receive from the Lord according to His promise to everyone that believeth. Praise the Lord!
Beloved, now that you know the first thing to do, come along with us for more:
Jeremiah 25:1-26:24, Psalm 119:57-60, Proverbs 25:18-20, 1 Timothy 2:1-3:7
The First Thing to Do
I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument.—1 Timothy 2:8
Although doubt can be turned destructively against error, it is also possible for it to be turned destructively against truth. How do we deal with the darker side of doubt? The first thing we must do is to bring every doubt into the open and examine it. Most Christians fail to do this; they do nothing with their doubts and just hope they will go away.
But the way people react to their doubts is an indication of their attitude to doubt itself. Many feel ashamed when they experience doubt and thus push it below the surface of their minds and refuse to recognize it. Some even regard doubt as the unpardonable sin. Others treat it as an unmentionable subject and never refer to any doubts they have for fear they are letting the team down. I myself sometimes struggle with doubt—even after more than fifty years in the Christian life.
In the months following my conversion, I had doubts about the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible until I decided to accept it by faith. When I did, all my doubts concerning it were immediately dissolved, and from that day to this I have never had one doubt about the reliability of Scripture. But I have doubted other things—particularly in the area of personal guidance. I have learned, however, not to let doubts threaten or intimidate me, and when they come I simply look them in the face and say: “I am going to put you in harness and make you work to bring me closer to God.”
Now my doubts get fewer and fewer.
Father, how can I sufficiently thank You for showing me how to take the negative things of life and turn them into positives? Nothing need work against me when I have You within. I am so thankful. Amen.
Further Study
What did Paul admit to?
What did John affirm?
Did you read that “the way many react to doubt is an indication of their attitude to doubt itself, while some feel ashamed, some see it as unpardonable sin, others treats it as an unmentionable subject because f the fear of letting his/her team down.”
But that shouldn’t be, by this teaching we expected to confront our doubts and put them where it belong. Did you read that “your doubt if well handled should moves you closer and nearer to God. You must not allow doubt to take advantage of you and put you in disadvantage; rather your doubt when confronted and overcome will help you soar high like the eagle.
Holding on the Word of God which faileth not you should be able to stand firm, look directly into the eye of doubt and declare the Word- “I am healed”, “I am rich,” “I cannot be move,” “The Lord is my strength and my salvation,” “He is my refuge,” “He is my Rewarder,” “He is my strong Refuge.”
Beloved, what is that thing you are trusting the Lord for? Dearly beloved, what are your heart desires, I will enjoin you to look up for it in the book of life (Bible) and claim it for yourself. Hold on to it and sooner than you ever imagine you will have it in your hand.
I trust that someone who is believing God for healing is positioning him/herself to be healed and that woman trusting God for the fruit of the womb will say today I am not barren but fruitful because the Word of God say so. That woman /man trusting God for a breakthrough is saying “I am rich” according to the Word of God and as you look steadily into unfailing Word of God you will receive what you are standing in for.
The word of God is truth, it standeth sure, it faileth not, but the first thing to do is to hold every doubt captive and stand on the One who made the promise because there is no turning of shadow in him. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved on this note, we declare this open and blessed and by the grace of God and by the grace of God at the end of this month all what we are standing for will be delivered to us by the grace of God. go in this might (never doubt the Word you receive from the altar).
See you on top at the end!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord