Glory be to the Lord in the highest alleluia!  Glory be to the Lord in the highest alleluia! Everybody shout alleluia! alleluia, alleluia alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen! Amen!! Glory glory alleluia, glory glory praise the Lord! Glory glory alleluia, glory glory praise the Lord! Come and see the Lord goodness His mercies and compassion I have seen the goodness alleluia Praise the Lord!

It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our sight, Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!! faithful Father thank You for the gift of this year, only a fool will say there is no God, for our God liveth and reigneth forever more. Thank You Father for Your Divine Presence that lead us all through  this year, it can only You, there is on other Praise the Living God!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We thank You Father all have done for us, we come to adore Your Holy Name for the great and mighty things You have done for us and You are still in the business of doing great and marvelous things You did for and You are still doing in the lives of your children Praise be to Your Name

Beloveth are thanking God for making you part of the day, many fought to see but they are no more but you still standing, can you give a big shout.

He has done it for me, He has done it for me. He has done it for me, what mama cannot do, He has done it for me, what my papa cannot do He has done it for me. Praise the living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!

Satan came to steal, destroy and to kill but our Saviour came to give us life in abundance, Praise be the Name of the Lord. Before we get into our final lap of using Worship and praises as a weapon of spiritual warfare, we want to give those that are yet to know Jesus the opportunity to give their life to Jesus. In spite your shameful life style Jesus still die for you and what to share His glory with you, if you have that convention just click here to surrender your live to Him and partake of the blessings “from glory glory agenda as promised of by  our Father who are in heaven.

Beloveth are still seeking for help and reason to thank God, please join us as we dig deeper in our teaching today.

We can all agree that none of us cab escape troubles in this life.  as a matter of fact, one of the promises that is often overlooked is “in this life, you WILL have trouble” (Jn 16:33) but Jesus said “but take heart, I have overcome the world.” So if Jesus has already overcome the world, then how are we to fight in times of trouble? We simply worship Him. this may not sound like the most effective weapon but I assured you, it is

You see the posture of worship is surrender. In the natural it seems as a sign of weakness. However, this is not about surrender to your enemy, but it s about surrending to your King, you must understand that the King you worship is far greater than anything that may come against you

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were face with trouble and have a decision to make. They choose to honour God and in their responded “we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter- for our God to deliver us but if He chose not we will still not bow to the gold god you have made and God did deliver them.

Therefore beloveth focus his on goodness and He will fight your battle. To live in His Presence is to live in victory. Worship is the weapon.

The world today is filled with a lot of uncertainty, these changes causes anxiety and stress for many. In some cases people are unable to go to church, it is hard to see the silver lining, and hard to keep a positive mindset in the midst of so much uncertainty.

What do we do, as believers; we must do what we always do when we are going through a period of hardship. “Worship”

Beloveth, as we worship our God on this last day be sure that whatever that is left to be delivered to you, it will be done speedily before the year roll over.

Thank God this last day is our faith clinic, so make you faith count. In addition to worship let us consider the glory that awaits every true child of God if you allow the Spirit of God to work in your life:.

May His grace abound for us now and forever more, let us discover more:

Ezekiel 20:1-21:7,Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 28:1-3, James 1:22-2:17

The Glory

Hold on to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.—James 2:1

Can you think of anything that could occupy our attention more profitably than considering how to become more like Jesus? The central condition of this is the “unveiled face.” As the Scripture says, “We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory” (2Co 3:18).

Notice, however, that we must lift the veils if we are to be transformed. When Jesus was crucified, the veil of the temple was rent in two, symbolizing the fact that the heart of the universe was laid bare as redemptive love. Since God has unveiled Himself in Jesus, so we in response ought to unveil our faces, drop our masks, gaze in wonder—and in the gazing, be made like Him. It may be that there will be many veils that you will have to lift—veils of dishonesty, hypocrisy, legalism, pride—but I assure you that when they go, He comes.

Just think—we who are born of the dust of the earth are being gradually transformed into the most beautiful image this planet has ever seen: the image of Christ. What a destiny! The wonder of that transformation can only be explained by one word—”glory.” The drabness, staleness, and dullness of life is replaced by living that has freshness in it.

Can we live continuously like that? Yes—in His strength. “Grace” and “glory” are often connected in the New Testament. Take the grace, and you get the glory. What a way to live. Glory! Glory! Glory!


Father, help me to lift every veil in my life so that the light of Your countenance may shine through. You are Light and You want to make me light. Let Your radiance steal into every darkened corner of my being now and forever. Amen.

Further Study

Jn 1:10-14; Col 1:6; 2Pt 3:18

What were the characteristics of Christ’s glory?

Make them the characteristics of your own life.

Beloveth, may this promised glory be reveal in your life as that guarantee our eternal home after here on earth. May God help us to be vessel of honour unto good and acceptable services before Him.

Beloveth, the year must deliver all its goodness to us before it finally roll away in Jesus Name.

From allofus@ overcomers-faith wishing a more resounding 2021 Year ahead in Jesus Name.


Glorious God Beautiful King Excellent God we bow before Your throne, to worship at Your feet, You are a glorious God.

Happy New Year in Jesus Name.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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