Lord, You are faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful is the Lord. Lord, You are faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful is the Lord.
Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods, who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia!
I will magnify You Lord (I will magnify You Lord), Who is worthy to be Praise (Who is worthy to be Praise) I will glorify the Lord (I will glorify the Lord) who is worthy to be Praise eeee, the Lord reigneth, blessed be Thy Lord, honour to the Lord, let the God of my salvation be exalted. The Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia for the Lord God Almighty reign, alleluia Holy, Holy are You Lord God all mighty, worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb You are Holy, are you Lord Almighty worthy is the lamb Alleluia to Jesus, worthy is the Lamb.
Come let Praise the Lord! (Come let Praise the Lord) Come Praise the Lord (Come let’s Praise the Lord) He is Jehovah (Tell the world of His faithfulness) He is El-Shaddai (Tell the world of His salvation) Spread the news around (Tell the world of his praise) Come lets praise the Lord (Praise the Lord) Forever and ever my God He is the same
He’ll never Change. From eternity to eternity. He’ll be my God. Praise Him!! Jehovah. Praise Him!!
Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good. Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good. Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good. Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good
Glory glory alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord! Glory glory alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord!, glory glory Lord, we give You, we give You glory Lord! glory glory Lord, You are a Mighty God! You are a Mighty God.
What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve, Heaven and earth adore Thee, Angels bow before Him, What a Mighty God we serve. What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve, Heaven and earth adore Thee, Angels bow before Him, What a Mighty God we serve.
I will lift up Your Name higher, I will lift up Your Name higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega, I will lift up Your Name higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega, I will lift up Your Name higher.
You are the reason why I lift my hands, Why I lift my voice, Why I sing to You, You are the reason I’m alive today
I am here to say,It’s all because of You, (Repeat) You are the reason, You are the reason, You are the reason, You are the reason, You are the reason why I lift my hands, Why I lift my voice, Why I sing to You, You are the reason I’m alive, I am here to say, It’s all because of You. You are the reason, You are the reason, You are the reason, You are the reason
You are highly lift up there is no one like You alleluia, alleluia, You are highly lift up there is no one like You alleluia, alleluia, You are highly lift up there is no one like You alleluia, alleluia, You are highly lift up there is no one like You alleluia, alleluia, Jehovah You are most high Jehovah You are the most high God, Jehovah You are the Most high, Jehovah You are the Most High God.
Beloved, is the Lord the reason why you are living? Are you finding the joy and peace promised us by God Almighty? In Him truly is our peace and rejoicing. He is an Excellent Redeemer, all power belongs to Him alone, In Him is our peace, yes! our peace.
You that is troubled in your Spirit, I want you to know that God is your peace, everything around may fail you but God remaineth Your peace. You feel like giving up, You feel as the end is here, I want you to know that God is Your strength, see him as the only reason why You are life and you are living right now. let nothing else matter to you now. Return back to Him, lean solely on Him and see His Hand doing the miraculous, He is ready now to heal you and restore back to you all that cankerworm, and the palmerworms, and the caterpiller has eaten from you, He is here to restore. Much more than you have lost the Lord is ready to restore to you, for the glory of the latter rain shall be greater than the former. Praise the Lord! Pour your heart to Him and believe Him to heal Him.
Beloved, if only you will turn away from sin, repent from your sin and come back to Him, stop depending on your wits, for it will not take you far, come with worship, come with Praise and see God turn away your captivity and return your glory.
Your natural eyes may not see it happening soon but as you Praise God this morning and practice His Presence as the day go by, you will see the Hand of God working in that situation and working out Your salvation and you will be glad you obeyed.
Come and see more of His glory:
Hosea 11:1-14:9, Psalm 141:7-10, Proverbs 30:15-17, Revelation 4:1-5:14
The Only Cure
Take words of repentance with you and return to the Lord.—Hosea 14:2
How do we deal with demandingness? We must repent of it. Our passage today tells us how.
First: “Return to the Lord.” The key to ridding ourselves of anything that is spiritually injurious is to return to God. The pursuit of God involves a shift away from dependence on one’s own resources to dependence on God. Doing good and correcting wrong behavior does not automatically make us good people. Obedience is extremely important, but it must be accompanied by deep, heart repentance.
Second, the passage says: “Take words of repentance with you.” This phrase means that we must put into words a clear description of what we are repenting of. If we are not clear about what is going on inside us, how can we repent of it?
Next: “Forgive all our sin.” Repentance puts us in touch with God’s forgiveness. We can work to bring about change also, but the greatest catalyst for change is humbly positioning ourselves before God and asking for His forgiveness.
Then: “Accept what is good, so that we may repay You with praise from our lips.” The thought here is: “Receive us that we may worship You more effectively.” The purpose of all restoration is to worship God. We will be drawn into true worship when we give up insisting on our own way and learn to trust God for our own happiness. When repentance moves us from a spirit of demandingness to absolute trust in God, then we are in the place where God is able to make our feet like “hinds’ feet” and equip us with the ability to ascend into the heights with Him.
Tender and skillful Invader of my heart, I yield my stricken being to You for healing. “Be of sin the double cure.” Drain every drop of demandingness from my being. For I want not only to be better but to be whole. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
Jl 2:12-18; Isa 55:7; Ps 34:18; 51:17
What does God not despise?
What does it mean to “rend your heart”?
Beloved, did you read that repentance put us in touch with God’s forgiveness? When you have received forgiveness, your worship becomes a living sacrifice before God and as it goes up in heaven, the Lord receives it and pour down His blessings upon you.
Make your worship an acceptable sacrifice dearly beloved and repent of every sin and the glory of the Lord will locate you and bless you. Amen Amen Amen!!!
No more demandingness in our life, we will henceforth stand on the promise of God and allow His “Will” to flow through your life and make us obedient to Him alone in Jesus Name.
Come; let us sing this song together as we surrender our will into His Will:
Verse 1
I just want to be where You are,
dwelling daily in Your presence
I don’t want to worship from afar,
draw me near to where You are
Verse 2
I just want to be where You are,
in Your dwelling place forever
Take me to the place where You are,
I just want to be with You
I want to be where You are,
dwelling in Your presence
Feasting at Your table,
surrounded by Your glory
In Your presence,
that’s where I always want to be
I just want to be,
I just want to be with You
Verse 3
I just want to be where You are,
to enter boldly in Your presence
I don’t want to worship from afar,
draw me near to where You are
Oh, my God,
You are my strength and my song
And when I’m in Your presence
Though I’m weak You’re always strong
(Repeat Verses 1 and 2)
I just want to be
I just want to be with You
Are you ready and willing to feast on His table? Are you willing to be surrounded by his glory? Do you desire to be in His Presence? Then the Lord will bless you as His Word have declared to us, He will heal us and do the impossible in our lives. Praise the Lord.
See you on Monday by his special grace amen, amen, amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord