Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God I bow before Your throne! 2x I bow before Your throne, I worship at Your feet, I bow before Your throne, You the glorious God. // Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify! Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify!

Our Father we bow before Thee, we worship at Your Feet, You are a Glorious God.

(Song) Thank You Jesus, You are the owner of my soul, Alpha Omega You are worthy to be Praise, in all generation There is no one like Thee, Alpha Omega You are worthy to be Praise.

That is our heartfelt song to You Father this moment and we pray You receive it as thanksgiving offering in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, are you thanking God for answers to prayers. You may have been praying and it seems as if answers are not coming, beloveth hold on and keep praying, no sooner than you think God will come in an excepted way and answer your prayer.

You read my testimony yesterday over an issue that have been interceded over for twenty solid years, no solution was in view but I kept praying and trusting God that He will honour His Name in that situation. I refuse to give up; I refuse to agree with satan and his cohorts solutions. I completely stand on God’s Word and Promises knowing that my Father will come though I may not know when and how.

So I keep praying and kept reminding Him of His Word, His covenants and promise to those who trust and believe in Him. I keep holding on to the miracles that are yet to be delivered to me and holding captive every words that make itself mighty than God and at least in what looks like a mistake on my part as was confirmed by the other parties now turn out to be the miracle standing point.

God use my failings and inadequacies to work out my miracle so that I will not have a part of glory or honour to share out of it. Beloveth at my failing point God arose and did a miracle that my good works could not deliver to me; my angry could not work out for me God use it and brought glory to Him. When all hope was gone and when no schemes was in view, God arose and resolve this outstanding problem for twenty horrible years, God leveled it out and grant us victory.

Beloveth our God is a bulldozer Praise the Lord somebody!!! He goes to the very foundation of any problem and repair without leaving a scare (Ps 11:3). Are you praising God with us? Yes! When you rejoice at someone’s victory, soon yours will arrive because- life is turn by turn.

Beloveth don’t forget the Promise of God to us at season, He said it and He is able to do it. Don’t neglect the Word of God as it is not in us to bring it to past but in Him to bring it past but you first believe and to everyone that believeth nothing shall be impossible unto him/her. Amen somebody.

God worked in a way I was looking at, He came in the moment I have no plan or agenda to pursue my course. He arose at the moment I was on the floor asking Him to help me. God came in when I could not look at any other quarter for solution rather looking steadily unto Jesus (Word) the Author and Finisher of my faith, right at that point God walked in. On 4th August 2021 exactly twenty years down the memory lane when satan caused the affliction, God worked in to resolved it, in His own way.

Beloveth, I don’t know the challenges that are standing before you right now, it may be much older than mine, it may be less but “listen” there is an appointed time for the expiration. There is a set time for your miracle and solution to be delivered all you need do is to keep on holding to the Word of God.

We always make the mistake of talking about faith without feeding our faith ground. Beloveth, a farmer cannot plant a crop without first clearing and removing dangerous things that will hinder his crops from growing, afterward he cultivate the ground and subsequently he will keep working on it until harvest time.

The farmer will weed and manure the crop portion; he will water it if the land is not having sufficient supply. He will walk around to see if there is any plant that is having hindrances to its growth. He kept at it and he will categorically tell you that he is expecting a good/poor harvest because he knows the state of his crop.

But what do we do in our case in spiritual matters concerning our life. We just heard a Word that look like the solution we are looking for, claim it and just be waiting for the manifestation without working on it.

How do you work it out? Beloveth by sitting with the Word- discover what the Word is saying and obeying what the Word is instructing you to do. You have to feed in your Spirit mind with God’s Word and do not give satan footing to stand on by holding captive every thoughts and imaginations that he will use to torment you.

By the grace of God we will be bring forth ways how to pray the Word of God into our lives and situation. Also we will also be looking at how to discover who is controlling your thoughts line. When you get these to secrets, we believe you will begin to war positively and enter into your freedom which Christ has already won for you. You will be at liberated from kingdoms powers and also to avoid using your liberty to sin against God. Alleluia somebody!

Beloveth, life is a battle and only those who trust in the God will overcome because they are born of Him (1Jn 5:4-5). That is the focal standing of this ministry to be victorious, to overcomer the world even as Jesus has overcomer for us but we must enter into that victory or else we will struggle all through. Praise the Living Jesus!!!

Beloveth, considering our text this morning and our discussion you will see that only those who know their God shall be strong.

Talking about the farmer and our spiritual life/exercise, you can see that it is not enough for us to see that we believe or claim it, as important as that might sound it also important that we work and cooperate with God as He lead us, else we will make the journey longer than it suppose to be.

We must spend time on the Word to know or discover the Nature of God in whom we believe and once you know that there is turning of shadow with Him (Jas 1:17), beloveth you pitch your tent and relax always in His Presence feeding daily on His Word obeying every instructions, receive grace when it seems difficult and sooner than you think God will come through for you.

Is someone hearing what we are saying? Remember nothing is too difficult for our God to do. God goes to the very foundation of the problem and get it sorted out. Man will breakdown the walls to fix the problem from foundation which is usually what happens or we see when we don’t wait on God and in that case you have injurious party and sometime casualty that might result in death of one party.

But all these can be resolve if you know your God. come along with us to discover more:


“The people that do know their God shall be strong.” Daniel 11:32


Every believer understands that to know God is the highest and best form of knowledge; and this spiritual knowledge is a source of strength to the Christian. It strengthens his faith.

Believers are constantly spoken of in the Scriptures as being persons who are enlightened and taught of the Lord; they are said to “have an unction from the Holy One,” and it is the Spirit’s peculiar office to lead them into all truth, and all this for the increase and the fostering of their faith.

Knowledge strengthens love, as well as faith. Knowledge opens the door, and then through that door we see our Saviour. Or, to use another similitude, knowledge paints the portrait of Jesus, and when we see that portrait then we love Him, we cannot love a Christ whom we do not know, at least, in some degree.

If we know but little of the excellences of Jesus, what He has done for us, and what He is doing now, we cannot love Him much; but the more we know Him, the more we shall love Him. Knowledge also strengthens hope.

How can we hope for a thing if we do not know of its existence? Hope may be the telescope, but till we receive instruction, our ignorance stands in the front of the glass, and we can see nothing whatever; knowledge removes the interposing object, and when we look through the bright optic glass we discern the glory to be revealed, and anticipate it with joyous confidence.

Knowledge supplies us reasons for patience. How shall we have patience unless we know something of the sympathy of Christ, and understand the good which is to come out of the correction which our heavenly Father sends us? Nor is there one single grace of the Christian which, under God, will not be fostered and brought to perfection by holy knowledge.

How important, then, is it that we should grow not only in grace, but in the “knowledge” of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Beloveth, I wish to stop here, to add nothing more to the teaching we just read.

How do we grow or know the excellence of Jesus if we don’t read to discover what He has done to our friends, neighbors or even to our enemies. How He saved that sinner and healed the sick ones.

Beloveth is so important that we grow not only in grace but also in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 1:17-18). Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will want you read what happens when you are flooded with knowledge of God dearly beloved in Eph 4: 11-15 (16).

Beloveth, you will get to that level where you will be a vessel use by God to build His church but all lays in knowing your God through His Word.

Do you want to be strong, then grow in the knowledge of Him and you will do exploits. Praise the Lord!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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