Unquestionable You are the Lord. Unquestionable You are the Lord. Unquestionable, Unquestionable, Unquestionable You are the Lord.// Come see the Lord is good, Come see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, Come see the Lord is good,
Father, indeed You are the Lord, there is no one like You, Lord. You are Greater than what we call You, Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise, Father You reign. We come to bow before You in great honour of Who You are. Thank You Father for 2018, You are indeed so good to us, we thank You ahead of 2019 because we know that Your kindness will not depart from us.
You will do us good not evil, You will lead us on the path of righteousness and no evil shall befall us. We bow before Thee, we give You Praise, honour, adoration be ascribe unto You alone in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, our God is good to us, I came with heart of “Gratitude” to worship the Lord for His guidance and protection since the inception of this ministry up until now. He’s been so good to us. He has never failed to show up in our situation. He is a faithful God. His love in unquantifiable, His kindness is so great.
In His infinite mercy, He did spared us to be part of this year, glory be to His Name always. Beloved, many might have been the challenges of the past years but today the Word of God is coming your way to clam the trouble sea and set the captive free from their captors in Jesus Name.
I believe we encountered God in diverse ways last year and this year will not be an exception in Jesus Name. Beloved, during the course of this year there are “Three things” we must do to make it a huge success, first, we must walk with Jesus our Mediator and Model, we must be guided by the Holy Spirit, our counselor, and we must not forsake the assemblies of other believers, in order to make our journey smooth and safe because we have not walk this way before.
We will also be considering different books during the course of year in form of devotional and other anointed books that will aid our journey and daily build up our faith in our Lord Jesus.
There is going to be some modification in our presentation this year as the Lord liveth, we will be presenting to you what the Spirit of God is say to us as a ministry per time. Our emphasis will be more on our Year theme and we will as the Lord direct bring to us other sub theme or topics that may be coming up once in while to give us direction in achievement of the Yearly Theme.
Remember the only thing that is constant in life is change and in view of that we will be bring in those things that will help us to know God better and aid our Christian life to eternal glory at the end.
However, this changes came up as the Spirit of God lay this verse of the bible in my heart while I was praying at the early morning hour of the first day of this year Luke 10:25. I repeated it over and over again to myself till I get hold of my bible and search it out. And it said” 25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Luke 10:25 (KJV).
You will agree with me that this is a question, so it will only make sense if we read further to get the answer and on reading further you will see the responses of Jesus and that of the young lawyer and the concluding part of the story.
Therefore beloved, you will agree with me that the interest of our Lord Jesus is for you and I to seek above every other thing the way to Eternal Life by loving God with all thy heart, , and with all thy soul, with all Thy strength, with all thy mind and to love thy neighbor as thyself.
As much as God wants to us prosper, He will also want us to think highly of heaven as that is the end of the matter after we have lived here on earth.
Our aim here as a ministry is to pattern our lives as that of Jesus Christ, having Jesus as a role model shunning sin and its vices and desiring daily to live as Jesus lived while here on earth.
On this background dearly beloved, I am glad to announce to you the mind of God concerning us as a ministry, our theme for this year 2019 is “Glorious Manifestation” Isa 62:1-12.
I am so delighted to welcome you to your Year of Glorious Manifestation” as said by the Lord, the King of Glory, Praise the Lord. Beloved, you will according to the plan of God move from level of glory to another level of glory. You shall no longer called forsaken neither shall thy land any more termed Desolate, but thou shall be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah; for the Lord delight in Thee and thy land shall be married. The Lord had also appointed watchmen upon thy walls, the Lord is making you a Praise on the earth. The Lord has not only promised to do all these for you, He also took an oath by His right Hand, and the Arm of His strength shall bring it to pass.
Listen more, your land shall be married and therefore it will produce corn, the Lord said that He shall no longer give it as meat to thy enemies neither will your wine by drink by the sons of strangers.
Am sure by now someone is delighted with the promises of the Lord and you are jumping and dancing as I am doing as this is a great promise and miracles the Lord is poised to do for you and I in this glorious year. I cannot wait to see the glory of the Lord bestowed upon His children and to hear the new name the mouth of the Lord will call us, His children.
Beloved, Glorious Manifestation is a package with many compartments ranging from Joy, Love, Peace, Protection, Provision, Security, Up-Lifting, Promotions, Patients, Kindness, Blessings, Favours, Knowledge, Understanding and many more as the Hand of the Lord will perform for His children.
I therefore encourage you to keep dates with us as you will not only be blessed but also a blessing to all around you. The “victory” won last year cannot be compare with the “Glory” you will exhibit as the day go by.
Sin destroys glory, and some glory are covered by satan and his cohorts but as the mouth of the Lord has declared so shall it be unto us, that He will longer hold His peace nor rest till your righteousness go forth as brightness, the gentiles and the kings shall see thy glory and He the Lord will call you a new Name, shout a powerful alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
We will run our devotional as usual, we will also teach on prayers and faith and most importantly ensure that we learn more on PCL. The Hand of the Lord will do all these, so do not be afraid as the Lord will lead us and we follow on.
So we kick off the year by laying the foundation of what our primary focus should be and on this foundation we will build. God bless you as you study and do by the Spirit of the Most High God, Alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Genesis 1:1-2:25, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-4, Matthew 1:1-25
The Primary Focus
In the beginning God.—Genesis 1:1
We focus on what is without doubt the most noble and loftiest of themes: the nature and character of God. I have noticed that Christians, generally speaking, seem to be preoccupied with knowing more about themselves rather than knowing more about God. Ask any Christian bookshop manager: “What are the best-selling books?” Not those that unfold for us the nature of God, but those that direct us toward such things as how to get a better self-image, how to manage money, how to find inner healing, how to get more excitement out of life, and so on. Not that these subjects are unimportant, but they are explored in a self-absorbed way that gives the idea that the most important thing in life is knowing ourselves better. It isn’t. The most important thing in life is knowing God better.
John Lancaster, a minister in Cardiff, South Wales, in an article entitled “Where on Earth Is God?” asks the question: “Given a choice between attending a seminar, say, on the ‘Glory of God in Isaiah’ and one on ‘The Christian and Sex,’ to which would you go?” He makes the point also that although the church often answers the questions that people are asking, the real problem may be that people are not asking the right questions. In today’s church we are far too man-centered and not God-centered.
It is not by accident, I believe, that the Bible opens with the thunderous acclaim: “In the beginning God.” I tell you with all the conviction of which I am capable: if God is not our primary focus, then everything else will soon get out of focus.
O Father, from this day help me determine to make You my primary focus. And give me the grace and strength to maintain it, through all the fluctuations and uncertainties of the days ahead. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Further Study
Jn 1:1-5; Col 1:15-20; Heb 12:2; Rv 1:8
What did the Lord declare to John the revelator?
What did the apostle John declare?
Beloved, God must be our primary focus in life. May God help us to make “Him” our primary focus in life through Jesus Name. For when we do every other thing shall be added unto us and will never miss the target “Eternal Life” as said the Spirit of the God.
On this note we declare the year open and the week also and by God’s grace we will be have series of testimonies come the end of the week in Jesus Name.
May the blessings of the Lord rest upon you all through the year in Jesus Name as we celebrate the New Year. Happy New year dearly beloved from allofus@overcomer-faith.org
Remain blessed in the Lord.