Wonderful marvelous are works of the Lord Praise be Thy Lord. Wonderful marvelous are works of the Lord Praise be Thy Lord.// glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen, for His mercies enduerth forever Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!

Our Father in heaven, we bow before You, we give You Praise adoration and honour, great are You Lord. you are greatly to be Praise Father You reign, great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign. How excellent is You Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name O Name! Thank You Lord for the wonderful things You have done, You are doing and will continue to do in our lives and situation in Jesus Name. Faithful Father, You are too good to us, let the praises be given to You alone who is who of our Praises in Jesus Name. how Great are You works in our life blessed be Thou Holy Name in Jesus Name.

Beloved, we are in the Passion week according to Christian’s calendar. It stands for the period Christ had a Triumphant entry into Jerusalem, The Last Supper, His Betrayer, His subsequent arrest and Judgment, Scouring and His death. It is a week full of anxiety and fear, as we see as the day go by. Jesus predicted His betrayer by same person that dipped hand in the same bowl with Him. the disciple became anxious to know who want to betray Him. Satan entered Judas as to bring about the prediction of the Word to past.

It was a week of sorrow and agony to the disciples and the entire Christian race. You have to understand as this time is the trying period for our Jesus, the summation of arrival some decade ago, and the price tag to our salvation and redemption. Beloved is an loaded week.

We will be taking off from the point of His triumphant entry in Jerusalem. Prophet Zechariah predicted it long before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in Zecha 9:9 and it came to past in Jn 12:15. Beloved, this very portion of the scripture brought fear into me as these word of prophesy came to past as said by the prophet Zechariah. Jesus chose to ride on a colt of no significant as the kings and prominent people of His time would prefer to ride on horses. But as the Word had it “ He made no reputation of Himself but rather He humbled Himself even Thou He is equal with His Father (Phil 2:5-8).

Beloved, we will be taking lessons from the events that took place at these crucial periods and to examine our lives, and put into practices. Jesus having done it for us, we will by the grace of God learn from Him.

During His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, one of the Pharisees asked Him to rebuke his disciples who were hailing Him King. Jesus in return told Him that if they hold they peace, the stones would immediately cry out, beloved, that got me thinking. Did you hear that? If you chose not to take your place in where the “Will of God” had place you, stones will take over! No wonder many are crying that in they use to be on fire for Christ and they don’t know what happened to them of late.

Hummmh, beloved you need to check out where you lost it, is possible you attitude has denied you the destiny. Is possible another has taken over the work or ministry entrusted into your hand. And in case you are still on fire for the Lord but you are considering either a quit or a break, listen there will be no break at all, as soon you keep your mouth shut for the Lord, immediately the Spirit will rest on another to carry on.

There will no end in God work till He comes back in glory. If stones can cry out in the time Jesus beloved, what do you think will happen in this dispensation of the Holy Spirit? The Spirit will rest on more one individual in all Continent of the world, so beware.

Beloveth, stones will not take my place, not me not the place of my children or even generation yet unborn if Christ tarries by the grace of God, what about you?

Join me as we learn more from the message below:

“I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” Luke 19:40

But could the stones cry out? Assuredly they could if He who opens the mouth of the dumb should bid them lift up their voice. Certainly if they were to speak, they would have much to testify in praise of Him who created them by the word of His power; they could extol the wisdom and power of their Maker who called them into being.

Shall not we speak well of Him who made us anew, and out of stones raised up children unto Abraham? The old rocks could tell of chaos and order, and the handiwork of God in successive stages of creation’s drama; and cannot we talk of God’s decrees, of God’s great work in ancient times, in all that He did for His church in the days of old? If the stones were to speak, they could tell of their breaker, how he took them from the quarry, and made them fit for the temple, and cannot we tell of our glorious Breaker, who broke our hearts with the hammer of His word, that He might build us into His temple?

If the stones should cry out they would magnify their builder, who polished them and fashioned them after the similitude of a palace; and shall not we talk of our Architect and Builder, who has put us in our place in the temple of the living God? If the stones could cry out, they might have a long, long story to tell by way of memorial, for many a time hath a great stone been rolled as a memorial before the Lord; and we too can testify of Ebenezers, stones of help, pillars of remembrance.

The broken stones of the law cry out against us, but Christ Himself, who has rolled away the stone from the door of the sepulchre, speaks for us. Stones might well cry out, but we will not let them: we will hush their noise with ours; we will break forth into sacred song, and bless the majesty of the Most High, all our days glorifying Him who is called by Jacob the Shepherd and Stone of Israel.

Beloved, be in Spirit and remember the promise of the month to us. Jesus cleanses and took away our sins and sorrows. Be out for the gospel of our Lord Jesus and do not let the stones cry out on your behalf. God forbid!

Beloved, we stand in our place as good soldiers of the Jesus Christ, we will keep watch as were commanded by Him and finally we will “Go” as were commanded before His ascension into heaven. Stones will never take my place in Jesus Name. On this note we declare the week open and we will return at the end will testimonies in Jesus Name. (Ezek 33:7, 2Tim 2:4, Matt 28:18-20).

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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