All over the world the Spirit is moving, All over the world as the prophet said it should be, All over the world there mighty revelation as the glory of the Lord, as the water covered the sea. Right here in our midst the Spirit is moving, right here in our midst as the prophet said it should be, right here in our midst there mighty revelation as the glory of the Lord as the water covered the sea.// who is like unto Thee O Lord! who is like unto Thee O! Lord, among the gods, who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.
How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Wonderful is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Wonderful is Thy Name O Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name O Lord!
Father, receive our praises, receive our worship, be glorify in Jesus Name. We worship You, We give praises Lord, let everything that has breath Praise You O! Lord!!! You O! Lord will yet bless us as we offer praises to You with a grateful heart, we adore You, we bow before Your throne with the twenty and four elders in heaven to acknowledge Your Majesty, Your Sovereignty in our lives and all over the world. Be Thou glorify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, it another beautiful day the Lord has made us to be everything He created us to be, why not shout alleluia!!!! to Him in appreciation of what He has done and will yet do for you to live a fulfilled life in this part of eternity and at the end to join His Son and rest in heaven.
Is another Wednesday the last of it in month of our Supernatural Wonders, I believe that someone wants to pray until something happen, that need is getting attention as heaven is attending to it now as you pray. that illness is healed as you being to pray. your womb is carrying twins if only You will begin to pray now, that crisis is ending now if you can cry for help as you pray, dear beloved, satan is surrendering to the Spirit of God if only You can pray, beloved open your mouth to pray and receive answers to your prayer, as you delight yourself before God He will grant you the desires of your heart.
Rise up and stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop doubting as the Lord has spoken concerning this matter and He will surely bring to past in Jesus Name.
Are you ready to pray? lift up your Holy hands before God, tremble before the Lord and see Him do wonders in the camp of your enemies, yes! the God that smites the Egyptians and clogged the wheels of their cart and drowned them in the Red sea is your God!
He is same yesterday, today and forever. He has not change and will never change in Jesus Name, that same God is here today to do the impossible and the miraculous in your life and situation. Don’t allow today to slip away without touching heaven as you pray because God is walking in that situation and He is making a way for you right now, He has started another impossibility with me, I could not fathom the lovingkindness of this my God unto me and my household.
This God is too much ooo! This God is Awesome, this God is impossibility made possible. I am dancing before my Creator, there is none like, there is none like Him indeed in Jesus Name.
Come and see this God that is your God and see the wonders He has done, He is doing and will yet do in Jesus Name:
Ezekiel 21:8-22:31, Psalm 127:1-5, Proverbs 28:4-5, James 2:18-3:12
This God Is Your God
Will your courage endure or your hands be strong in the days when I deal with you?—Ezekiel 22:14
God is powerful in judgment. When He smites, none can resist Him. The flood of Noah’s day is one such example, when the entire race—with the exception of eight people—was swept away (Gn 6:1-9:18). When a shower of fire and brimstone fell from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah, all the cities of the plain were destroyed (Gn 19:1-29). Pharaoh and his hosts found themselves impotent when God blew upon them at the Red Sea (Ex 14:1-31).
What does the contemplation of God’s power do for us?
First, it causes us to tremble before Him. The trouble with many modern men and women is that they do not tremble before God. To treat with impudence the One who can crush us more easily than we can a tiny ant is, as someone put it, “a suicidal policy.” “Pay homage to the Son,” said the psalmist, “or He will be angry, and you will perish … for His anger may ignite at any moment” (Ps 2:12).
Second, contemplating God’s great power causes us to adore Him. Who can consider the might of this awesome God without wanting to worship Him? The rebellious heart will resist this, but the heart cleansed by the blood of Christ will bow in homage and say: “Who is like You, glorious in holiness, revered with praises, performing wonders?” (Ex 15:11). No prayer is too hard for Him to answer, no need too great for Him to supply, no predicament too great for Him to solve. Lay hold on this great and gripping truth: this God is your God.
O Father, I see that contemplation of You tilts my soul in Your direction. I realize that without You I am nothing. May I tremble before You until my trembling turns to adoration and ever-increasing trust. Amen.
Further Study
Ps 114:1-8; 1Ch 16:30-31; Isa 66:1-3
What can the presence of the Lord do?
Who does the Lord esteem?
Beloved, do you tremble before God? Do you stand in awe of Who He is every time His Name is mentioned? Do you reverence God because Who He is?
As you have read today, you cannot serve God without being in awe of Who He is. The God of our Fathers is still same today doing wondrous things in our live. How beautify is our God and how faithful are His works unto us.
Come let us worship and reverence His Holy Name, let us lift our hands in worship and adore Him forever as we pray and God will again do that which only Him can do in our life and situation in Jesus Name.
Beloved we have Saturdays before the end of the year. As ministry we are going to do something as I was directed by the Spirit of God in the early hours of today.
We will be dedicating these “Five Saturdays” in Praise and Worship to God Almighty as He fight our battles and win same for us and navigate through us this year to the coming year. Our glorious manifestation must be fully delivered in Jesus Name. we must emerge a wonder at the end of this year and the coming year will meet us gloriously in Jesus Name.
So be Praise ready as the Spirit of God will help us to offer an accepted worship to God in Jesus Name. And when our praises goes up; our blessings will come down.
Be Praise ready and see the wonders our God will do for you.
Dearly beloved it is time to pray, don’t be slothful but pray with fervency and God will answer you in Jesus Name.
Father in heaven O! God, hear us as we pray in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.