Let the living praise the Lord! Let the living praise the Lord! Oooh Let the living praise the Lord! Let the living praise the Lord! // Children of God! wonderful children will you shout alleluia! Shout alleluia to the Lord three times… Alleluia! Alleluia!! Alleluia!!!!!!!

Come see the Lord goodness His mercy and compassion, come see the Lord goodness alleluia Praise the Lord! Our Father we thank You, we honour You, we give You Praise alleluia to Your Holy Name!  Indeed You are Wonderful! You are great, than the greatest! Bigger thank the biggest, alleluia to your Holy Name!

I will Praise the Lord! Amen! I will Praise the Lord Amen! I worship the Lord Amen  for He has done a great thing for me.

Beloved, has the Lord done a great thing for You? He has it for me, He will do it for you, just keep on Praising Him, alleluia to Your Name.

You are the Lord that changeth not! You are the Lord that changeth

Beloved, countless things the Lord has done for us; He is doing, And will yet do in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, do you remember this song “count your blessing name them one by one, count blessings , see what the Lord has done, count blessings name the one by one and it will surprise what the Lord has done!

Beloveth still wondering while the melodies, I am just eulogizing my Father: our Father for His works in the lives of His children, great and mighty things He has done, He is doing and will yet do.  Come on celebrate the King of kings, The Ancient of days! Alleluia to His Holy Name! Thank You Father, in Jesus matchless Name we worship.

Beloved, we want to share with you great favour ever done to mankind in creation is the gift of salvation through Jesus. He is light and in His light is our light, Praise the Lord!

Beloveth, for every other gifts you may receive from the Lord will left behind but the gift of salvation is your passport to heaven! I heard a whispering in my spirit “your visa to heaven,” either way your salvation guarantees your eternal abode in heaven. Praise the Lord!

Beloveth, asides salvation are countless blessings God bestows in our lives that indeed makes our heart glad. Is someone celebrating Jesus right away!

Our God by His Outstretched Hand delivers the world from the weapon of massive destruction conceived by the some hearts of men to destroy the works of God. They confronted God as did Lucifer at the beginning and the end result is his abode here on earth forever.

Our God will bring them to judgment, none will escape. As Elijah killed all the prophet of Baal so will God judge them all. There will be no escape for them and their generations will answer for this sin according to the Word of the Lord (1Kings 18:40, Exo 34:7)

Our God delivered us and we are still in the land of living against all their predictions! We Praise Lord! Alleluia to Your Holy Name!

Come along with us for more discoveries: fourth

“Thou, Lord, hast made me glad through Thy work.” Psalm 92:4

Do you believe that your sins are forgiven, and that Christ has made a full atonement for them? Then what a joyful Christian you ought to be! How you should live above the common trials and troubles of the world! Since sin is forgiven, can it matter what happens to you now? Luther said, “Smite, Lord, smite, for my sin is forgiven; if Thou hast but forgiven me, smite as hard as Thou wilt”; and in a similar spirit you may say, “Send sickness, poverty, losses, crosses, persecution, what Thou wilt, Thou hast forgiven me, and my soul is glad.”

Christian, if thou art thus saved, whilst thou art glad, be grateful and loving. Cling to that cross which took thy sin away; serve thou Him who served thee. “I beseech you therefore, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Let not your zeal evaporate in some little ebullition of song. Show your love in expressive tokens. Love the brethren of Him who loved you. If there be a Mephibosheth anywhere who is lame or halt, help him for Jonathan’s sake.

 If there be a poor tried believer, weep with him, and bear his cross for the sake of Him who wept for thee and carried thy sins. Since thou art thus forgiven freely for Christ’s sake, go and tell to others the joyful news of pardoning mercy. Be not contented with this unspeakable blessing for thyself alone, but publish abroad the story of the cross.

Holy gladness and holy boldness will make you a good preacher, and all the world will be a pulpit for you to preach in. Cheerful holiness is the most forcible of sermons, but the Lord must give it you. Seek it this morning before you go into the world. When it is the Lord’s work in which we rejoice, we need not be afraid of being too glad.

Beloved, we ought to rejoice in the Presence of the Lord and be glad indeed for His goodness, Kindness, Restorations, healing, Provisions, safety, security and love abundantly provided for, Praise the Lord!

He has done great things for us and we are glad by His works, shout a believing Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On this note we declare this week open and we will return by God’s grace at the end with terrific testimonies in Jesus Name because favour will speak for us, if you believe shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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