What shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord! What shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord! Thank You Lord, Thank Lord,   all I have to say is Thank You Lord.// Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia!

Who is on the Lord sides, I want to know I am on the Lord’s sides. Father we declare that we are at Your sides, Father we hail Thee, glory be to Your Name on high. Father ve glorify, be honoured, be glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name. Ancient of days, arise and come in Your glory, receive our Praise and adoration, thank You for the gift of March, thank You for provisions, thank You for protections, thank You for safety, above all Father thank You for the gift of life, be magnify O Lord! be Thou exalted O God forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, what a month that set fear and anguish to the whole world, but yet you and your family were preserved against all the deadly disease that creep in the night and fly in the day, the Lord preserved Thee from them all, glory be to His Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

May the comfort all that are grief and mourning at such time like this. May they receive succor from the Holy Spirit, the Comforter and may be strengthen in the Lord in Jesus Name.

Dearly beloved, it has been a long month with so many uncertainties full with fear from news parading and reaching us from all corners but thank God for the Spirit of God Who had equipped us against the spirit of fear beforehand. We have our heart bold and strong in the Lord through His Word and prophesy we received. Father, we do not take it for granted, we therefore bow before You and worship You in Jesus Name.

Beloved, all through the month, we spent time teaching on salvation of which we were assured through our Father who willing gave up His Son to die on the cross to reconcile us back to Him. Therefore we plead with all men to take caution and desist from sin and it intending causes and focus on Christ the Savoiur of the whole world.

Through Jesus we have been afforded an anchor of hope. Through God’s promises of His Presence now and total restoration in the age to come, we can have peace in the midst of trial, joy in persecution and steadfastness when it seems nothing can go our way (1 Pet 1:3-4).

As believers, we have an inheritance of boundless communion with our heavenly Father. And with this inheritance we are called to share our hope with the lost and hopeless world.

The hope that has been freely given to you was not meant to be solely contained within you. You have a testimony in Christ that has the power to transform lives (1 Cor 13:7). You are called to hope for a better life for those around you. You are called to believe in people when no one else will. God has abundant life and relationship for all if they will simply come to know Him. He chose to use His children to share that message of hope. Your life has been transformed from being lost and lifeless to being filled with the powerful hope of the gospel. No one is hopeless. No one is beyond the saving grace of our Lord Jesus. And God is calling you to love others enough to share with them the reality of His love in both word and deed that they might have hope in God.

The only hope the world has is in Jesus. No amount of money, no friends and no politician can save us from the destruction of sin. The truth of God’s unconditional love and unmerited grace is the only source of redemption and joy this world has.

Come along with us to see more of who you are and why you must keep hope alive in those around you who are yet to find such hope:

“Thou shalt be called, Sought out.” Isaiah 62:12


The surpassing grace of God is seen very clearly in that we were not only sought, but sought out. Men seek for a thing which is lost upon the floor of the house, but in such a case there is only seeking, not seeking out. The loss is more perplexing and the search more persevering when a thing is sought out.

We were mingled with the mire: we were as when some precious piece of gold falls into the sewer, and men gather out and carefully inspect a mass of abominable filth, and continue to stir and rake, and search among the heap until the treasure is found.

Or, to use another figure, we were lost in a labyrinth; we wandered hither and thither, and when mercy came after us with the gospel, it did not find us at the first coming, it had to search for us and seek us out; for we as lost sheep were so desperately lost, and had wandered into such a strange country, that it did not seem possible that even the Good Shepherd should track our devious roamings.

Glory be to unconquerable grace, we were sought out! No gloom could hide us, no filthiness could conceal us, we were found and brought home. Glory be to infinite love, God the Holy Spirit restored us!

The lives of some of God’s people, if they could be written would fill us with holy astonishment. Strange and marvellous are the ways which God used in their case to find His own. Blessed be His name, He never relinquishes the search until the chosen are sought out effectually. They are not a people sought today and cast away tomorrow. Almightiness and wisdom combined will make no failures, they shall be called, “Sought out!”

That any should be sought out is matchless grace, but that we should be sought out is grace beyond degree! We can find no reason for it but God’s own sovereign love, and can only lift up our heart in wonder, and praise the Lord that this night we wear the name of “Sought out.”

Beloved, have you seen the input that got you saved? Likewise you will help to save others. So who around you needs hope today? who around you needs to know that God has a plan for their life? who around you needs you to have hope in “all things” for them today?

There is no love without hope. There is no gospel without hope. In you lies the hope for all the world, the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Share that hope with those around you today who are in desperate need of restored relationship with their heavenly Father – miracle already accomplished at the cross; miracle undeniable. And as you do so the Lord will bless you and honour you, don’t forget you are “Sought out” to sought others out.

See you next month by the grace of God Amennnnnnnnnnnn. Remember to pray for His infallible Word to us in the coming month.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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