Come and join me sing alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well! Come and join me sing alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well!// Everybody testify You are good! You are good Jehovah You are good. Everybody testify You are good! You are good Jehovah! You are good!
Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name thank You Father for Your Goodness and Mercy that enduerth forever! Thank You for being there for us and helping us to be everything You made us to be. You are God, You do miracle so great! There is no one else like You there is no one else like You. Father You are great! You do miracle so great, there is no one else like You, there is no one else like You!
Have Your way again in this place, do that which only You can do, come and manifest Your glory in our lives and make us worthy to enter into Your Holy of holies to receive from You all that will establish Your Will and Your Kingdom here on earth in Jesus Name!
Beloveth Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!! Everybody testifying that the Lord is good! You are good Jehovah You are good.! Everybody testifying You are good! You are good Jehovah You are so good! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth is brand new week! And is gonna be a glorious one indeed because the Spirit of God has gone ahead of us to make us a blessing in the places where we had failed before now. I am so excited in my Spirit because I see the glory of God coming down in full measure and resting upon us and making us a blessing indeed in Jesus Name.
Glorious God! Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne! We bow before Thy throne we worship at Your feet! We bow before Thy throne! You are a glorious God!
I am thanking You God for Who You are! What You have done in my life Lord! I am thank You Lord for Who You are, what You have done Dan Sakari Baba!
Beloveth are you celebrating God with us this morning? Let go of yesterday, let go of what went wrong, let of disappointments and failure, we have another opportunity presented to us to write good of the past failure and by the grace of God we will make it this time in Jesus Name.
Look up and see Jesus, I want you to see the blood flowing down and cleaning everything that is not of God right now. I want you to see Jesus walking through that situation and put smiles on your face. I want you to see the hand of establishing your desires on earth according His Will from the foundation of the world. Beloveth you are bless and nothing can cause whom God called blessed, absolutely nothing in Jesus Name!
Arise and see the glory come down, lift up your voice and give Him Praise! You may not see what you desire, still Praise Him. It might look as if nothing is happening, beloveth dance and make a joyful noise unto Him, sooner than you ever imagine you will see the manifestation of His glory upon your life for your salvation has come and you will be a Holy people, the redeemed of the Lord: a sought out and a city not forsaken. Come along with us for more:
“Thou shalt be called, Sought out.” Isaiah 62:12
The surpassing grace of God is seen very clearly in that we were not only sought, but sought out. Men seek for a thing which is lost upon the floor of the house, but in such a case there is only seeking, not seeking out. The loss is more perplexing and the search more persevering when a thing is sought out.
We were mingled with the mire: we were as when some precious piece of gold falls into the sewer, and men gather out and carefully inspect a mass of abominable filth, and continue to stir and rake, and search among the heap until the treasure is found.
Or, to use another figure, we were lost in a labyrinth; we wandered hither and thither, and when mercy came after us with the gospel, it did not find us at the first coming, it had to search for us and seek us out; for we as lost sheep were so desperately lost, and had wandered into such a strange country, that it did not seem possible that even the Good Shepherd should track our devious roamings.
Glory be to unconquerable grace, we were sought out! No gloom could hide us, no filthiness could conceal us, we were found and brought home. Glory be to infinite love, God the Holy Spirit restored us!
The lives of some of God’s people, if they could be written would fill us with holy astonishment. Strange and marvellous are the ways which God used in their case to find His own. Blessed be His name, He never relinquishes the search until the chosen are sought out effectually.
They are not a people sought today and cast away tomorrow. Almightiness and wisdom combined will make no failures, they shall be called, “Sought out!” That any should be sought out is matchless grace, but that we should be sought out is grace beyond degree! We can find no reason for it but God’s own sovereign love, and can only lift up our heart in wonder, and praise the Lord that this day we wear the name of “Sought out.”
Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne! Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne! We bow before the throne we worship at your feet, we bow before the throne You are a glorious God! We bow before the throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before the throne we are a glorious God!
Our Father in heaven, hallow be Thy Name! Let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done here on earth in Jesus Name! The Will of God for us this month is that you and I will experience More of His Blessing; how many of these blessings have you experienced and recorded? The Lord is set to perform His Word in your life, are you ready to receive it. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I shall be called “sought out” because the Lord will defy all odd and get to me. He will seek me among the lost, the failure and sinners and makes me a blessing. He will lift me up from the dungeon and place me in the heavenly place where I shall reign with Christ in eternity.
Beloveth, can you go about your work this week bearing in mind that God is soughing out that situation and soon and very soon you will testify. Yes! You will not only be sought out; you will also be called a city not forsaken in Jesus Name! (Rev 12:11, 1Jn 4:14-19).
On this note dearly beloved we declared this week open and we will come back at the end with greater testimonies in Jesus Name.
Let sing this song below because this will be your song sooner than you ever imagined in Jesus Name!
The testimony of my life, oohh the testimony of life! 2x People will hear it, they say it oo the testimony of my life, people will it they will say it the testimony of my life.
Remain blessed in the Lord.