We are beautiful to walk in the street of Jesus, in the Lord, the light of God. We are beautiful to walk in the street of Jesus, in the Lord, the light of God.// Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne. Glorious! Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne. We bow before the throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before the throne, You are glorious God! we bow before the throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before the throne, You are a glorious God!
Our Father! in heaven we bow before Your throne, we worship at Your feet, we adore You Ancient Days for Who You are! You are more than what we call You, we give You glory, we give You honour, we exalt Your Holy Name, we magnify Thee Father, accept our Praise, accept all honour, be Thou glorify in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, is another day to meditate upon the Word, another PCL, to examine ourselves, to check and balance our activities against the teaching of our Lord Jesus. God was accountable for creation and at each point in the Word especaily with reference to Gen 1, He gave us account of His activities, He never left any to chance, He was careful to put in place everything man will need before bring him to the scene until man declare that none of the bird, the animals and trees are not fit for Him than God made Eve from the rib of a man to provide scour for him and afterward when God presented Eve to him, he acknowledge that now is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh and shall be called Eve.
Beloveth, God was very accountable of the days of His creature then on the seven day He rested therefore we are called also to live a life of accountability to those that is placed around us. What is the benefit of that, it helps to ensure that you live worthy, you will not want to been seen as live carelessly or callously in your dealings.
Beloveth, like we learnt yesterday about “trusting God at all times. Ofcourse we numerated many things where we are to trust Him and how to ensure that we keep our trust in Him intact.
Beloveth, the Lord is saying can you trust me with your failing healing? Can you trust Him with your poor finances? Can you trust me in that barren situations? Can you trust me with that way-ward child/spouse? Can you trust me with joblessness? Can you trust me with your delay in admission/marriage?
Is so interesting to note that God knows them that trust Him (Nah 1:7), do you really trust Him or you are paying lips service to it. read the Bible passage and see more of the nature of God and that will strengthen you especially in the face of trouble and calamities, may God help our soul in Jesus Name.
Looking at our Lord Jesus Christ, His ministry and death all rested in the trust He has in His Father (Jn 16:28, Rev 5:1-14, Rom 8:11a, Phil 2:5-11). Our Lord Jesus had trust in His Father that was why He went on His assignment unashamedly and at the end He was raised from death having destroyed the power of death and Hades, He ascended into heaven still interceding for us with a promise that He has gone to prepare a place of us and we come again to take us into His glory. Alleluia somebody!
Wow! What an awesome relationship concretized with trust. Praise the Lord.
In today’s PCL, we are call to take a step further to not just trust God but to declare our love for Him. Ehee (exclamation) someone just shouted and said Evangelist we are yet to fully articulate the “trust” factor and you are coming up with this again..
If you ask me, you cannot trust someone you don’t love… see this in Jn 3:16— for God so love the world that He gave His Son.” Beloveth when you love, it takes you further to trust, so for you to fully understand this “trust” in God you must first understand that He loves you and will not want any evil to befall you, those calamities and mishaps are not from Him rather satan uses it to truncate your life and destiny and make you accuse God of unfaithfulness.
So it is time for you to wake up and take your place in center of God’s plan so that you will live out your life and enjoy it as it was ordained from the foundation of the world (Rev 5:10). Praise the Lord.
You have take responsibility of your action and inaction. You have to live accountable too. You must decide to live holy and worthy before God. You must desire to love and trust God by asking the Holy Spirit to teach and enable you too.
Beloveth, we are called to be overcomers from the Word of God and that you will be if you are born of God (1 Jn 5:4) Elijah was a man like us and His faith brought down fire from heaven to demonstrate the power of God before the ungodly nations of his time (Jas 5:17). What about the three Hebrew boys “they declare God faithfulness even in the face of death and it came to pass that Jesus joined them in the fire and rescued them from being burnt, their testimonies did not end there, a heathen king enthroned the Living God over his kingdom, that is the power of “trust” (Dan 3:17).
Beloveth, are you getting a clearly picture of why you must declare your love for God and afterward trust in Him. Make Jesus your friend today if you are yet to do that by clicking here and if you have remain save and keep trusting Him for everything and shall be well with you.
Come along for more:
“Thou whom my soul loveth.” Song 1:7
It is well to be able, without any “if” or “but,” to say of the Lord Jesus—”Thou whom my soul loveth.” Many can only say of Jesus that they hope they love Him; they trust they love Him; but only a poor and shallow experience will be content to stay here. No one ought to give any rest to his spirit till he feels quite sure about a matter of such vital importance.
We ought not to be satisfied with a superficial hope that Jesus loves us, and with a bare trust that we love Him. The old saints did not generally speak with “buts,” and “ifs,” and “hopes,” and “trusts,” but they spoke positively and plainly. “I know whom I have believed,” saith Paul. “I know that my Redeemer liveth,” saith Job.
Get positive knowledge of your love of Jesus, and be not satisfied till you can speak of your interest in Him as a reality, which you have made sure by having received the witness of the Holy Spirit, and His seal upon your soul by faith.
True love to Christ is in every case the Holy Spirit’s work, and must be wrought in the heart by Hin Himself. Why do we love Jesus? Because He first loved us. Why do we love Jesus? Because He “gave Himself for us.” We have life through His death; we have peace through His blood. Though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor. Why do we love Jesus? Because of the excellency of His person.
We are filled with a sense of His beauty! an admiration of His charms! a consciousness of His infinite perfection! His greatness, goodness, and loveliness, in one resplendent ray, combine to enchant the soul till it is so ravished that it exclaims, “Yea, He is altogether lovely.” Blessed love this—a love which binds the heart with chains more soft than silk, and yet more firm than adamant!
May the teaching of the Lord permute our reins and make us children of God in true and true in Jesus Name. Truly Jesus loves us as He declared in the Word and as we read above…“ because He first loved us” He also declare that He is the door and if you enter you shall be saved and you will find pasture “(Jn 10:9).
Beloveth, love and trust God and it shall be well with you. Dwell in His Presence all through this weekend and see you on Monday by His grace ….
Always remember that you are on pilgrims in this part of eternity keep looking for that glorious city amen (Heb 11:13).
Remain blessed in the Lord.