Jesus is a Mighty God, He a Mighty God. All power bow before Thee, You are a Mighty God, every power bow before You, You are a Mighty King. All the glory must be to the Lord, for He is worthy of our praise, no man on earth should be glory to himself all the glory must be to the Lord. Am a new creation, a brand new man, old things are pass away, am born again, more than conquer that is who I am, am a new creation, a brand new man.
Thank You Father for the miracles of the week, we are entirely grateful to You Whose hand can uphold us and sustain us. Thank You because You are not weary of us but You loved us with an everlasting love. So high are You seated in heaven yet You dwell amongst us and attain to all our needs, Glory be to You Lord Amen! Receive our praise Mighty God.
Beloveth what a wonderful time we had in God’s presence this week. The Lord has been so gracious to us and He daily loaded us with benefits. His love endureth forever and He purges us from all filthiness and made us anew. Let us be grateful to Him and reverence Him all the days of our lives.
Jesus is all we need. Do you agree with me? He is so loaded with goodness that He invite us to come and be part of this end time army who will not break their ranks rather they will be on the “GO” for the Lord. Praise God.
This week teaching has been explosive to say the least, so encouraging and so inspiring. I believe you are blessed, beloved, having learnt of God’s love, I want to encourage you to live above reproach. Be a good ambassador of Christ walk in His ways and love and manifest same to people around you (1 Jn 4:9-12).
His love cannot be quench with many waters, neither will He leave you nor forsake you when you engage in unbroken fellowship with Him, you will become His project as He will perfect all that concerns you.
The Lord will let you into His secrets because you are sons and daughters of the kingdom. In following His steps, He will bring you into your desired end. Do not stay away from the cross, be courageous enough to pick up yours and in the strength of the Lord will you go and success will be your reward, The Lord will be with you and make His love to shine upon you for His love indeed is better than wine:
“Thy love is better than wine.” Song 1:2
Nothing gives the believer so much joy as fellowship with Christ. He has enjoyment as others have in the common mercies of life, he can be glad both in God’s gifts and God’s works; but in all these separately, yea, and in all of them added together, he doth not find such substantial delight as in the matchless person of his Lord Jesus.
He has wine which no vineyard on earth ever yielded; he has bread which all the corn-fields of Egypt could never bring forth. Where can such sweetness be found as we have tasted in communion with our Beloved? In our esteem, the joys of earth are little better than husks for swine compared with Jesus, the heavenly manna. We would rather have one mouthful of Christ’s love, and a sip of his fellowship, than a whole world full of carnal delights.
What is the chaff to the wheat? What is the sparkling paste to the true diamond? What is a dream to the glorious reality? What is time’s mirth, in its best trim, compared to our Lord Jesus in His most despised estate? If you know anything of the inner life, you will confess that our highest, purest, and most enduring joys must be the fruit of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. No spring yields such sweet water as that well of God which was digged with the soldier’s spear. All earthly bliss is of the earth earthy, but the comforts of Christ’s presence are like Himself, heavenly.
We can review our communion with Jesus, and find no regrets of emptiness therein; there are no dregs in this wine, no dead flies in this ointment. The joy of the Lord is solid and enduring. Vanity hath not looked upon it, but discretion and prudence testify that it abideth the test of years, and is in time and in eternity worthy to be called “the only true delight.” For nourishment, consolation, exhilaration, and refreshment, no wine can rival the love of Jesus. Let us drink to the full this day.
The battle within oftentimes wants to compete with the power of God and covenant promises but we must watch it lest we saddle ourselves with cares that had been by Christ:
The Battle Within
“Every person will have to bear… his own… load of oppressive faults.” (Galatians 6:5 – Amplified)
One of the toughest battles you will continually face in life is with yourself:
- Your self-incrimination from an overactive conscience.
- Your fear of rejection… failure… the future.
- Your inner spiritual turmoil over reappearing sin.
Someone has jokingly said, “If life is a bowl of cherries, why am I always in the pits?” Well, at times, life is the pits!… For ALL of us:
- Paul spoke of being perplexed… wretched… (despairing) even of life.“
- Jonah and Elijah harbored a death wish; Moses approached burnout. (Jonah 4:8; 1 Kings 19:4; Exodus 18:13-20)
So… What is the answer to bearing my “own load of oppressive faults“? Escape to the Fiji Islands or South America? Hardly, since you still have to face yourself.
Perhaps the simplest answer is JESUS: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest… for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28, 29)
He is the solution to every heartache, every dilemma, every unsolvable problem, every disappointment… the deepest loneliness.
Have you ever crawled up on His lap… buried your head in His shoulder and wept? Poured out your soul to Him?
It is doubtful that all the psychology and self-help books in the world can give you the peace and release that true intimacy with the Lord Jesus affords.
It is to us He says, “How often I wanted to gather (you) together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling… ” And when our inclination is to turn to everyone but Him He says, “your house is being left to you desolate.“
Immerse yourself in Jesus’s ocean of love, not as the world love but His love endureth forever. Come, drop your burden that is so heavy and pick up His yoke that has been light and you will go through this life stress free because you are walking with the Master of all terrine (Ps 34:5). Praise the Lord.
Be obedient to your heavenly call and be blest. Run that you may obtain by bring your body under subjection to the Lord’s bidding.
I beg to leave now, see you next week if God permits and have a lovely week end.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang Ifeoma Ohondu