Jehovah is Your Name (Jehovah is Your Name) Jehovah is Your Name, Mighty Warrior, Great in battle Jehovah is your Name. Jehovah is Your Name (Jehovah is Your Name) Jehovah is Your Name, Mighty Warrior, Great in battle Jehovah is your Name.// Unchangeable God, Unchangeable God, Unchangeable God Unchangeable God, Unchangeable God. You are Reliable God, Reliable God, Reliable God, Reliable God, Reliable God, Reliable God.
Every living soul Praise the Lord. Father You are worthy, how powerful are You Lord. You a Mighty Man battle, Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise, Father You reign. Thank You for another beautiful day You have made we are to rejoice and be glad in it. Wonderful God, Excellent Jehovah, glory be to Your Name on high. Thank You for testimonies that brings laughter and joy to our heart. Thank You for answer to prayers, glory be to Your Name on high.
Beloved, let worship God from the deep of heart for all His goodness and mercies that has no end, join me to sing “Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thy Hand has provided great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee.”
Yes our God is a miracle working God. Yes He is a miracle working God. How beautiful are your plans towards us, Lord we come this day to worship at Your throne, receive our Praise O Lord! Do that which no man can do for us, how excellent is Thy Name O Lord!
Beloved in worship as we learnt yesterday we abide in God, in John chapter 15, in verse 4 it says “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”
Did you read that, worship make us to “Abide in Christ and He in us, and when that occur, naturally we bear fruits, mark this “we not only bear fruit, our fruit will also abide. Praise the Lord. thank You Father, because You are our Maker, our Director, our Healer, He is our Mighty God in the battle, Praise be to the Lord, alleluia!!!!!!!!!!
Today’s topic is another wonder to behold, oftentimes our disappointment leave us with so many scars and make us so much afraid but what the teaching of today is telling us to be patient and fix our eyes on God. The faith we exhibits radiates from the facts that we know that our anchor is God, He must surely come no matter how deep the night is. Our God much surely come.
Hear this, the death of Christ left the disciples with fear that they chose to believe that it never happened. Having had they plans of establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth, with Christ as the sovereign King and they, His chiefs, all of sudden the plan came crumbling, they chief priest of their days captured Jesus and crucified Him. Then come around round of story of His resurrection and you want them to be part of it?
Dear me, they disciples rather went into hiding for the fear of the Jews and the safety of their own lives. Remember that it does not take any thing from Jews to stone people to death. They stoned Stephen remember and so many that professed Christ, but before then, they hid in the upper room until they received the Holy Spirit and their spirit mind embolden for the gospel but before then beloved the story they were hearing was “Too Good to be True.”
Likewise many of us do in events where God has manifested His power and have healed us from our infirmities, open a new way for us, defected our enemies but we are still much afraid of the past, the devil holds us captive by our experiences in the past and we refuse to go into the future to experience God’s best for us.
To be honest with you I enjoyed all my working days as a banker but the satisfaction I am having now cannot be compared with what I had in my banking day. As fashion designer, God gives me the ability to be the best at what I do, the joy that come from when my work is done and the customer’s satisfaction brings a lot of joy to my heart, I cannot but say “Thank You Jesus” with a sign of relief. Wow!
Thank God I got up from my point of failure if you can call it that to a better future and I believe that God in no time will take me beyond this level and all to His glory.
What am trying to say “is that we should always leave the place where we were disappointed and move on to the ‘best’ God had for us. Don’t ever allow satan FM Station to be On, Mute it, embraces worship and before long you will hear the voice of God showing the way to go (Isa 30:21). It happened to me, so I am not telling you a friction but am sharing with you a firsthand experience I encountered in my early days after losing my job and was a baby in the ministry, it was not funny but looking unto God, who called me into the ministry, I faced tomorrow. Praise the Lord!
I don’t know what you may facing today as goliath and because of your previous experience you decided to hold on to the past, do not fear just hold on to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, He will help you and you will be disappointed again. Remember, the disciple later stood before the very people they were afraid of and “Preached” Christ Crucified, Praise the Lord!
Come for more discoveries:
Judges 20:26-21:25, Psalm 59:11-17, Proverbs 13:14-15, Luke 24:25-53
“Too Good to Be True”
While they still were amazed and unbelieving because of their joy, He asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”—Luke 24:41
If we are to let nothing stand between us and the making of our feet into “hinds’ feet,” we must understand the nature of disappointment and how it hinders our pursuit of God.
All of us have been disappointed. Living in a fallen world means we have been subjected to experiences where we have been let down by others, even our loved ones at times. But this is not the problem—the problem occurs when we allow the hurts of the past to prevent us from reaching out to God and to others in an attitude of love.
A dramatic illustration of this is found in the passage before us today. It is the evening of the day of the Resurrection, and, without warning, Jesus suddenly enters the room where His disciples are assembled and makes Himself known to them. How did they respond? “They were still unconvinced, still wondering, for it seemed too good to be true” (v. 41, NEB). It was obvious that the disappointment of Christ’s crucifixion and death still reverberated within them. And now, faced with the reality of the Resurrection, they did not want to believe it in case it was not true—and they would be disappointed again.
They wanted to believe, but they had difficulty in doing so because they knew they could not cope with what would happen in their hearts if it turned out to be untrue. Rather than take the risk of faith, they preferred—for a little while at least—to withdraw into the safety of disappointment.
God, forgive me that so often I allow the disappointments of life to deter me from moving toward You—in case something might happen that would disappoint me again. Help me to put everything I am and have in Your hands—with nothing held back. Amen.
Further Study
How did the disciples express their disappointment?
How did Jesus deal with them?
Beloved, what is that thing in your life that is “Too Good to be True?” I want share with you the Greek word for “fear” in the Ancient Hebrew and the Greek, implies a fleeing or a running away from something or someone. So, when the Bible instructs us to “Fear not” it is, in essence, saying, “Don’t run away!” very few of us actually run away physically from situation that frightens us, but where we actually run away is in mind.
When you are worried, rather than running away, you need to run forward into all that God has for you. The reason that satan tries to give you a Spirit of fear is so that you will run away from the blessings and the power of God. The opposite of running away is pressing forward, when you are a son or a daughter of the Most High God and know the reality of serving Christ, you presses on toward the goal!
If you are running scared, you are running backward into your past and away from the arms of God. If you are pressing ahead, you are moving toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
Knowing that you have not been given a Spirit of fear from God, what has God given to you? He has given you a Spirit of power and love and a sound mind. Your mind needs to receive the message that you are a powerful child of God! Did you know that the devil knows that you are powerful? He doesn’t want you to know that you are powerful! Declare it today- out and loud- an unafraid: I will not run scared but I will press forward into all that God has for me.
There- didn’t that feel good?
Wow! Beloved, am very sure you are blessed so what are waiting for? Your sin has been washed away and God has promised to sustain you then what more, press forward into the high calling, press forward into your destiny and it shall be well with you.
Father thank You for the prize of Calvary, thank You for the salvation of our souls above all that you for the hope in Christ and the faith to be please you. Heb11:6.
Remain blessed in the Lord