April 1
Father, what a wonder You are! Who can comprehend the beauty and the works of Your Hand? Who can know the mind of God? We thank You for persevering us in the land of the living. Thank You for good health, sound mind and diligent hands, You granted unto us all through the first quarter of the year and we plead for your continual guidance in the remaining part of the year. Lord, we bow before you.
Dearly beloved, what a brand new day, a brand new month before us. Very assurable, we have plans set out to follow through, but accept the Lord back us up; it will not come to fruition.
We are very glad to welcome you to our month of “Triumphant Entry” (Col 2 :15;Ps 92:4). The Lord is set to show Himself mightily on your behalf and on my behalf this month. The Holy Spirit promised it to be a month to remember. Good things and goods news will grace you every day of the month. It does not matter where you standing today, neither does it matter what your circumstance and situation is speaking, what is most important, is what the Lord has promised and what He is set to do in and through your life. Glory be to God!
To every Christian, the month of March and April is a very important and well celebrated month. Beloved, what is life without the resurrection morning? Christ went to the cross, overcame death and took the keys of death and hades (Rev 1:18) and His death on the cross brought us victory over death and sin. What a wonderful experience, my dear.
Beloved, the Lord promised to precedes you, does that excite you? O yes, I am glad and am sure so you are too. When Lord leads the way, all fear is gone; dark path clears. He will also grant you the desires of your heart because He knows the way. So watch out, for the great move of God in your life, family, career, business and ministry this month.
Your Lord Precedes You
“But after I have been resurrected, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.”—Mark 14:28
God never sends you into a situation alone. He always goes before His children, as He did with the children of Israel when He led them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. You do not serve as His advance troops in a foreign and hostile situation. He always precedes you in any situation you encounter. God is never caught by surprise by your experience; He has already been there. He is prepared to meet every need because He has gone before you and knows exactly what you will need for your pilgrimage (Deut. 31:8).
Not only does God go before you, but He also stands beside you and behind you, to provide protection and comfort (Ps. 139:7–12). Jesus knew His disciples would be totally bewildered by His crucifixion, so He assured them in advance that no matter what happened, no matter where they went, they could go in confidence that He had already gone before them. Paul, too, experienced this assurance (Acts 18:9; 23:11). In the most bewildering circumstances, his Lord was there!
If you are going through a difficult or confusing time, know that your Lord has gone before you and He is present with you. He is fully aware of what you are facing, and He is actively responding to your need. There is nowhere you can go that you will not find Christ waiting for you to join Him. Even when you face death, you can be assured that He has gone before you in triumph. As a child of God, rest in the knowledge that your Savior preceded you, and He will walk with you through each experience of your life.
The above message specially ministered to me and am sure there is some who is also identifying with it. The love of God pass all understanding and cares of life. I asked you again, if He leads the way, do have any doubt? As for I have none; for He is a Sure Guide:
“I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not.” Isa. 42:16
Think of the infinitely glorious Jehovah acting as a Guide to the blind! What boundless condescension does this imply! A blind man cannot find a way which he does not know. Even when he knows the road, it is hard for him to traverse it; but a road which he has not known is quite out of the question for his unguided feet. Now, we are by nature blind as to the way of salvation, and yet the Lord leads us into it, and brings us to Himself, and then opens our eyes. As to the future, we are all of us blind, and cannot see an hour before us; but the Lord Jesus will lead us even to our journey’s end. Blessed be His name!
We cannot guess in which way deliverance can possibly come to us, but the Lord knows, and He will lead us till we shall have escaped every danger. Happy are those who place their hand in that of the great Guide, and leave their way and themselves entirely with Him. He will bring them all the way; and when He has brought them home to glory and has opened their eyes to see the way by which He has led them, what a song of gratitude will they sing unto their great Benefactor! Lord, lead thy poor blind child this day, for I know not my way!
Still having doubt about this month? He will lead you besides the still waters. Even in the shadow of death; He will not let your foot slip. This month of April will be a testimony to all who knows you.
Beloved, I don’t know whether you praise through yesterday? Recently, there was something I having been trying to find my way around, by the end of yesterday around 10:30pm, I had a resounding breakthrough while having praise march (yesterday message “Praise before Victory”). I thank God who gave me such an eleventh hour miracle. Dear friend, don’t ever neglect prophesies, they are real because it is meant to edify the body of Christ and God is bound to honour the words of His prophet (2Chr 20:20)
Beloved, in this month of “Triumphant Entry”, is a call for praise. How? Someone wants to know. Turn your bible to (Jn 12:1-15; 12) as you praise along this month, there is something written concerning YOU from time (destiny) that will come to pass. Amen!
I pray that every missing link in your journey through life appear in Jesus name; so that you can make your way through life to eternity in Jesus Name. surly He will guide you (1 Sam 2:9)
Finally beloved, don’t miss out on any of our series this month. As I said earlier, the Holy Spirit of God is saying that this month is going to be a great one. There will be a great move of God in your life and my life. Amen!
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu