Worthy worthy is the Lamb, worthy worthy is the Lamb Worthy worthy is the Lamb, Lamb of God. Worthy worthy is the Lamb, O Worthy worthy is the Lamb, Worthy worthy is the Lamb, Lamb of God.// I will exalt You Lord, for thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. I will exalt Lord! I will exalt You Father, for thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love.

Yes! Lord, Your banner over me is love. Faithful God, hallow be thou your Name, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth. Faithful Father, we thank You, we blessed your Name. How Wonderful, how glorious is Thy loving Kindness. Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise, Father You reign.

Arise Father, let us see you today as we pray. Let us see You as we call on You. Lift up Your Hand and bless Your people as we bow before the Throne, let your Name alone be glorify in Jesus Name. Yes Lord, be Thou glorify.

Beloved, great is our Father, whose mercy endureth to all generations. We are going to enjoy His presence as we call on today. For the eye of the Lord is ever going to and fro looking for His children to bless. Praise God.

Today’s topic is a clarion call to every child of God, who truly wants to make heaven. As it was given to me through revelation that “there is no other glory that a child of God will enjoy more than standing right before God.”

Sin does not attract God’s blessings rather it repels the blessings of God. Walking in righteousness must be a desire of every child of God. Praise God! Is so important that we must wake and sleep with this desire ever burning in our heart.

However, it is important to remind you the saying of our Jesus so that you hold on to it and diligently guide your heart against it. Let’s open Matt 18:7- Woe unto the world because of offences! For it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Matt 18:7 (KJV).

Beloved do you know that each time you make up your mind to serve the Lord or walk uprightly before Him, there is always an attack on your faith or on your person. As I was going through this thought in mind last week, the Holy Spirit reminded of this saying of our Lord Jesus. He told “my daughter there will be offenses but you must choose between overlooking it or keep struggling with it. It will keep hurting and keep making you bitter instead of better because it is coming from people very close to you, from people you hold in high esteem or dear to your heart.”

The Spirit of God made me to under truly they are not the one behind this action but satan. Beloved, Jesus said something in the book we just read. In verse 6 have this to say “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matt 18:6 (KJV)

Thou they are not the prime architect of the offence but there is a punishment for them. So you don’t need to worry yourself about such people in your life any longer. You rather keep on praying for them to repent but never revenge evil for evil because of their actions and attitude towards you lest they lead you into temptation and destroy your glorious future. (Rom 12:17). Praise the Lord!

Ever since then, I had peace in my heart and am very sure that someone reading this ministration is also getting blessed. You are being comforted as the Lord comforted me.

There is no excuse for us as children of God to harbor sins of bitterness or unforgiveness in our life. Jesus our model and perfect example showed us the way to go when He prayed for those that nailed Him to cross. “Father forgive them; for they know not what they are do.”

Someone might be saying that it is because Jesus is God. What about Stephen the first martyred of Jesus followers? He prayed to God while being stoned to death that He laid not this sin to their charge and he fell asleep.

Beloved, it is not as easy but we must consistency ask God to help us so that we walk uprightly before Him. Jesus told us that it love that differentiate us from the rest is love. (Mk 12:30-31).

God told Abraham to “walk before me and be thou perfect.” (Gen 17:1) therefore walking uprightly before God is very important to Him. In verse 2 He pronounce a blessing upon him as a result. So we must ask the Holy Spirit to help us, so that we will not be charge of living wickedly before God. Praise the Lord.

Let us pray to God for such grace. Let’s discover more:

“He that walketh uprightly walketh surely.” Prov. 10:9


His walk may be slow, but it is sure. He that hasteth to be rich shall not be innocent nor sure; but steady perseverance in integrity, if it do not bring riches, will certainly bring peace. In doing that which is just and right we are like one walking upon a rock, for we have confidence that every step we take is upon solid and safe ground.

On the other hand, the utmost success through questionable transactions must always be hollow and treacherous, and the man who has gained it must always be afraid that a day of reckoning will come, and then his gains will condemn him.

Let us stick to truth and righteousness. By God’s grace let us imitate our Lord and Master, in whose mouth no deceit was ever found. Let us not be afraid of being poor, nor of being treated with contempt.

Never, on any account whatever, let us do that which our conscience cannot justify. If we lose inward peace, we lose more than a fortune can buy. If we keep in the Lord’s own way, and never sin against our conscience, our way is sure against all comers.

Who is he that can harm us if we be followers of that which is good? We may be thought fools by fools if we are firm in our integrity; but in the place where judgment is infallible we shall be approved.

Did you read that? In the place where judgment is infallible we shall be approved. Is someone comforted? I believe you are.

Let us consider the prayer below on how to start the day on right track:

 A Prayer To Help Us Start The Day On The Right Track


Eternal Father of my soul, let my first thought be of You.

Let my first impulse be to worship You.

Let my speech be Your Name.

Let my first action be to kneel before You in prayer… “

Let me not, when this morning prayer is said, think my worship ended and spend the day in forgetfulness of You. Rather from these moments of quietness let light go forth, and joy, and power, that will remain with me through all the hours of the day;

Keeping me chaste in thought: (“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14)

Keeping me temperate and truthful: (“Do not let any unwholesomeness talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29)

Keeping me humble in my estimation of myself: (“Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” Romans 12:3b)

Keeping me honorable and generous in my dealings with others: (“Freely you have received, freely give… Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Matthew 10:8b; Romans 12:10)

Keeping me loyal to every hallowed memory of the past: (“Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers.” Proverbs 22:28)

Keeping me mindful of my eternal destiny as a child of yours: (“In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-kept in heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:3b, 4)

Let me then put back into Your hand all that You have given me, rededicating to Your service all the powers of my mind and body, all my worldly goods, all my influence with others. All these O Father, are yours to use as You willSpeak in my words today, think in my thoughts, and work in my deeds… ” In Jesus Name. Amen.

Amen! beloved, may God help us to walk uprightly before Him in Jesus Name.

Holy Spirit help your children and make us wholesome before God in Jesus Name.

Let us pray another prayer that is burden in our heart. and the Lord will answer it in Jesus Name.

For His banner over us is love. And His mercies never end. Praise the Name of the Lord!


Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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