When I see another breaking of the day, I say thank You Lord, thank You Lord. Thank You for waking me up this morning and make today a reality in my life. Thank You Lord. Is the Lord that ensures my going out and my coming in. Thank You for the miracle of yesterday, yesteryears and years to come. Amen!
Precious Lord, let Your Name Alone be praise forever more. Beloved, hope you had an exciting moment in God’s present yesterday. The Lord touched you and you were healed, restored, blessed, and lifted. Glory be to God.
Greater glory can only be achieved through a relationship that is knitted in the Lord. Christ in us the hope of our glory (1 Col 1:27). You cannot show forth any glory except the one that radiate from Christ to you. Why? Someone just asked. Because is in Him God allowed His Fullness to dwell (Col 1:19)
Having reconciled us to Himself through the blood on the cross and we who were sometime alienated and enemies to God by our wicked works, made peace with God. He made known what is the riches of the glory among us, the gentiles of which Christ is the hope of our glory. “Therefore No Christ; No Glory”.
Also note that we are not stand in alone. The redeemed of the Lord are fused in Him (Jn 15: 5-7). Christ is the vine and we are the branches. Continual abiding in Him guarantees fruitfulness. So there is barrenness for anyone that has Christ dwelling in Him. Whatever people might have called you does not stand except what God said concerning you and what you believe concerning your case. (Lk 1: 36)I was amazed at this Rhema when I encountered it.
Beloved, there is no barrenness in Christ; therefore you are not barren. In Ps 128 God said, that “thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine.. and your children … around your table”. Beloved God cannot lie, if He has not yet set it in place, He cannot say it. In Gen 1: 3 – 26 we have it written and God said “let there be and they were” so why will this not be? It is a lie from the pit of hell which the devil is holding many captive. Start calling the names of your children as you have planned them from the beginning. Start declaring the success of that venture, the healing from that disease and many like that.
This ministry is a liberation ministry. Many will be healed via the Word of God, as many that believed in Christ. That is why the devil is fighting hard even against us but victory belong to us because Christ has already bought it as part of our redemption package. We are armies that must not break our rank.
Therefore, whatsoever you are going through right now, the Lord is saying, “You are fruitful”. Do you believe it? If you believe it, that settles it (Matt 9:28). Praise the Name of the Lord.
In this season of our greater glory, the Lord will turn our captivity around. The captor will become the captive. Just watch and see the hand of the Lord perform it. Indeed, victory in reverses, just watch:
“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.” Micah 7:8
This may express the feeling of a man or woman down-trodden and oppressed. Our enemy may put out our light for a season. There is sure hope for us in the Lord; and if we are trusting in Him, and holding fast our integrity, our season of down-casting and darkness will soon be over. The insults of the foe are only for a moment. The Lord will soon turn their laughter into lamentation, and our sighing into singing.
What if the great enemy of souls should for a while triumph over us, as he has triumphed over better men than we are, yet let us take heart, for we shall overcome him before long. We shall rise from our fall, for our God has not fallen, and He will lift us up. We shall not abide in darkness, although for the moment we sit in it; for our Lord is the fountain of light, and He will soon bring us a joyful day.
Let us not despair, or even doubt. One turn of the wheel and the lowest will be at the top. Woe unto those who laugh now, for they shall mourn and weep when their boasting is turned into everlasting contempt. But blessed are all holy mourners, for they shall be divinely comforted.
Yes, dear beloved, one turn of the wheel, the lowest will be at the top. Hear me, is not about how you feel but what you do and believe in. It is not by feeling but by faith, for the just shall live by faith according to God’s Word. Are you doing that?
“The just shall live by faith.” Rom. 1:17
I shall not die. I can, I do believe in the Lord my God, and this faith will keep me alive. I would be numbered among those who in their lives are just; but even if I were perfect I would not try to live by my righteousness; I would cling to the work of the Lord Jesus, and still live by faith in Him and by nothing else. If I were able to give my body to be burned for my Lord Jesus, yet I would not trust in my own courage and constancy, but still would live by faith.
“Were I a martyr at the stake I’d plead my Saviour’s name; entreat a pardon for His sake, And urge no other claim.”
To live by faith is a far surer and happier thing than to live by feelings or by works. The branch, by living in the vine, lives a better life than it would live by itself, even if it were possible for it to live at all apart from the stem. To live by clinging to Jesus, by deriving all from Him, is a sweet and sacred thing.
If even the most just must live in this fashion, how much more must I who am a poor sinner! Lord, I believe. I must trust Thee wholly. What else can I do? Trusting Thee is my life. I feel it to be so. I will abide by this even to the end.
Yes my beloved, we are the branches and Christ, the vine. Our increase, growing, prospering, healing, restorations rest perfectly in Him. Hold on to this confession and you bear much fruit. Be guided.
Remain blessed in the Lord.