See what the Lord has done…See what the Lord has done…what I prayed for… Has come to past… See what the Lord has done..// Who is like unto Thee.. O Lord! Who is like unto Thee… O Lord! among gods who is like Thee… You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising… Doing Wonders alleluia!!!
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Name… We worship You… We give You Praise… All Honour, All Adoration, belongs to You… forever and ever… Amen… Thank You for answers to prayers… we are grateful… we return to give You praises for all that You are doing… and yet to do… Glory be to God on high in Jesus…
Beloveth… our God answers prayers… Jas.5:15, Rev.22:17… beloveth… we serve a Father that answers by fire… yes… yes… there is no wasted prayer…though it may tarries.. don’t give up… because our God must surely show up… and when He comes… the story will change… Sicknesses is being healed, Stagnation is broken, Hopeless is being restored, Brokenness is being restored… Salvation is being release… alleluia…
What a wonderful God we serve… Alleluia!!!
Today being our Faith Clinic… We come believing God that all shall be well… we come believing God that it is settled… We come believing God that His Name alone shall be glorify… What a wonderful God we serve… alleluia!!!
Having receives from the Lord what His mind for us this year… He did not stop there… In His mercy every new month… The Lord shows up and give us direction on how to activate His plan in our lives… and if we are willing and obedient… He promises will surely speak alleluia!!!
Beloveth… in this new month .. The Lord said to us…that this month should be to us “A Great Month… for A Great God…” Wow… incidentally our Bible text for this month coincides with the year theme Bible text as well… Is your mind telling you something… Without a single doubt in my mind, I am highly positioned in unprecedented expectations for what the God is about to do in our lives, family, ministry, career and ministry… Praise the Name of the Lord.
Our topic today is Vision- Faith- Courage… This is mind blowing.. I tell you… Oftentimes I come across some speakers who project Christians as the most laziest individuals on earth… The critic always say that the Christians prays more than they work… they claim that some only pray and be expecting miracles…
I always feel bad when I come across such write-ups or videos… even sometimes is being preach from the altar… as much as I can never encourage idleness probably that what is being confused as laziest I will quickly add that “if your “Vision” is Divine… you will be well equip for the journey ahead… in some instance and where you are not adequately equipped… the question will be on how to build or how you should work on your faith to rise…
Beloveth… when you are rightly positioned in faith… what happens is that the situation, projects, business, academics, name it will take a giant step… is also important we add that whether you are well equipped or not … we all need encouragement at one time or the other… in the race set ahead of us…
Beloveth… we do you need help… is your “Vision” clear enough?… Do you have the required “Faith to birth the Vision you have received?… Is your case the issue of “Courage” either to keep going or not to give up?…
Beloveth today God has show up for you… heaven has heard your prayers and your case is being treated… join us as we go through the ministration below to discover hidden things/ facts we need for the journey ahead… Amen… Alleluia!!!
Vision – Faith – Courage
“Aim at nothing and you are sure to hit it!” I understand from the “experts” that 90% of those who head companies routinely play catch-up ball as they respond to market conditions in reacting to the tyranny of the urgent.
By contrast, true leaders bring vision, faith and courage to coordinated effort. Today, what is needed are people with:
VISION to see what ought to be done:
“Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35b)
QUESTION: Do you have a God-given VISION as to what His mission is for you or your company? Or are you simply milling around, conducting business-as-usual, losing altitude and taking up space?
FAITH to believe it can be done:
“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,‘ and it will obey you.” (Luke 17:6)
QUESTION: Do you have the FAITH to believe it can be done? Or are you paralyzed by indecision, over-analysis, paralysis… and over-spiritualizing?
COURAGE to persevere until it is done:
“Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like a flint to do his will, and I know that I will triumph.” (Isaiah 50:7 – Living)
QUESTION: Do you have the COURAGE to believe that failure is not an option; that you will circumvent, tunnel through, or go over the obstacles until the mission is accomplished?
Perhaps understanding the difference between an eagle and a chicken is helpful:
Eagles soar with the wind, rising above the circumstances to see the big picture. Once they spot their prey, they drop with lightning speed in accomplishing their mission.
Chickens cluck, peck, strut, mill around, and lay eggs when the urge comes upon them.
QUESTION: Which are you? An eagle who rises above his circumstance, bringing vision, faith and courage to coordinated effort? Or are you a business-as-usual chicken who struts around and clucks, performing only when the urge comes upon you?
Beloveth… who are in spirit? An eagle or chicken… do you soar or cluck…. Who are you determines greatly how you position yourself to achieve…the set goals or targets…
We encourage you to pray and ask the help of the Holy Spirit to help you at the point where you are… if “Vision” is needed .. God is still in the business of revelation.. He will reveal it to you… If your case is “Faith” the Bible said Ask and it shall given you… God is the Giver… you receive just by asking… beloveth.. so ask… if you are in need of courage… beloveth… The Holy Spirit your companion is here just because of you… He will do it… and it shall come to pass… Alleluia somebody…
Keep on holding on to God… beloveth.. He will answer you…if you don’t give up… alleluia!!! Amen!!!
The Lord came through for me after eight years… of praying on a particular issue… In this month of Perfection… The Lord visited me and perfected my health… Beloveth the Lord will come through for you if you don’t give up in Jesus Name… Praise the Name of the Lord somebody…
Further Reading- 1Sam.12:24, Jas.1:5, 2:18, Isa.54:10, Phil.4:4, Heb.4:12, Habk.2:2-4
Remain blessed in the Lord.