Am standing on the Word of God, the Word of God is power. Sister are you standing on the Word of God? The Word of God is power. Brother, are standing on the Word of God, the Word of God is power. Are we standing on the Word of God, the Word of God is power.
What a beautiful morning; a beautiful day ahead of us. Father, we thank You. Thank You for Your promises that are ever true, we are indeed standing on your promises that never fails (Isa 45: 23). Thank You for answers to prayers, for everything is possible with You. Let all glory, honour, adoration be unto Thee for evermore.
Beloved, here is another opportunity in God to build up our faith in God to another level in Christ Jesus, so grid your loins as we move along.
Beloved, what is contending the promises of God in your life? Will you like Jabez cry unto God that He will come to your rescue, bless you, change your name, enlarge your border and keep you from evil, change the bitterness in your life and make you a sweet savour of Christ (2 Cor 2:15).
Why do the hidden rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let’s us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision (Ps 2:1-4).
Beloved, is good to know that God is in charge of any situation you and I will ever come across. And He has also given us victory. Are you happy? Read verse seven ‘… the Lord said unto me, thou art my son; this day I have begotten Thee. In verse 8 “ask of me, and I shall give Thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Finally, verse nine said “ thou shall break them with a rod of iron; thou shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
Beloved, do you know that as much as the evil one think that they are succeeding in their plan against you, suddenly my dear, the Lord will arise and show forth his praise. It has happened in the time past as you will later read in the passage before us today and it will still yet happen for your sake then you will know that ‘we can actually speak for the Lord”.
If we grow our faith in the power of His Word by meditating therein on every promises of the Lord and live above sin. As the Lord spoke through the mouths of His prophets of old, so shall He also speak through us and it shall come to pass that His kingdom come and His will be done in our life. Praise the Name of Jesus! More from the message below:
There fore thus saith the Lord, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me: and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth.” Jer. 15:19
Poor Jeremiah! Yet why do we say so? The weeping prophet was one of the choicest servants of God, and honored by Him above many. He was hated for speaking the truth. The word which was so sweet to him was bitter to his hearers, yet he was accepted of his Lord.
He was commanded to abide in his faithfulness, and then the Lord would continue to speak through him. He was to deal boldly and truthfully with men, and perform the Lord’s winnowing work upon the professors of his day, and then the Lord gave him this word, “Thou shalt be as my mouth.”
What an honor! Should not every preacher, yea, every believer, covet it? For God to speak by us, what a marvel! We shall speak sure, pure truth; and we shall speak it with power. Our word shall not return void; it shall be a blessing to those who receive it, and those who refuse it shall do so at their peril. Our lips shall feed many. We shall arouse the sleeping and call the dead to life.
O dear reader, pray that it may be so with all the “sent servants” of our Lord, that as we speak it shall come to past and as we decree blessings into your live, the Lord will bring to past.
Also ask the Lord to empower every of His servant to speak as an oracle of God. That as you are face with challenging situation in life and you seek solution, that as you enter the sanctuary of the Lord, the servant of God will proffered solution (God has been dealing kindly with me in this area, it means that you should pray concern every issue in your life ahead of time as you are preparing for any meeting (church service, fellowship meeting) that God should send a word to you through His minister).
Why is this important? Because a Word from the Lord settles you forever (Matt 8:8). Whatever be it in your situation, the Lord is able to do it. In Gen 28:13-15- God sent a word to Jacob and His generation was blessed forever. A sent Word in a season settles even the weary (Isa 56:4-7).therefore beloved pray that we speak the sent Word of the Lord as we minister.
Then will the Lord upturn your enemies and you will be an overcomer at the end according to His promises. The word has gone out my mouth in righteousness and will not return to me void (Isa 45:23-24). Glory be to God forever. For God is not man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent; hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good/ (Num 23:19):
“Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.” Gen. 49:19
Some of us have been like the tribe of Gad. Our adversaries for a while were too many for us, they came upon us like a troop. Yes, and for the moment they overcame us; and they exulted greatly because of their temporary victory. Thus they only proved the first part of the family heritage to be really ours, for Christ’s people, like Dan, shall have a troop overcoming them.
This being overcome is very painful, and we should have despaired if we had not by faith believed the second line of our father’s benediction, “He shall overcome at the last.” “All’s well that ends well,” said the world’s poet; and he spoke the truth. A war is to be judged, not by first successes or defeats, but by that which happens “at the last.” The Lord will give to truth and righteousness victory “at the last”; and, as Mr. Bunyan says, that means for ever, for nothing can come after the last.
What we need is patient perseverance in well-doing, calm confidence in our glorious Captain. Christ, our Lord Jesus, would teach us His holy art of setting the face like a flint to go through with work or suffering till we can say, “It is finished.” Hallelujah. Victory! Victory! We believe the promise. “He shall overcome at the last.”
Yes! We shall overcome at last. Our victory is guaranteed as the God had promise us at the beginning of the year. By His Power and Might will He deliver us but we must make sure that we are having a right standing with Him all the time.
Finally beloved,…. as the smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melteth before fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God (Ps 68:1-2).
Remain blessed in the Lord.