All honour, all Glory, all power to You, Holy Father we worship You, Precious Jesus our Saviour, Holy Spirit we wait on You, Holy Spirit we wait, Holy Spirit we wait You, for fire (several times) //Holy move me now, make my life Holy again, Spirit move all over me, Spirit move over me 2x.
Yes! Father we wait on You for the outpouring of Your Spirit upon us, glory be to Your Name on high. Father we worship You we adore You, we give You Praise, adoration to Your Name. You are God, You are not man, thank You for everything you have done, are doing and will still do in our midst today, glory be to Your Name on high. thank you and thank You and thank You again and again in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing? Faithful is our Father, indeed all honour, glory and power belongs to Him, let us worship at His this morning, let us glorify His Holy Name forever, let us magnify Him forever and ever in Jesus Name.
We are going higher by the grace of God! Our Father has been so kind to us, He watches over us and had protected us from all evil. He made a way in the wilderness, He poured out springs of waters in the wilderness, He comforts them that are sorrowing, He wipes away the tears of them that are mourning, our God is a good God! Let us glorify His Holy Name forever Praise the Lord!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!
Ancient of Days as old as You are, as old as You are, You will never fail. Ancient of Days as old as You are, as old as You are, You will never fail.// I am thanking You Lord for Who You are, what You have done in my life, Lord. I am thank you Lord for Who you are, what You have done, Dan Sakari Baba.
Our Father in heaven O God, we cannot Thank You enough for You have done for us, You are God indeed, You answereth our prayers and give us hope in the place of hopelessness, come down in Your glory again and help us to pray today in Jesus Name.
Beloved, what an opportunity to go before the Presence of God again today, He will listen and send down answers to us as we pray but there is a condition dearly beloved, “We need to tell Him.”
When last do you come to tell God how and what you want Him to do for you with humility of heart? Or do you tell Him complaining and murmuring and even grudging because you assume He ought know even if you did not tell Him?
Beloved, if that has been your position, I believe is going to change after going through this teaching today as the Spirit will open Your eyes of understanding and your heart will perceive what the Spirit is saying.
With reference to what we studied yesterday, we have left the fountain of the living water to dug our own cistern that holds little or no water. Beloved, this is a clarion call to us again to learn to present before God every of our needs irrespective of what it is. When we commit the things we can do into God’s Hand, it is a sign of humility and when are confronted with those things we cannot do, it is easier to take it to God and He will definitely take it over from us.
Prayer is not only informing God about our needs, it is also a relationship whereby we listen to God and hear Him speak to us matters concerning us or any of our other brethren. May Spirit of God help our infirmities in the place of prayers in Jesus Name.
Please come along with us as we discover more:
Isaiah 64:1-66:24, Psalm 119:9-11, Proverbs 24:21-22, Philippians 4:1-23
We Need to Tell Him
In everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.—Philippians 4:6
One of the reasons Jesus taught us to pray “Give us today our daily bread” was because He wanted to build in us a barrier against ingratitude.
Do you pray daily for your physical needs? Do you ask God daily for things like food, shelter, and the other physical necessities of life? I must confess that when I asked myself this question before writing this page, I had to admit that I did not. Now I have made a decision to apply myself to this part of the Lord’s Prayer with greater sincerity.
Of course some people argue that because Jesus said: “Your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him” (Mt 6:8), then it is pointless to inform God of our physical needs because He knows them already. But the central value of prayer is that prayer is not something by which we inform God of our needs and thus influence Him to give things to us. Prayer is designed to influence us; it is we who are in need of this kind of prayer, not God. Of course God knows what we are in need of, but He also knows that unless we come face to face daily with the fact that we are creatures of need, then we can soon develop a spirit of independence and withdraw ourselves from close contact with Him.
Prayer, then, is something we need. God may not need to be told, but we need to tell Him. That’s the point. And unless we grasp it, we can miss one of the primary purposes of prayer.
O Father, thank You for showing me that prayer is not begging for blessings. It is becoming a blessing—to myself. I pray, not to change Your attitude towards me, but to change my attitude towards You. Thank You, Father. Amen.
Further Study
Mt 6:19-34; Ps 37:5; 118:8; 125:1
What should be our attitude to worldly cares?
What should be our first priority?
With reference with our text for today, we ought to give thanks while presenting or making our requests known to God, some people gets angry when things are not working out as planned, they question God or even His existence. Child of God, I want to know that God is sovereign and part of His sovereignty is that He does things the way He wants it and when He wants it, so it not for you to know when or why rather is for you to align yourself to what the Spirit of God is saying and follow suit (Job 31, 38).
Is God that justifies a man, nevertheless we ought to tell Him our needs and never complain or assumed that He ought to know. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Let therefore humble ourselves in prayer and “Tell Him all He need to Know.” For I know answer will come back to us, He answers prayer.
Our heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of this day, thank You for opening the truth in Your Word for us to learn, we believe that You can do things and we trust You that answers will come down to us in Jesus Name.
Beloved, open your mouth wide and pour out your heart before God, He will answer and will not keep quite. Don’t forget to give thanks; It works the miracle. Praise the Lord Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.