I will lift up Your Name higher, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher, Oooo Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher// Lord You are so good, You are so Kind, My Lord Jesus I worship You, You are so kind . You are so good You are so Kind, My Lord Jesus I worship You You are so good.
O! Gracious Father You are so Kind, You good, blessed by Thy Holy Name, I will worship and bow before Your Presence to give You Praise, adoration to Your Name alone in Jesus Name, thank You for the gift of another week, we grateful and therefore we bow before You to worship and adore You for Your Mighty works amongst us, glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name.
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in highest, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in highest. Let the living Praise the Name of Jehovah, Who maketh the heaven and earth and all that is in it, blessed be Thy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, good morning to you, how was your weekend? Hope you had a good time over the weekend learning more to be like Jesus? The extra practice we discussed in the PLC class? We need to like Him if we want to make it at the end.
Today again still talking about Jesus, we need to see Jesus. in spite of all the trouble that surrounds us we need to see Jesus, in all our circumstance and situation we need to see Jesus. Nothing less will satisfy our hungry soul than Jesus, Himself. No possession will replace Jesus in our heart; nothing will be great enough to take the place of Jesus in our life. We must live for Jesus alone and Him alone will be our deliverer.
Nothing satisfy a hungry soul like Jesus, nothing give us joy and built up our hope than knowing the salvation of Jesus, Jesus in the morning, Jesus in the noon, Jesus in at night, Jesus all the time, Praise the Lord! No matter what we are facing, when Jesus is on our sides, we are more than a conqueror, alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!
Do you want to see Jesus? than come along with us for discoveries:
Jeremiah 49:7-50:23,Psalm 119:109-112, Proverbs 26:20-23, Hebrews 1:1-2:9
We See Jesus
We do not yet see everything subjected to him. But we do see Jesus.—Hebrews 2:8-9
Are you troubled as you look out at the situation in the world? Well, according to the Bible, things are going to get worse. As Jesus said: “People will faint from fear and expectation of the things that are coming on the world” (Lk 21:26). How are Christians going to stand when the darkness deepens and things get very much worse? What will we do when international tension increases?
Christians have a glorious hope—the hope of salvation. It is this, and this alone, that enables believers to live out their lives free from mental distress. I am sure you have already discovered that after reading the morning newspaper, you move into the day feeling somewhat depressed. Why is this? It is because almost daily, our newspapers are filled with murder, rape, violence, economic distress, child abuse. And our conscience, which through conversion has been sensitized to the moral laws of God, begins to reverberate as it comes up against the reports of things we know are contrary to the divine principles.
Satan, seeing our concern, attempts to exploit it to his own ends. “Things are getting worse, aren’t they?” he says. “Why don’t you just admit that God has lost control of His world?” If we did not have the helmet of salvation to put on at such a moment, we would finish up with the same attitude as H. G. Wells, who, after the Second World War, wrote: “The spectacle of evil in the world has come near to breaking my spirit.” Again I say, there is no protection in the world for the mind.
My Father and my God, where would I be if I could not cling to a text such as that in my reading for today? My spirit, too, would be near to breaking. I am so thankful that in You there is hope—hope with a capital H.
Further Study
What did Jesus pray for His disciples?
What was Paul’s conviction?
Beloved, does it seem to you as if God has lost control of the world He created? Never allow such a though to cross your mind, God will never lose control of anything irrespective of is happening around and within us, even if it seems as if the whole world is going blizzard, God is still in perfect control.
Satan tortures the children of God in different ways , he uses his agents to manipulate things around us to make us ask God questions. I woke up one early morning to pray instead of prayer satan threw an arrow of doubt about the sovereignty of God, I simple told Him point blank, “I have no such power to question God,” if you know the old serpent, he does not give up easily, he came in another way to make me feel as if God is blind to this area of my need, I simple told God You are more able to do all that concerneth me irrespective of what is happening around me, You can do all things.
I remained satan the life I am living is not mine but was given to me, so why will I bother the giver with need to sustain the same life He gave. Beloved, do you have the Word of God to guide your mind during attack? As you have read above, there is no defense for the “mind” among the armors but you can guide your heart with all diligence through the Word of God if you are familiar with them but if your bible is on shelf or under your pillow what a pity it will be when you are under the attack of the evil one.
Satan did not give up as he made an attempt to my life but that was when he also know the power of God. I was not afraid one bit but I remind calm and calculative because God had sent His angel ahead of me, He gave us the revelation and we have prayed ahead so the battle has been won before the attack was launched.
Beloved, what is it that is brothering your life today? I want you to know that God is more than able to do what you can ever think about Him even in the face of death Jesus and His angels are watching over you, no harm will come up you because Jesus is on your side.
If Saul of Tarsus was arrested by Jesus, who is that uncircumcised Philistines that will boast before you. Before things will goes out of hand Jesus will defend you, He will put your enemies under your feet, all you need to do and keep doing is to make sure that in everything you are seeing Jesus. See Jesus in everything, refuse to see nothing but Jesus. Don’t be overtaken with evil happening rounding you, beloved, rather see Jesus. He will smoothen the rough edges and make every crooked path straight in Name. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, on this note we declare this week open and by the grace of God we will return with greater testimonies at the end of the week in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord