The Name …The Name of Jesus! Is Greater and Higher than names. It is not an ordinary Name! Is a Name that is full of Power and Grace…. // What shall I say unto the Lord… All I have to say is Thank You Lord….Thank You Lord… Thank You Lord… All I have to say is Thank you Lord….

Father we come to say Thank You… We come to say thank You… All I have to say Is Thank You Lord…. Thank You Lord… Thank You Lord! All I have to say Is Thank You Lord… For giving us Victory! For Your Mercy and Goodness! For Your Provision and Safety! Your Kindness and Love! All I have to say is Thank You Lord….

Glory, Honour Power and majesty…Be unto Christ our Lord!!!! I am Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord I am Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done O Lord! Dan Sakari Baba…… Who has the Final say…Jehovah has the final say…. Jehovah turn my life around…Jehovah turn my life around…He make a way where there is no way…Jehovah Has the final say… He make a way where there is no way… Jehovah has the final say….

Father we thank You for the gift of a new month…To You be all the Glory…all the Honour, All Adorations… All Worship… All Praises… Alleluia….Alleluia…Alleluia… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

For All That You have done I will sing alleluia! For all That You will do I will sing Alleluia! For all that You have done I will sing alleluia, shout alleluia… Thank You Jesus!!!

Father Thank You for Your guidance all through the First quarter of the Year… with joy in our heart, we come to say a Big Thank You… and we are believing You that this second quarter will do us good, will deliver the oppressed, set the captive free, the lost are coming home by the power in the Name of Jesus… The depressed are seeing light even in the thick darkness surrounding them… Restoration is coming our way…. The Lord is our portion in the land of the living… the solitary are being settled in their own homes… every barren land is gaining fruitfulness in the Name of Jesus … the Lord is opening New Doors; New Opportunities to us…. Yes! New Ways that will lead us to our land of glory… our land of honour, our land of Restorations in the Name of Jesus….

What a wonderful God we serve…what a Glorious God we worship… what a miraculous God we are serve…. Alleluia… to the King of kings… The Lord of lords… The Lion of the Tribe of Judah…  O let everything that has breathe Praise the Lord….

Beloveth… is a brand new month… can somebody shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!! Our Lord has been so good to us… from January He lead us through February, we march into May and June and now we are in the July, isn’t God Wonderful…Isn’t He precious… alleluia to His Holy Name… to Him Alone be all our Praise in Jesus Name…

Today is our PCL and a new month too… our double portion has started already…. What is our God saying to us in this new month… Wow! He will speak Peace, He will speak Kindness, He will love, He will speak Favour, He will speak Goodness, He will speak Fruitfulness… Yes Our God is Speaking to us…. beloveth we are glad to announce to you the Mind of God to us as a ministry – so Welcome to Our Month of Abundant Blessings Through Christ Jesus  (Deut 28:1-14, 3Jn2, Ezek 34:26, Isa 35)…. Praise the Name of the Lord…..

My Lord is Good, my Lord is Good, my Lord is Good! He is so Good…. My Lord is good! He is so good… My Lord is good! He is so good…

Yes our God is Good; all the time… His mercies enduerth forever and ever… beloveth are you set to receive from the Lord Abundance that only Him can give… Yes He giveth us Abundance… in Good Health, our Land will yield Sufficient Increase… Our Body will be Fruitful… Our labour will bring Profits… Our going out and coming in is Safe and Secured… O the Lord our God is posed again to do the Miraculous in our midst… beloveth we are moving forward… Yes! Our glory is here… We are breaking through into our Fertile Pastureland and Abundance is our portion… in Jesus Name… no more lack… no more sorrow… poverty is gone… our heaven is Open…our glory has come… Praise the Name of the Lord….

Beloveth… He that winneth a soul is wise… our labour in the Lord’s vineyard also guarantees our Abundant Blessings… Having receive the Holy Spirit, we shall be fruitful in the kingdom work Amen… Having been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus from the power of sin… we are slaves of righteousness not to sin any longer….

Come along for more:

Slaves of Righteousness                                                                           

And having been liberated from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.—Romans 6:18

Before you were a Christian you were a slave, in bondage to sin. Even when you did not want to sin, you were unable to do otherwise (Rom. 7:15–24). When God saved you, He freed you from sin, but you remained a slave. Now, rather than being bound to sin, you are bound to righteousness. In every area of your life you are obligated to do what honors God.

There are some who believe that when Christ sets them free, they are free to do whatever they want. That is not so. The apostle Paul realized that when he began following Christ he became a “bondservant” of Christ, and his life was no longer his own (Rom. 1:1).

Now, rather than being enslaved to sin, he was enslaved to God and His righteousness. When people mistreated him, he had forfeited the right to respond from his natural feelings but was compelled to offer a righteous response. When he was tempted, he was no longer free to succumb to his feelings. Paul could not enter the workplace and act selfishly. He understood that, as a slave of righteousness, he was obligated to live a holy life, honoring his Master.

Righteous living is not an option for a Christian. Nor is it something we must try to do over time. It is an obligation, mandatory for every child of God. Our freedom in Christ is not freedom to do what we want. It is freedom to live righteously, something we could not do when we were in bondage to sin. Now that we are free to live righteously, we must allow the Holy Spirit to produce in us a holy, sanctified life (1 John 3:7).

Beloveth, righteous living is not an option to us as children of God… we are therefore encourage to be in God’s favour (Jude 21…) as we walk through this month…

Further Reading – Gen 28:1-14, Isa 35.

Once again beloveth Welcome to Our month of Abundant Blessings Through Christ Jesus…. Be sure that the Power of God will do us good…Sso keep date with us and receive your Abundant Blessings in Jesus Name….

See you on Monday by God’s grace… Happy New Month Beloveth….

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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