Complete, complete, complete in Him, I am complete in Him. complete, complete, complete in Him, I am complete in Him. Is not by works of righteousness but by grace, is not by works of righteousness but by His grace alone, is not by works of righteousness but by His grace alone, I am complete in Him.// Father we declare that we love You, we declare an everlasting love for You, Father we declare that we love You, we declare an everlasting love for You.
Yes! Father we declare our everlasting love for You, thank You for the gift of life, the gift of another month to be all You have made us to be, thank you for indeed You are God and You liveth forever more, Thank Youu for Your Guidance and protection all the first half of the year, thank you Father for Your numerous blessings and love expressed in diverse forms in our lives, we bow before You, we Praise your Holy Name, we adored Thee, we give You Praise adoration and honour be Thou exalted in Jesus Name.
Thank You Father for the month of January, February, March, April, May, June and July is here, O Lord we thank You for doing what no man can do in our lives and situations in Jesus Name. Everlasting King of glory, Who is like unto Thee, Father there is none to be compared with Thee, we worshipped Thee, we give You praise adoration and honour because july will not deliver less but You will Yet glorify Your Name again and again in Jesus Name.
Beloved, wow! Isn’t God beautiful? Our God is good for all situations. Indeed he is beautiful for all situations, why don’t you eulogize God in a way that will show you are grateful for all His has done for you. we have just conclude the first half of the year and we are stepping into the second half the year in a grand way, for the Lord will yet make Name for Himself. He has promised never to leave nor forsake us and I know He will do it just that, glory be to God on high in Jesus Name.
Beloved, we have a good news for you. The Power that raised Christ from death is here presence and He is saying to us that He is here in our midst as the Almighty God to do again what He knows how to do best and I am sure You are positioned to receive from Him.
Beloved, we are glad to welcome you to Your month of “Divine Placement in Christ Jesus.” Eph 3:14-21, Jer 29: 11-14, Jug 6:12-14.
Join me as we sing this song together, come and see what the Lord has done, He has taken away my sin and give joy, aga mu apara alleluia apara, aga mu buru alleluia ….. aeeeh, He has given me victory, eeeh, He has given me victory, eeeh He has given me victory….
Yes, the Lord has given us victory, He has rescued us from all evil and no power is permitted to do us evil for He will secure us from all unrighteousness and evil. He has given us a broad Place for our feet to stand upon and He is set to make Name for Himself again in our lives. Beloved, Praise the Lord!
Beloved, “I don’t know why He love me so, I don’t know why.” Let us magnify the Lord forever for His love has no end and He is Might is greater than what we call Him. having been with us all through the first half of the year and having restored to us all what the enemies have stolen from us, in His Kindness and Mercies, He decided to place us where He has been longing for us to belong. Yes! His plan for us is not “evil” but “good.” To give us an expected end. The Right Hand of the Lord will perform this, Yes! His Hand is bringing us home from where we were held in captivity to the place where He ordained for us to be from the foundation of the world. Are you ready beloved!!!!!!!!!!!!,
I don’t know the things in your life that has constantly asked you where your God is. Your families and friends don’t even believe in your God because of how life has treated you and to them your God is not the God they want to serve, your God is not powerful enough to “deliver and make whole” and you are turning bitter because of it. I receive a Word for you. Beloved, “here what the Spirit of God is saying to you concerning that “it is not your battle, allow God to defend His Name. Yes! He is a Living God and will fight His battle and will not keep quite.
Yes! He will come and prove Himself strong on your behalf, yours is to keep believing in the existence of All Powerful and Living God. Alleluia Praise the Lord.
In the book of Judges chapter 6 verse 13 Gideon lamented in the same manner when the angel of the Living God was giving Him an assignment for the Lord. But because God knew what He has embedded in him, He commanded Him to go in this “Might” (vs 14). But He was still with a lots of excuses and demanded a sign from the Lord which He granted to Him. (vs 15-24).
And the Lord commanded him to carry out an assignment to establish His Kingship over his father’s house by destroying the altar of Baal which his father worshipped and he did that, so when the elders of the land was demanded for Gideon to be handed over to them to stone him to death, hear the father’s responses to them (vs 30-31). He told the men of the city to allow Baal to fight his course if he is God as they claimed.
I therefore say same to you that it is “the Lord’ battle and you don’t need to fight in this battle” if our God be God, He will defend Himself, so you need not be bitter at all concerning all that has happened. The end has come for the Mighty One has promised to defend your course and to show that indeed you are serving a Living God.
So watch out! You are in the season of “God’s Sovereignty,” He will show forth His praise in the midst of His people, alleluia Amen.
Don’t ever quit rather be optimistic as the Lord will glorify His Name once again in your life, let discover more:
2 Kings 11:1-13:9, Psalm 78:9-16, Proverbs 16:29-30, Acts 7:1-22
The Original Quitters
They forgot what He had done, the wonderful works He had shown them.—Psalm 78:11
The psalm before us today begins by commanding us to listen: “My people, hear my instruction; listen to what I say” (Ps 78:1). You have only to read a few verses of this psalm to see that the psalmist, Asaph, is recalling the disobedience that characterized the Jews during their forty years’ wandering in the wilderness. Then a strange verse appears: “The Ephraimite archers turned back on the day of battle” (v. 9).
These Ephraimites were equipped with all they needed for warfare, but on the day of battle—that is, the first day of the fray—they “turned back.” Although well armed, in the moment of testing they were overcome by fear. Doubtless they paraded well and looked fine as they marched out to battle, but when they came face to face with the enemy, the only weapon they used was a cloud of dust as they retreated en masse—and in a hurry.
A preacher I once heard referred to the Ephraimites in this verse as “the original quitters.” What an indictment. The Ephraimites live on, you know; they are to be found in the rank and file of many a modern-day congregation. They look fine in church on Sunday mornings with a hymn book and a Bible in their hands, but let the hot rays of temptation beat upon them—and they run. They surrender to temptation because they have never learned how to surrender to God. When we surrender to God, then we need not surrender to anything else.
Lord Jesus, help me clarify to myself whether I am surrendered or not. For I see that if I do not fall at Your feet, then I fall at the feet of things and circumstances. Show me at whose feet I am lying. For Your own name’s sake. Amen.
Further Study
How did Daniel resist the temptation to compromise?
What are the results of resisting temptation?
Beloved, we are not going to quit in face of trials or temptations rather we will stand firm to declare that Jesus is Lord. “Stand firm onward Christian solider fighting for the Lord, don’t quit for the Lord is with you.” Therefore go in this might and declare the Name of the Lord to all and sundry.
On this note we declare the week/ month open and we will return with greater testimonies at the end in Jesus Name. (Rom 5: 1 – 5, Cor 16:13, 1Jn 1:3, Gal 2:20, 2 Cor 3:5, Jas 5:15, Heb 4:14-16).
Once again welcome to your month of Divine Placement in Christ Jesus.” have a blessed and sweet encounter as you journey through the month. Amen.
Remain blessed in the Lord.