Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God, we bow before Thy Throne! We bow before Thy Throne, we worship at Thy feet, we bow before Thy throne, You are a glorious God! // Who is on the Lord side I want to know; I am on the Lord side. Who is on the Lord Side I want to know; I am on the Lord. Will join me to sing, I am on the Lord side and the Lord is on my side as long as live, as long as I stay, I am on the Lord side.
Our Father in heaven O! God! Blessed be Thy Name from everlasting to everlasting. Thank You for a glorious day You have made, a new month it pleased You that we should partake of it, we give You Praise, alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords the Ancient of Days, the lion of the tribe of Judea, the beginning and the End. the Glorious One, The Mighty, One, the One Who is and is yet to come, we bless You, We give You Praise, adorations to Your Holy Name, forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Who is like unto the O Lord, Who is like unto Thee, O! Lord! among the gods Who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising during wonders alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father, we worship You both and forever,. Thank You for the gift of a new month in the land of living, for many started the year with us and today they are no more, but it pleased Thee to uphold us despite all that has go under the sea, Father we worship Thee now and forever more Amen!
Beloveth, are you celebrating the new month? Yes! let us lift our voices to heaven and Praise His Holy Name for all the good things He has done for us, He give us joy, peace, health, life, and He provided for us sustenance of same, glory be to His Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
The first quarter of the year has rolled by and significantly is the fact that a year of which the deadly invasion from of hell has gone by and you and I are still standing is something we ought to thank God for, for Him alone is worthy of our Praise, beloveth it can only be God who made it possible, Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes! We are going forward, no stopping, no waiting, always engaging for the Lord and we are looking forward for His glorious appearing in Jesus Name. Are you on the Lord side dearly beloved? (1 Cor 3:9). Our Lord is good; all the time!!!!!
Beloveth, the Lord faithfulness is unquestionable, from the beginning of this year, God is with us, He has never leave us neither has He forsaken us, He keep our going out and our coming in. He is Master Planner, even when we are failing He held us on and keep our feet from falling. Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes another month has come and I know God has laid out wonderful plans for us, He has promised and He will fail us all we have to do is to follow Him and never be tried, alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth we are pleased to welcome you into your month of “Glorious Appearing through Jesus Christ” (Tit 2:13, Prov 20:22, Jas 5:8). Somebody is rising this season, somebody is being establish this season Praise the Name of the Lord! alleluia!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, we are in season where in His infinite mercy is poised to save and deliver His people from the pit of hell and establish them in His glorious abode alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, today is Holy Thursday in Christian calendar, the judgment of Jesus has started and His passion being release for the people He came to save.
Yes the people He came to save, but they know Him not, his disciples misplaced their priorities and were much concern about Him becoming the earthly King and they in commanded but they never have an insight of what Jesus want to do even after he exposed the scripture to them. When took to pray along with Him, their flesh covered their spirit that they slept off in the garden of prayer and sooner than they imagined their supposed King was taken away and they took to their heel.
Beloveth, I want us to mediate how times and ways we have forsaken the Lord? Some of us may spend time recounting what the disciples did; can you today reflect on how many ways you have denied Jesus and ran away? How many ways have you betrayed Jesus?
The most surprising things about this that first Jesus was not discouraged by the behaviours of the people He came to saved secondly He was bent on doing His Father’s Will. What a life to imitate.
Beloveth what do we do when things are not going the way we want it- do we run away from it or do we like Jesus bent on doing the Will of our Father no matter the pain and cost?
As the Lord given promised us another wonderful promise this month, my prayer for us is that we hold on to His faithfulness and look unto Him for the fulfillment not minding whether you are looking like it now or not. Has it said He will also bring it to pass when you delight yourself in Him, alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irrespective of where you are or what is happening now look unto Jesus, hold on to Him, don’t leave Him nor forsake Him and it shall be well with you as the Lord by His Mighty Hand will orchestrate a way for you even in that desert and being you into your fruitful land in Jesus Name.
Let discover more from below:
“Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.” Matthew 26:56
He never deserted them, but they in cowardly fear of their lives, fled from Him in the very beginning of His sufferings. This is but one instructive instance of the frailty of all believers if left to themselves; they are but sheep at the best, and they flee when the wolf cometh. They had all been warned of the danger, and had promised to die rather than leave their Master; and yet they were seized with sudden panic, and took to their heels.
It may be, that I, at the opening of this day, have braced up my mind to bear a trial for the Lord’s sake, and I imagine myself to be certain to exhibit perfect fidelity; but let me be very jealous of myself, lest having the same evil heart of unbelief, I should depart from my Lord as the apostles did. It is one thing to promise, and quite another to perform.
It would have been to their eternal honour to have stood at Jesus’ side right manfully; they fled from honour; may I be kept from imitating them! Where else could they have been so safe as near their Master, who could presently call for twelve legions of angels? They fled from their true safety.
O God, let me not play the fool also. Divine grace can make the coward brave. The smoking flax can flame forth like fire on the altar when the Lord wills it. These very apostles who were timid as hares, grew to be bold as lions after the Spirit had descended upon them, and even so the Holy Spirit can make my recreant spirit brave to confess my Lord and witness for His truth.
What anguish must have filled the Saviour as He saw His friends so faithless! This was one bitter ingredient in His cup; but that cup is drained dry; let me not put another drop in it. If I forsake my Lord, I shall crucify Him afresh, and put Him to an open shame. Keep me, O blessed Spirit, from an end so shameful.
Praise the Name of the Lord! May not flee from our true safety in face of danger in Jesus Name. May the Holy Spirit breathe on us afresh in Jesus Name. May He help us and uphold us until the Lord furnish us with greatly glory which is beyond this world in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, we will not play the coward rather by God’s grace we will look forward to our glorious appearing as the Lord Jesus take us through our valleys and bring us to the mountain top where we reign with Him forever in Jesus Name. Shalom!!! (Ps 84:11).
Once again welcome to your month of Glorious Appearing through Jesus Christ in Jesus Name!
Love you dearie.
Remain blessed in the Lord.