How excellent is the lovingkindness O Lord! Therefore the children of men (therefore the children of men), Therefore the children of men (therefore the children of men) put their trust (put their trust) under the shadow of their love.2x. They shall be abundantly satisfy (3x) with the fullness of the Name and Thy shall make them drink of the water of Thy pleasure and Thou shall make them drink of the water of Thy good pleasure.// What a Might God we serve, alleluia, what a Mighty God we serve, heaven and earth adore Him angels bow before Him what a Mighty God we serve.
Our God is a perfect God. Thank You Father for Your goodness and for Your wonderful works to Your children. O Lord, thank You for making it possible for us to be numbered among the living. Glory, honour, adoration be ascribe unto thee alone. How wonderful is our God, He is Almighty, Excellent is His Name Father, thank You Father for the gift of another month, it can only be You Lord. thank You for numerous blessings in our lives from the beginning of the year up until now, Be magnify in Jesus Name.
Beloved, our God is good all the time. Am glad to welcome you into a new month, a month rich in God’s goodness and mercies, a month that God is set do wonders in our lives and situation, a month that will draw heavens attention and a book of remembrance will be opened unto us. yes! that month is here and we will go through it on eagle’s wing as the Lord of Host will bear us up least we dash our foot on a stone. Can I hear a believing alleluia!
Beloveth, is a new day, a new week, a new month embedded with remembrance and God will remember someone to bless and to honour, can that be you, then if you are one shout alleluia to Him Whose Word cannot fall to ground without performing that which is sent to do, glory be to God on high in Jesus Name.
In this new month, our Lord has set a table before us and will make His self known to us in another dimension and we should partake of it by the grace of God. Beloved, we are in the ninth month of the year and the ninth month signify month of birth a pregnant woman. We also learnt that God remembered Noah and we are in the month of remembrance, God will remember someone for good and if you are that person shout alleluia to Our God in highest.
Beloved, by the grace of God, the Spirit of exploits is resting upon us, so we are glad to welcome you into the ninth month of year, your month of “Great Exploits in Lord.” (Deut 1:6, -8, Gen 9:7, Joel 2:7-10). If you are happy about this report can you shout a barrier breaking alleluia to our God. Beloveth are you among the Lord’s armies? If you are, then you are going to have a rewarding time all through the month because it is promising to be all engaging and interesting too.
Like Elizabeth, my Spirit is lifted up and I will rejoice in the Lord my Savoiur, Praise the Lord! beloved, you have been long on this mountain then the time to move forward is now. I don’t know the mountain where the Lord is speaking about in your life but you know. I don’t know also what you might have believed God to do from the beginning of this year, now the Lord is saying “you have been long here,” so He is saying the time to move on is now. Secondly the Lord is set to favour you, no more waiting; is action time. Am so excited and am sure you are too. Having been on the Lord’s side, we must know when the Spirit of God is asking us to wait; and when He saying to move, so we must be sensitive to know the move of the Spirit of God and obey according.
Glory be to God on high, Who has not left us orphans but daily supply us His Word to help us run the race set before us. Please come along with me as you will be empowered from the truth you will discover hereafter.
The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: “You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.”Deuteronomy 1:6
If God allowed us to live on the “mountaintop,” we would not experience trials, but neither would we achieve any victories. The Israelites had gathered at the foot of Mount Horeb while God spoke to them and gave them His law. It was a breathtaking experience! Fire and smoke covered that awesome mountain; lightning flashed, and loud trumpet sounds pierced the air in a deafening crescendo! The ground at the foot of the mountain shook, and the people trembled in fear (Exod. 19:16–25).
As important as it was for God’s people to have this inspiring encounter with Him, their Lord had not rescued them from Egypt in order for them to settle around a mountain in the wilderness. God delivered them so that they could conquer the Promised Land. God wanted to demonstrate His power to the Israelites so that they would trust Him in their conquest of Canaan. Finally, God announced that they had been long enough at the mountain; it was time to go to battle.
The mountain is an enticing place to set up camp. Peter, James, and John were prepared to reside on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus, but their Lord knew that a demon-possessed boy needed their assistance down below (Matt. 17:4, 14–18). At times God will graciously provide you a mountaintop experience. You may wish you could spend the rest of your life basking in the glow of your encounter with God. But remember, these mountaintop encounters are God’s way of preparing you for the battles that await you.
Did you discover something above, the mountain experiences prepares way to fully engage in the battlefield of life, Praise the Lord! let discover more:
“They shall go hindmost with their standards.” Numbers 2:31
The camp of Dan brought up the rear when the armies of Israel were on the march. The Danites occupied the hindmost place, but what mattered the position, since they were as truly part of the host as were the foremost tribes; they followed the same fiery cloudy pillar, they ate of the same manna, drank of the same spiritual rock, and journeyed to the same inheritance. Come, my heart, cheer up, though last and least; it is thy privilege to be in the army, and to fare as they fare who lead the van. Some one must be hindmost in honour and esteem, some one must do menial work for Jesus, and why should not I? In a poor village, among an ignorant peasantry; or in a back street, among degraded sinners, I will work on, and “go hindmost with my standard.”
The Danites occupied a very useful place. Stragglers have to be picked up upon the march, and lost property has to be gathered from the field. Fiery spirits may dash forward over untrodden paths to learn fresh truth, and win more souls to Jesus; but some of a more conservative spirit may be well engaged in reminding the church of her ancient faith, and restoring her fainting sons. Every position has its duties, and the slowly moving children of God will find their peculiar state one in which they may be eminently a blessing to the whole host.
The rear guard is a place of danger. There are foes behind us as well as before us. Attacks may come from any quarter. We read that Amalek fell upon Israel, and slew some of the hindmost of them. The experienced Christian will find much work for his weapons in aiding those poor doubting, desponding, wavering, souls, who are hindmost in faith, knowledge, and joy. These must not be left unaided, and therefore be it the business of well-taught saints to bear their standards among the hindmost. My soul, do thou tenderly watch to help the hindmost this day.
Beloved, oftentimes in life we may wants to be early risers and early achievers but it may happen as we can see from the above message. We may want to be among those who have achieved our goals early in year or before the second half of the year is comes but if it pleases the Lord otherwise, may His will be done always.
As we can see that Danities occupies last clan in line up to the promise land but they also partake of all the Lord provisions as He did give to the Reubenities. Wow! So we are left out of God’s plan, is all about His timing, so we must be sensitive to the move of the Spirit else we miss out , God forbid.
Beloved, our blessings from above will locate us and there will be showers in our life. The dew of heaven will also rest on us as we obey every instruction the Spirit of God will be giving us in Jesus Name.
On this note we declare the week open, remember you been long on this mountain so the time to move is now. For many who are procrastinating about joining the Lord’s armies another opportunity is here for you, don’t miss out as the world is waiting for your own foot prints as you walk through this part of eternity. Remember we go about our Father’s business, He will surely take care of us. Praise the Lord.
See you at the end of the week with great testimonies in Jesus Name. once again welcome to your month of Great Exploits in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the lord.