Am standing on the Rock x3;
Jesus is the Rock.
Thank You Father for the You are indeed the Rock of Ages; the Rock that never fail. He is The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? 18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. Luke 20:17-18 (KJV)
The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runeth into it and are secured. Thank You for the security that is in You, Father. O! let’s all that has breathe praise the Lord, for His Goodness and Wonderful works in life of His children. Praise be the Name of the Lord!
Beloved, what a great testimony you have for being part this great month. You are among the living; worshiping God with your hands lifted up and your voice singing melodious songs unto the Lord.
It is indeed glorious; that you not in the mortuary, neither were your hands lifted nor support by another or gadgets. You can move freely not being supported by any means. You can breathe freely not by any gadgets; you are conscious and aware of the happenings in your environment. Please, start sing praises to the Lord, Most High God.
Peradventure, you are in any of the state mentioned above, do not be despair for your deliverance is now. God is working out your miracle, all you need do is hold on Him firmly, not doubting in our heart, He will send help to you now.
I got a Whatsapp mail from a friend about a story of an old man who had a urinary tract infection. Having been operated and his bill given to him, to their amazement, the old man started crying and upon inquire as per why he was crying, he gave a simple but thought provoking answer, “he said, for 70 years God allowed him to urinate without sending him a bill”.
Is someone jumping on his feet and dancing for the Lord, is someone singing songs to the Lord? Is only an grateful child of God that is ungrateful to God even for the gift of life, beloved, in everything, let us be grateful to God at all time.
We are privilege to welcome you to another new month in the year of the Lord, “our month of Greater Glory” (Col 3:1- 4).
Indeed, the glory of our latter days shall be greater than the former (Hag 2:9). Beloved, The Lord is coming again in grand style, are you poised for receiving? For in Him lies our glory according to our theme verse.
Beloved, if indeed you followed us all through last month, this will not be surprise you, for it is only a prepared vessel will the glory of the Lord fill to overflowing. God cannot empower unclean vessel or else it will be a dishonor to a holy God, for our God is holy.
Are full of song this hour? Behold, the stars, the sun and the moon are praising God; even mountains, the hills, the winds, the rain, the seas, trees of the field shall clap their hands. Surprise! If the inanimate things are praising God, what about you? Come along my dear:
“The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Isa. 55:12
When sin is pardoned, our greatest sorrow is ended, and our truest pleasure begins. Such is the joy which the Lord bestows upon His reconciled ones, that it overflows and fills all nature with delight. The material world has latent music in it, and a renewed heart knows how to bring it out and make it vocal.
Creation is the organ, and a gracious man finds out its keys, lays his hand thereon, and wakes the whole system of the universe to the harmony of praise. Mountains and hills, and other great objects, are, as it were, the bass of the chorus; while the trees of the wood, and all things that have life, take up the air of the melodious song.
When God’s Word is made to prosper among us, and souls are saved, then everything seems full of song. When we hear the confessions of young believers, and the testimonies of well-instructed saints, we are made so happy that we must praise the Lord, and then it seems as if rocks and hills, and woods and fields, echoed our joy-notes, and turned the world into an orchestra. Lord, on this happy Mayday, lead me out into thy tuneful world as rich in praise as a lark in full song.
Yesterday, we remained ourselves that the faithful’s of old were faithful at what the Lord called them to and they were rewarded. There is always a reward for them that overcometh. Are you an overcomer? Be faithful in what God has called you to, surely you will receive the overcomers reward.
I don’t know where or what God has called you to do, be faithful. Though you are not seeing any reward now, do not worry; He that calleth you is Faithful, He will surely reward you. More on how to receive and overcomer rewared:
“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” Rev. 2:17
My heart, be thou stirred up to persevere in the holy war, for the reward of victory is great. Today we eat of heavenly food which falls about our camps; the food of the wilderness, the food which comes from Heaven, the food which never fails the pilgrims to Canaan.
But there is reserved for us in Christ Jesus a still higher degree of spiritual life, and a food for it which, as yet is hidden from our experience. In the golden pot which was laid up in the ark there was a portion of manna hidden away, which though kept for ages never grew stale. No one ever saw it; it was hid with the ark of the covenant, in the Holy of Holies.
Even so, the highest life of the believer is hid with Christ, in God. We shall come to it soon. Being made victorious through the grace of our Lord Jesus, we shall eat of the King’s meat, and feed upon royal dainties.
We shall feed upon Jesus. He is our “hidden manna” as well as the manna of the wilderness. He is all in all to us in our highest, as well as in our lowest estate. He helps us to fight, gives us the victory, and then is Himself our reward. Lord, help me to overcome.
Beloved, “greater glory” as proclaim upon us by God will be fully delivered. Just ensure that you keep a date with us and you will not regret you did. For His Word is new each morning and Faithful is He that promised, He will also deliver to you.
But only on the condition that we should do the first thing first. What is that first thing? Someone wants to know?
A date with us promise an answer to all your concerns, The Sweet Holy Spirit is here to do just that. Once again, welcome to Your Month of “Greater Glory”.
Remain blessed in the Lord.