No one can see the end of glory oh oh oh Lord… On one can see the end of Your Power oh oh oh oh // What a Mighty God we serve what a mighty God we serve, heaven and earth adore Him, angels bow before Him what a Mighty God we serve.
Our Father we Thank You we worship You we give You Praise adore to Your Holy Name be Thou exalted Unlimited God…who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!
Father we thank You for the gift of a new and a glorious moment in Your Presence… we worship Thee, we give You Praise, honour, adoration to You alone in Jesus Name… we thank You for the gift of a new month, it can only You Father…just few hours ago we echoed ‘happy new year’…here we are on the third month, Father we come to say thank You for the great privilege given us to witness and be a witness in this new month, we are entirely grateful to You Who is above all in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, we made it to the month of March, it can only be God Who made it possible and easy for us, let us glorify His Name forever and ever for this Great love showered on us… from the beginning of year He has been leading us on the Eagle’s wings… glorify the Name of the Lord Amen, Alleluia!!! Our God is a good God!
Beloveth, join us to celebrate our Father Who again in diverse ways has always glorify His Name in our midst through the workings of miracles and breakthroughs in our lives and situation, this month will not b an exception, He will show forth His Praise and honour in our midst.
We are glad to announce to you that w serve a God that answereth by fire, He consumes His enemies by fire and deliver the oppressed by fire… join us as we receive from the Throne of Grace the theme for this month by power of the Holy Spirit.
Beloveth, “Welcome to Your month of Perpetual Help in Christ Jesus “ Rom 8:26-28, Heb 12:1-12, Jas 3:13-18, Ps 124:1-8.
I am so happy… so very happy that Jesus Christ died for me I am so happy… so very happy that Jesus Christ dies for me…
Beloveth, we serve a Power Dynamite God, Who is more than able to do all things….this month is going to be explosive and interesting as we are going to see the Power of God manifesting itself in a way we have never see before…
What are those things (areas) you want the power of God to manifest…don’t keep quite, don’t give up, don’t go sucking, hold on to God’s Word and see the breakthrough come to past in Jesus Name.
Just ensure that you keep a date with us all through the month and you will see the Wonder Working God manifesting daily His glory in our lives and situations in Jesus Name.
Join us as we discovery more:
“But your eyes are blessed because they do see, and your ears because they do hear!”—Matthew 13:16
When you became a Christian, God gave you spiritual sight and hearing so you could begin experiencing His presence and activity all around you. The Holy Spirit helps you to develop these spiritual senses as you walk with Him. Spiritual sensitivity to God is a gift that must be accepted and exercised. Scripture indicates that those who are spiritually dead cannot see or understand spiritual things (Matt. 13:14–15). Without spiritual eyes, you can be right in the midst of a mighty act of God and not recognize it.
There is a radical difference between seeing your surroundings from a human perspective and seeing life through spiritual eyes. Non-Christians will see world events around them and become confused. You will look at the same events, recognize the activity of God, and adjust your life to Him. When you meet a person who is seeking God, you will recognize the convicting work of the Holy Spirit and adjust your life to God’s activity (Rom. 3:11).
Someone without spiritual perception will encounter that same person and not grasp the eternal significance of what is happening in that person’s life. Others will hear of new philosophies and trends in society and not know how to discern the truth. You will hear God’s voice over the din of the world’s voices, and you will keep your bearings in the midst of the confusing circumstances.
Sin dulls your senses, ultimately leaving you spiritually blind and deaf. Do not be content with merely seeing with physical eyes and hearing with natural ears but not sensing what God is doing. Ask God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to sensitize you to His activity all around you.
Beloveth, our eyes will see; our ears will not be dull in Jesus Name. We are breaking grounds this month…our God of Supernatural Breakthroughs is going to do wonders in our midst, last two months was exciting but this month is going be superlative exciting in the Name of Jesus…
There is not gonna be a dull moment by the grace of God. The Holy Spirit is already here to do the extraordinary in our midst. We are moving higher…we are going higher, we going higher higher, higher every day exceeding great….
Make sure you are praying for the leading of the Holy Spirit, this is our month of Perpetual Help… God has said it; He will also do it for us, in us, through us in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, …..our help is in the Name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth …Ps 124:8
Once again welcome to Your Month of Perpetual Help in Christ Jesus Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.