Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I need Thy Hand has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee.// Yes! I shall arise and return to my Father! Yes! Shall I arise and return to my Father.

Your love has taken over me, I can now depend on You, I have confidence in You, in You O! Lord I put my trust! Your love has taken me under the canopy, give me security, I am righteousness of God! Under the canopy, give me security, I am the righteousness of God! //You are worthy O Lord! You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord! You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord! You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord!// Your children are saying Lord You are worthy, Your children are saying Lord, You are worthy, Your children are saying Lord! You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord!// Everybody testify You are good! You are good Jehovah You are good! Everybody testify You are good! You are good Jehovah You are good!

Thank You Father for You are good, heaven and earth testify that You are good! Living creatures are saying You are good! The Works of You Hand are saying You are good!

(Praise) Great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise, You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign, Great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise, greatly to be Praise, Father You reign. // Great are You Lord! Great are You Lord! Great are You Lord! Great are You Lord! Great are You Lord! Great are You Lord! Great are You Lord Great are You Lord!!!!!!!!

Indeed You are a Great God, there is no one to be compare with You. In heaven, You are God; on earth You reigneth all over the world. Great are You Lord! Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank You Father, Thank You Lord! Glory be to Your Holy Name on high in Jesus Name!

Beloved, good morning and congratulation! You made it to the New Year, Praise the Lord! we are glad to welcome you into the another Year of the Lord, the year He has made right from the foundation of the world and said we should rejoice and be glad in it, beloved welcome to Year 2020. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a faithful God we serve, an awesome we have as our God! His faithfulness faileth not, as He is in the beginning, so He remaineth forever more, Powerful is His Name, Marvelous is His Name! Awesomeness is His Name! Praise the Living God! alleluia!!!!!!!

Beloved, special thank to our Almighty Father Who by His divine design made you part of this year, a year so much reference has been made in the previous years. I could remember many organization raising to declare so many vision on this year, some call it “Vision 2020” at last we are here in same year that seems so far away and behold you and I are standing right on it, can you please with all humility of mind and with sense of responsibility give a shouting ovations to the One Who made it possible for you to stand on this ground today, Praise Praise Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Your Hand have provided, Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee!!! Praise the Living Jesus alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank God you are here today, thank God for the privilege to continue in His Presence, thank God for the grace that upheld us all through the past years and here we are again sitting at the feet of Jesus to drink and stoop to listen to the very Word of our Master, glory be to Jesus Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Having made it to the New Year I want to believe there is a reason why God spared your life, He never allowed you to go with the past year. God has a reason and a purpose for everything. He is a God of purpose. God does not just say a thing, He say a Word and back it up because He has a reason and purpose to bring to past Gen 1:3-5, 6-8, 9-13, 14-19, 20-23, 24-23, 26-28,29-30,31). For each of God pronouncement there was a purpose and at the end He saw that everything He made was God then God rested on seventh day.

I am here to announce to someone reading this devotional at this time that you are in God’s purpose and agenda for year 2020! Again hear this, “God will not rest until He bring every of His plans, purposes and agenda in your life this year,” Can you shout alleluia to the Lord!!!!!!!!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to the King of kings, the Lord of Lord, the Ancient One, The One who is yet to come, Praise the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!

Always remember that God does not say a thing except He has a purpose for it. God say what He wants to do, He also means every Word He said, Praise the Lord!!!!

Let that be your confident as you go through this year, that God has a purpose for making you part of this year and that purpose will be unfolding as the day go by, therefore make sure you stay very close to Him, listening and upholding every command from him and you will end this year fulfilled in Jesus Name.

Here come the big one you and I have been waiting for, we have also prayed for-, the yearly theme as the Lord has been dealing with us graciously for the past seven year. And in this eight year He will not fail to speak to us. It is also important to note that God have not just been speaking to us, He has also bring to pass every promise He made on this Altar, none of His promises to us has failed, He standeth sure to bring it to pass. In fact I think it will right to call Him “Jehovah Over-Do” if you agree with me shout a believing Amen and as you eulogize Him He will start His work in your life right now in Jesus Name! On this first day of the Lord “Our Jehovah Over-Do” will start His work in your life in Jesus Name.

Again before we arrive into the new year, many of us have some unfulfilled plans, dreams and aspirations, so many were not happy, they became disenchanted and was at the verge of giving up if not for the Word that the Lord give us daily from His throne that keep them from being dismay. I have great news for someone who thought he/she cannot make it again, who is saying O! no! The year has ended again I have not gotten my miracle babies, jobs, house, partner, business, admission and am yet to breakthrough financially.

I have great news for you, the Lord said, “He is just starting with you.” He said I should tell someone that, “This year is the year you have waiting for” He said, “His Outstretched hand will help you” if you are the one shout a thunderous Alleluia!!!!!!!

Having lay this background, I want you to know that for every Word spoken by God is to be taken as a debt expect it was not a promise you received at the place of prayer or ministration that you have waited and prayed for. Therefore, grab every promise and pray it into your life, do not treat prophesy with content, else it will not work for you. When God speak, He is Well Able to bring it to past. God is not man that He lie neither is He the son of man that changes, in God there is turning of shadow neither will He ever fail you (Num 23:19, Tit 1:2).

We are glad as it pleased the Lord to deal kindly with us again this year. According to the Word of the Lord and His promise to us this year as a ministry, we announce to you the mind of God in this blessed Year of the Lord to us a ministry. Beloved, with great joy in our heart, we welcome you to your year of  “From Glory to Glory” (Isa 60, 66, Hag 2:7-9, 2Cor 3:18) as spoken to us by the Spirit of God and we declare same to us. Praise the Living God! Alleluia!

Come and see what the Lord has done for me, He has taken away my sorrow now I am heal….,// Have you seen what the Lord has done, He has destroy the works of satan, He has give us victory that why we sing! O sing, o sing eee, He done win ooo, o sing eee, lift up Jesus higher, lift Him higher, higher, higher higher, lift Him higher.

Beloved, are you dancing, are you rejoicing, are you celebrating, come on let us celebrate the King of glory, our Lord Jesus Christ  He is the King of glory! Alleluia somebody!

Come quickly to hear more good news as we read the ministration below:

Ezekiel 20:1-21:7, Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 28:1-3, James 1:22-2:17

The Glory

Hold on to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.—James 2:1

Can you think of anything that could occupy our attention more profitably than considering how to become more like Jesus? The central condition of this is the “unveiled face.” As the Scripture says, “We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory” (2Co 3:18).

Notice, however, that we must lift the veils if we are to be transformed. When Jesus was crucified, the veil of the temple was rent in two, symbolizing the fact that the heart of the universe was laid bare as redemptive love. Since God has unveiled Himself in Jesus, so we in response ought to unveil our faces, drop our masks, gaze in wonder—and in the gazing, be made like Him. It may be that there will be many veils that you will have to lift—veils of dishonesty, hypocrisy, legalism, pride—but I assure you that when they go, He comes.

Just think—we who are born of the dust of the earth are being gradually transformed into the most beautiful image this planet has ever seen: the image of Christ. What a destiny! The wonder of that transformation can only be explained by one word—”glory.” The drabness, staleness, and dullness of life is replaced by living that has freshness in it. Can we live continuously like that? Yes—in His strength. “Grace” and “glory” are often connected in the New Testament. Take the grace, and you get the glory. What a way to live. Glory! Glory! Glory!


Father, help me to lift every veil in my life so that the light of Your countenance may shine through. You are Light and You want to make me light. Let Your radiance steal into every darkened corner of my being now and forever. Amen.

Further Study

Jn 1:10-14; Col 1:6; 2Pt 3:18

What were the characteristics of Christ’s glory?

Make them the characteristics of your own life.

Beloved, you read it all, you have read it yourself, what more can the Lord say, He who has started this God works in you will bring it to past, as you move from “Glorious Manifestation,” you will begin to move from one level of glory to another level of glory, Praise the Lord!!!

Jesus is the King of Glory and as we focus on Him, we will become more like Him, He will move us from one level of glory to another level of glory as we surrender to Him every veil covering our face hitherto from beholding Him just like He is. We will become like Him as we obey His commandments and instructions to us.

What an awesome moment we had this first day of the year, I believe you enjoyed every moment of it. The Holy Spirit is promising us that it is going to be a wow moment every day as we humbly follow Him all the way!!!!

Make sure you keep a date with the Master of the Universe as He navigates us through the Maze of the World He had made.

Above all pray and hand over all the activities of the year before God, it is an accident that the New Year fell on the day we seek the face of God through prayer. So pray and as you go before God today the first day of the year in prayer, the Lord will hear your prayers and watch over you and all that is yours all through the year in Jesus name.

Father our confidence is on You, May it please You to hear and answer us as we call on Your name today and forever in Jesus name.

Beloved, pray as never before and see the promises of God manifest in your life with ease. Alleluia! Amen!

Once again from allofus @ we say Happy New Year to you as we also welcome you to Your Year of Glory to Glory. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord!

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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