Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Your Name is God Emmanuel!!!!! Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Your Name is God Emmanuel!!!!!…// Blessed assurance Jesus O what a foretaste of glory divine… Heir of salvation, purchase of God… Born of the Spirit, Wash in His Blood…. Perfect submission, all is at rest. I in my Saviour am happy and blessed… Watching and waiting, looking above… Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. This is my story, this is my song …Praising my Saviour all the day long…. This is my story, this is my song… Praising my Saviour all the day long….
Our Father we Thank You for the privilege of being called your sons and daughters… O Lord we are most grateful to You and we return to give You worship… to give You honour… to Praise and glorify Your Holy Name… O Lord Who is like unto Thee… There is none to be compared with Thee… in heaven and on earth… glory be to Your Name forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… good morning… how are doing today? Is a new month and I sense in my spirit that we are all geared to fulfill destinies through the prophetic Word of the Lord to us… Yes we are moving to higher grounds not because we are wearied but because that is God’s Will for us as His children… Yes! We are not giving up in that valley, we are moving to the higher ground… and nothing will hinder us! Praise the Lord…
Beloveth… God put into us so much and that your glorious destiny is what satan is contending with… but if you will keep on holding on to His Word and not giving up… You will fulfill destiny… whether satan likes it or not….
Yes! It is not of him that willeth or him that runneth but of the Lord that sheweth mercy…. We ask that the mercy of God will locate us this moment and position us to receive from our Father that which we desires of Him…. Yes let the power of God come down upon us and do the impossible in our lives in Jesus Name….
Don’t you ever think of giving up… Faith it till you receive it… Yes! What ever it is brother/ sister I want to open your mouth and being to speak it… command it to command forth… “God speaks and so it is…” if we are made in the same image of Him… “We speak and it comes forth too…” that is Rheme…. Receive it now in Jesus Name…
Calling those things that be not as if they were… beloveth what are waiting for, begin to speak into that situation… call forth abundance, call forth your babies, call forth your healing, call forth your admission… being to speak and it is taking form… is taking shape… and it will soon be delivered to you; if you don’t give up… if you don’t fall at the way side, Praise be the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody!!!!!!!
Today we looking at what God desires of us… oftentimes, we desire to do the impossible for the Lord, great things for Him too… but is that what God want from us?
Beloveth, below are the lists of those things among many others that God desires from us …. Come with us for more discoveries:
What God Wants From Us
How would you like to be able to communicate God’s Word to others in an eloquent fashion?
Or have the ability to plumb the depths of the most profound spiritual truths?
Or be able to pray for a person’s healing in perfect confidence that God will answer?
What about the courage to sell all your belongings and move to central Africa to reach the most impoverished of peoples?
Or have unflinching commitment to Christ — even to the point of facing a firing squad?
It all sounds so very noble doesn’t it? But what God really wants from us is:
- To be PATIENT with our wife when she asks us to go shopping with her all Saturday afternoon.
- To be KIND to the scrubby pony-tailed dropout with the bone through his nose.
- To genuinely take PLEASURE in the knowledge that our competitor is knocking them dead at the cash register.
- To BE GRACIOUS toward those among us who stand to profit us nothing.
- To PUT ASIDE OUR INTERESTS for the benefit of others
- To FORGIVE those who have ripped us off.
- To LIVE MAGNANIMOUSLY, TRUSTING GOD AMIDST DIFFICULT circumstances which we cannot change.
This, my friends is the love of Christ, (as expressed in 1 Corinthians 13), applied in the crucible of life’s daily realities. If we fail here, no amount of giftedness or personal sacrifice is of any consequence.
Beloveth…. some of the things listed above are not as noble as we would have like to do for the Lord but that is the kindness… the compassion heart that God wants from us… to show case Him… in our dealing with others… to live an exemplary lifestyle… to exhibits His love and kindness to other around you who are asking Him to show them compassion… The Lord is using you as an extension of Him to reach those classes of people … and as you willing submit to His leading … beloveth you will step into your higher ground….
Remember higher grounds are not uncommon place… is not cheap… it doesn’t come easily but with God you will make it in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, to keep faith in-view… Yes! Keep confessing it… Keep saying it until it becomes a reality in Jesus Name….
Further Reading- Gen I:3-28, Ps.89:15, 1Cor.16:13, Jas.3:13-18, Col.4:2, Lk.9:23.
Remain blessed in the Lord.