Worthy Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. 2x Praise Him alleluia, Praise Him alleluia, Praise Him alleluia, Praise the Lord.// Is You that is Worthy, only You that is Worthy, is You that is worthy of my praise O Lord! Is You that is Worthy, only You that is Worthy, Is You that is Worthy of our praise. Jesus is You that is Worthy, only You that is Worthy, is You that is Worthy of my Praise O Lord! Is You that is Worthy Only You that is Worthy is You that is Worthy of my praise “Holy Ghost.” Is You that is Worthy…

Indeed Father, is You that is Worthy of our praise. Who else can I lift up my voice unto? Who else can I sing sweetest melody to? Who else can I sing the sweetest seraph note to, except You Dear Lord? Glory be to You Father. We are before Your Throne this moment Father, listen to our faintest cry, let it come up to You I pray Thee in Jesus Name.

Thank You for privilege of a beautiful moment together again O Lord! Glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing today? Hope you are good? Yes! Faithful is our God dear beloved, nothing is too difficult for Him to do. He is Ever Faithful, Ever Dependable, Always Reliable, Everlasting King of Glory, He is Alpha and Omega. The Rock that never fails. Can I hear a resounding shout of Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, it is not the will of God that anyone will perish but that all will come to the full knowledge of Him. If that is God’s plan for us are you in agreement with Him or are you struggling with it? I want to special welcome again to your month of victory because it is already done.

The Hand of the Lord will bring it to perfection all you need do is to align yourself or yield yourself to the Holy Spirit to bring to past the perfect work of Calvary. Praise God.

In the beginning after the fall of our first parents Adam and Eve, God initiated the Plan of salvation. Our Lord Jesus came down from heaven to save us from all unrighteousness. Have accepted Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour or you are yet to accept Him? Well, today’s ministration is going to help you see the much that has been done on your behalf.

If however you choose to stay defiant to what God is saying to you or the people He is sending your way to help you, you have yourself to blame.

We have emphasis timelessly that no excuse is tenable for your refusing to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Beloved, be wise save yourself the agony of hell.

Did I mentioned to you that seven represent also “Rest”? May you enter into the rest that has been prepared for you by our Lord Jesus Christ from the foundation of the earth? Cease from labour that lead not to eternal rest.

Be accountable to someone, don’t live a life of anonymity. It will too late to seek amend once you have cross over. May God help you to make the right decision while there is day because night cometh when no one worketh or no time left. Let’s go into the ministration of the day:

What more could I have done for My vineyard

than I did? Why, when I expected a yield of good grapes,

did it yield worthless grapes?—Isaiah 5:4


The prophet Isaiah told the story of a man with a vineyard on a fertile hill. The man cultivated the ground and removed the stones so that nothing would hinder the vines’ growth. He planted only the best quality vines. He built a tower in the middle of the vineyard so he could watch for wild animals and intruders. He constructed a wine vat so that he would be ready for the ripe grapes. Then he waited. Rather than producing good grapes, however, the vineyard produced worthless ones.

The story illustrates the relationship between God and His people. God has done everything necessary for us to produce an abundance of spiritual fruit in our lives. He saved us when we were without hope. He gave us His Holy Spirit to produce fruit in our lives (Gal. 5:22–23). He removed our sin so that we are free to serve Him. We have the Bible in numerous translations.

We have access to more Christian books, music, videos, conferences, schools, radio and television stations, magazines, and seminars than ever before. There are churches of every kind and size. We have teachers and pastors to instruct us and encourage us. Most of all, we have direct access to God through prayer.

Jesus said that to whom much is given, much is expected (Luke 12:48). One day God will hold us accountable for all that He has done for us. He will ask us to show Him the fruit of all of His bountiful provision for our lives. What will He find?

Are you living a life of accountability or anonymity? Let’s find out from the message below:


 Accountability Or Anonymity?


A popular buzz word bandied about in Christian circles these days is “accountability.” The question is often asked, “Are you accountable to anyone?

I would suggest that in reality most of us are more anonymous than we are accountable. We may appear to be accountable in our Christian world, but in the highly secularized environment of values that conflict with ours we become anonymous.

We soon learn that “to get along is to go along,” since today in most circles it’s not considered acceptable to have strong convictions on anything… except not to have strong convictions! Those who are overly vocal with their beliefs are soon labeled social or religious bigots.

And so to “get along,” we soften our stance, which in time has an eroding effect upon our convictions and values… and upon our behavior. We learn to live in two worlds.

Often, in attempting to cope with our duplicity however, we find ourselves privately riddled with tension and guilt.

But not to worry: We will discover that if we sublimate our convictions long enough, they will eventually be neutralized and our guilt will be numbed.

You will then be able to recognize us by our passivity, stoic resignation, and socially acceptable “niceness”.

If you are caught in this kind of a pressure cooker and are tempted to abandon personal ACCOUNTABILITY in favor of a more comfortable ANONYMITY, keep in mind the Scripture’s warning:

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made knownHe will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of mens heartsFor God will bring every deed into judgment… ” (Matthew 10:26; 1 Corinthians 4:5b; Ecclesiastes 12:14a)

QUESTION: To resist the temptation of receding into anonymity, have you made the decision to make yourself accountable not only to God, but to one or two brothers or sisters in the faith?

Do you understand what the last paragraph said? Do not make yourself accountable to only God also find a brother or a sister in the faith (in Christ Jesus).

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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