Thank You thank You Lord…Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord for every thing You have done in my life…2x// let the Living water flow over my soul…let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart…all my care and burden unto Thee I come…. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, calling Him Father, Father, Father, Father…calling Him Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit….
Yes we call on Father, the maker of heaven and earth..the One Who made us in His image which was lost at garden of Eden…Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Who redeemed us from all unrighteousness… to present us to His Father as a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable to Him..
Father we thank You for the gift of another week, a Holy week, a passion dear to Your heart…a week that display the love of humility by Divinity, Father we adore Them, we give You Praise…Alleluia to Your Holy Name… Help us O Lord to be obedient to You even as Christ was in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, welcome to the Passion week…a week highly priced, when Jesus had the chance to say ‘no’ to His Father’s commandment but rather He chose to say ‘yes’ and that wrought our salvation… Eternal life in Christ Jesus….
Beloveth, by God’s grace the Spirit of God will help us to understand the mystery of the Cross and help us to fulfill destinies in Jesus Name.
So many events took place before the death of Christ…memorable event that was long prophesied by the prophets who the Lord gave the vision of Redemption and all the scriptures were fulfilled accordingly…
Is interesting to note that our text today truly confirm Sonship to our Lord Jesus…He sent out His two disciples with an instruction and they set out to see everything as Christ instructed them… isn’t it amazing?
Beloveth what are those things you are believing and trusting to do in your life and it yet to be done. Do you believe that Christ is able to do them? Like we saw in our topic today a mandate is being given to fulfill the command of God concerning you.
Beloveth “A lifting is coming your way…but you must diligent at where God placed you…God is coming your way to honour His Word, will He find you faithful or will He found You sleeping or backslide?
Beloveth, God is ready to play His part…are you ready to play your own part? I guess you are imaging where or what happened to me… why is Thee ministration coming at the later date which is not the norm…
Beloveth, I went through a section of ‘testing,’ but thank God Who helped me…Who preserved me and kept me from falling…He did beloveth…I was asking God to intervene in a very crucial matter that made this ministrations not only possible but also effective…
But having given His Word from the beginning; He went ahead to confirm same to me… God keep me and by His grace alone…His grace kept me…
What are trusting God to do at this season…will you dare to ‘wait’ and ‘trust’ in Him?…. like we saw from the above text it came to pass as Jesus commanded them but it was a little more that that…they obeyed, they obey God’s commandments and instructions and as you do you will see God’s manifestation in every aspect of your engagements in Jesus Name!!!!
Come along for more:
So He sent two of His disciples and told them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a water jug will meet you. Follow him.”—Mark 14:13
The two disciples were given very detailed instructions to go to a certain town and look for a particular man performing a specific task. He would have a large room, furnished and ready to observe the Passover. These instructions might have seemed unusual had it not been their Lord speaking, but the two disciples obeyed and found everything just as Jesus had said.
Jesus knew exactly what they would find, and so He guided them specifically. One of the most memorable and precious times the disciples would spend with their Teacher hinged on the obedience of these two.
Obedience to Christ’s commands always brings fulfillment. When the Lord gives you instructions, obey immediately. Don’t wait until you have figured it all out and everything makes perfect sense to you. Sometimes God will lead you to do things that you will not fully understand until after you have done them.
He does not usually reveal all the details of His will when He first speaks to you. Instead, He tells you enough so you can implement what He has said, but He withholds enough information so that you must continue to rely upon His guidance.
Your response will affect what God does next in your life. Your obedience may affect how others around you experience Christ as well. If there is any directive God has given you that you have not obeyed, obey that word immediately and watch God’s perfect plan unfold in your life.
Beloveth, are you ready to obey God’s commandment and instructions to you? what are receiving in your Spirit that is hinged on your obedience? Rise up now and set out and see God fulfilling His own part of the promise….in Jesus Name…your lifting may be hanging on it beloveth….run to fight the good fight of faith and to finish not only well but strong in Jesus Name…you shall not fall by the way side….beloveth you shall not fall on the rock ground, you shall by the grace of God fall on the good soil and thus bring forth fruit in Jesus Name… watch out for His leading to fulfilling your lifting alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On this note we declare this week open and we shall return by God’s grace with heights of testimonies in Jesus Name… Amen.