He paid the debt He did not owe. I owe a debt I could not pay. I needed someone to wash my sin away. So I can sing a brand new song, amazing grace. My Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay. // You are Messiah (You are Messiah) You are Messiah (You are Messiah) You are Messiah; the Rose of the Shadow. You are Messiah; the bright Morning Star. You are Messiah; the lily of the valley, You are Messiah.

Yes Lord you are indeed our Messiah. Faithful Father, we thank You, we bless Your Name. we adore You, we worship You, we give You praise, we honour, Thank You for Your love that will have no end. Blessed Redeemer, we thank You for this immeasurable love shown us were dipped and lost in sin. You search until we were found. He paid an ultimate price; He paid it with His life hanging on the cross, the worst death ever. God we are most grateful to You and bow down to worship Thee forever and ever Amen!

Beloved, when Jesus says ‘yes’; no demon can say ‘no.’ When Jesus open the door; no principality can close it. no body, nobody, nobody can close it. Yes. When Jesus says it is well with you, nobody/ evil priest can say otherwise. Praise God! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

I am serving the Living God yes; am serving the Living God Amen! Everything is turning around for my good, everything is turning around for my good. Sister/brother everything is turning around for my good, everything is turning around for my good. I can see everything turning around everything turning around, everything turning around for my good.

Beloved, who has the final say? Jehovah has the final say. Who has the final say? Jehovah has the final say. Everybody praise the Lord is alive. Everybody praise the lord is alive, everybody praise the Lord is alive, everybody praise the Lord is alive, aaaa hahaha, everybody praise the Lord is alive. Come let’s praise the Lord, Come let’s praise the Lord. He is Jehovah.

Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah 2x. Yesterday, you reign, You reigneth in my life; today come and reign and reign forever more, yesterday You reign; You reigneth in my life, today come and reign and forever more.

Who is like unto thee O Lord! Who is like unto thee, among the gods who is like thee, You are glorious in Holiness fearful in praises, doing wonders alleluia! You are great yes You are Holy One, You walked upon the seas, You raised the dead, You are reign in Majesty Might God everything written about You is Great. You are Great (You are Great) everything written about You is Great. Demons tremble at Your presence, (What a Mighty God we serve) What a Mighty God. We serve glory glory alleluia,(everything Lord), everything written about You is Great. You are Great; You are Great, You are Great! Yes You are Great, You are Great, You are Great, everything written about You is Great.

Beloved, are wondering what is happening in the house today? My Spirit is lifted to worship God. Yes! To worship the King of kings; The Lord of Lord; the Ancient One; the I AM that I AM. The Only Wise God, please shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes He deserve all the praise, all the worship, all the adoration, all the honour, glory be to Him Alone Who is Worthy of our praise.

Considering our topic for today, I have the assurance that what God said concerning me in this month is final. Beloved, I cannot but burst into laughter because He who is sitted in heaven have given me reason to laugh. Praise the Lord.

Beloved, what are those things in your life that is questioning your sonship in Christ? What are those situations that are asking you daily where is your God? The Lord is saying today that you trusting Him for in those situation are final. He is saying that He is upturning the powers that be to show for His praise. Don’t forget that He made you for His own glory. Praise the Lord somebody!!!!

I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me. I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves you and me. Praise the Lord. Beloved it is only an unquantifiable love that can make Jesus to lay down His life for you and I to be called the sons of God.

Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes! when God speaks. It is so. Let’s discover more from the message below:

. . . so My word that comes from My mouth

will not return to Me empty,

but it will accomplish what I please,

and will prosper in what I send it [to do].”—Isaiah 55:11

When God speaks, nothing remains the same. At the beginning of time, God spoke, and a universe was created out of nothing. God followed a pattern when He created the earth: He spoke; it was so; it was good (Gen. 1:3–4). This pattern continued throughout the Bible. Whenever God revealed His plans, things happened just as He said, and God considered the result “good” (Phil. 2:13). God doesn’t make suggestions. He speaks with the full determination to see that what He has said will come to fruition.

Whenever Jesus spoke, what He said came to pass. Lepers found that a word from Jesus meant healing (Luke 5:13; 17:14). The blind man discovered that a word from Jesus meant sight (Luke 18:42). Through a barren fig tree the disciples saw that a curse from Jesus meant destruction (Mark 11:20). The sinner experienced forgiveness through a word from Jesus (John 8:11). How many attempts did it take Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead? Only one (John 11:43). There was never a time that Jesus spoke that what He said did not happen.

What happens when Jesus speaks to you? Have you been reading the words of Jesus in your Bible without experiencing His word that transforms everything around you? Jesus condemned the Pharisees because they assumed that knowledge of the written Scriptures would give them life. They were satisfied with having the words instead of experiencing the person who spoke the words (John 5:39).

How powerful a word from God is to your life! As you read your Bible and pray, listen to what God has to say to you about His will for your life.

How powerful is the word of God in your life? When God says something to you do you believe it or you allow Satan to present the unanswered prayers, unfaithful spouse, way-ward child before you instead of believing what God is saying in the presence to you. Beloved we need to shake off the beast of doubt in your life. Shake off the beast of fear in your life; believe God and it will be well you.

Make the Lord your refuge, make Him your habitation, did I share something about Ps 91: 2 with you recently? I think I did. Check up the dictionary meaning of ‘refuge’ and ‘fortress.’ Beloved, our God is no mean God. He is God Almighty, He is Great in battle; Mighty to deliver. That is the God will serve. Praise the Lord. Do you want to discover more about that God that change not; even when you are ever changing? Do you want know more about a God who abideth forever; even when you are always changing?  Come on, more is waiting for your discovery, let’s keep going:

“Thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation.” Psalm 91:9


The Israelites in the wilderness were continually exposed to change. Whenever the pillar stayed its motion, the tents were pitched; but tomorrow, ere the morning sun had risen, the trumpet sounded, the ark was in motion, and the fiery, cloudy pillar was leading the way through the narrow defiles of the mountain, up the hillside, or along the arid waste of the wilderness.

They had scarcely time to rest a little before they heard the sound of “Away! this is not your rest; you must still be onward journeying towards Canaan!” They were never long in one place. Even wells and palm trees could not detain them. Yet they had an abiding home in their God, His cloudy pillar was their roof-tree, and its flame by night their household fire.

They must go onward from place to place, continually changing, never having time to settle, and to say, “Now we are secure; in this place we shall dwell.” “Yet,” says Moses, “though we are always changing, Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place throughout all generations.”

The Christian knows no change with regard to God. He may be rich today and poor tomorrow; he may be sickly today and well tomorrow; he may be in happiness today, tomorrow he may be distressed—but there is no change with regard to his relationship to God.

If He loved me yesterday, He loves me today. My unmoving mansion of rest is my blessed Lord. Let prospects be blighted; let hopes be blasted; let joy be withered; let mildews destroy everything; I have lost nothing of what I have in God.

He is “my strong habitation where unto I can continually resort.” I am a pilgrim in the world, but at home in my God. In the earth I wander, but in God I dwell in a quiet habitation.

Yea, like a pilgrim I may wonder in the world here but I have a dwelling place in God my Saviour, may this words comfort your Spirit dearly beloved. Look steadily on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of Your faith.

I don’t know what you are trusting God for? I may not know what fears the devil used to hold you bound. Neither do I know the unbelief and doubt Satan have blocked your vision with but one thing I know is that His Word is Yea and Amen. Even if it as been done for one saint, the Lord will still do it for you. I know if His Word says Yes! Nothing can change it.

So as the Lord said; so shall it be. Whatever that needs settlement in your life, the Lord as promised it that it is a done deal. Are still in doubt? He who gave us His only begotten Son what else will He not give you? Beloved, tape in to this promise and your case is settled forever.

One thing you must hold on firmly is that Jesus went to the cross for you, and there He died that you may have an Everlasting life. If you rest on this act of the cross, you are save according to our theme text for the month (read it again). But if you believe not you are already heading to hell fire while here on earth.

We are save by grace but if you refuse to accept this work of the cross already condemned (Eph 2:5; 1:7). It is important you also why you must receive this work of salvation because the coming of the Lord is at hand (Phil 4:5).

So be smart enough to believe the Living Word as it is spoken to you by the Lord and you will saved. (Eph 1:7).

Now that you are, the praise worship we just had at beginning was to bring down the Hand of God. Was to eulogies God to bring to pass what He has promise us. To bring down His glory in our lives. So don’t stop until yours is delivered to you.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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