I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus…// I lift Your Name higher…Lord I lift Your Name higher… Lord I lift Your Name higher! higher!! above every other Name…..

Our Father I lift your Name higher… Lord I lift Your Name higher… Lord I lift Your Name higher, higher above ever other Name…

Thank You Father for the Great and mighty things You are doing in our lives and situations, it can only be You Lord… receive all the Glory, All Honour, All Adorations Father in Jesus Name… we worship and adore Your Holy Name… All Power belongs to You Jesus, be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name…

Beloveth, our God is Good; all the time… Praise the Living Jesus… What a Wonderful Father we serve… Jesus is Almighty God… Am so excited…and am sure You are!!!

Beloveth is there anything too difficult for the Lord to do? There is nothing for Him to do… if I am to answer the question… The Lord is Love… His Love had no end… this love make Him ever willing to help us in situation or conditions… hear what Apostle Paul said in Eph.3:18- may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s Love…

Beloveth…if this is the nature of the God we serve, do you think He will ever leave or forsake us… no way… He will never… for He said “Never”… hear this “Never! can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! (Isa.49:15).

Does this give you any comfort at all? May God help us in our journey of life…. May we never be tried or tempted to think that God has abandon us… God forbid… Amen!!!

Beloveth when there aren’t Any Answers left… as depict our topic today… what is your likely line of action… will you act in fear- leave everything and run…or faith- face

Before discussing your answer, come along for more discovery:


When There Aren’t Any Answers Left

A week ago I received an e-mail from Mary, whose husband is languishing under the agony of advancing cancer. “Dons pain is excruciating. I dont know which way to turn. The burden is too much. Please pray.

To add to their stress, Mary serves as Don’s “nurse,” all the while doubling as mom and dad to their four kids, who range in age from 10 months to 15 years.

Yesterday when I visited them, Mary greeted me with red and tear-filled eyes. Ten minutes after notifying Don of my arrival, he haltingly entered the room. Shoes untied. Gaunt.

Unshaved. His cancerous right arm seemed awkwardly “pinned” to his side. Faintly, he managed a smile.

While Mary served tea, Don offered, “Dwight, I find myself deeply disappointed. Nothing makes sense any more. So much of what I taught from the Scriptures about God doesnt equate with what I am experiencing. I am struggling with depression. I am learning something about losing everything for Christ. (Philippians 3:8) All I have left to hold on to are Gods promises.

Don,” I asked, “Do you think that the source of our agony lies in our assumption that if we keep our end of the bargain, (obedience, etc.), God is obligated to keep His by guaranteeing us health, fruitfulness, a fulfilling job, etc.? When life doesnt play out that way, we become disillusioned?

YeahDwight. I think that is our problem.”

We then read over 1 Peter 4:12, 13a: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you… ” And we both admitted that we are surprised at suffering when it comes! It is “strange”. We feel it is unfair! And we feel we deserve better!

The passage goes on: “But rejoice that you [are now participating] in the sufferings of Christ.” Now that seems a bit heavy. When we committed our lives to following Him, we did not anticipate that level of pain… or identification with Christ. And to “rejoice” in it? It is humanly impossible without Divine help.

My friend, I don’t know what trial you may be facing today. Perhaps like Don, you are discovering that there are no pat answers to life’s vexing questions. But one thing we do know with certainty is that in eternity, our good and just God promises to “wipe every tear from

[our] eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain… ” (Revelation 21:4a) That is our eternal hope.

QUESTION: Today, amidst your “painful trial” are you choosing to trust Him — with or without the answers? If your decision is “yes,” then you are experiencing hope, rather than paralyzing despair.

Beloveth… did you read that… when you still sick “God” in spite of what you are going through… that is experiencing “Hope” … remember last week teaching on “Attempting to live on yesterday Run” is also on faith clinic day… we gave an in-depth teaching on “hope” for a little emphasis…we said “Hope is the wheel of Faith”…

Don’t confess faith not based on the Word… make sure that you are standing on the…truth that only can be found in the Living Word of God…. Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!

Beloveth… God can never abandon us… here or in heaven just note that…

So when there is no answers left… please stand on the Living Word of God that says “I AM”

So whatever you want Him to be; God is saying “I AM”… (Exo.3:14)

Further Reading- 2Cor. 4:8-10,16-18, 1Cor.3:16, Neh.1:11, Tit.2:7, Jas.5:15, 1Tim.2:5, Matt.6:8, Exo.3:7, Jas.5:17.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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