Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Among the gods…who is like Thee… You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders Alleluia!!!// Ancient of Days How Old are You Lord! How old are You Lord! You will never fail… x2….
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… We give You praises… Adoration to You Lord… Eternal Rock of Ages… blessed be Thy Holy Name… (song) Father… we declare that we love You… we declare Your everlasting love for You…x2 O Lord be Thou exalted Father in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
See what the Lord has done… see what the Lord has done… what we prayed for has come to pass …see what the Lord has done… what we prayed for.. has come to pass… see what the Lord has done….
Beloveth Praise the Name of the Lord… that will be your testimony of today’s prayer in Jesus Name…
Prayer empowers us to be bold before our challenges…. It makes us to be confident that God is our sides…. Prayers set the right atmosphere over us to receive miracles and engraces to do exploits in the Kingdom of God…. Praise the Name of the Lord!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When we pray we have a two way communications activated… We pray to God and we listen to what God has say in return back to us… this opens door of many blessings… we receive answers to our prayers… such as healings, deliverances, Good Jobs, fruit of womb, life partner, riches… and so on…
However, when we dally in sin… our bond of intimacy with Christ is broken…. We become spiritual dull instead of alertness… your spiritual power is severed… then what next….
Come along with us to discover more below:
When We Dally In Sin, Our Bond Of Intimacy With Christ Is Broken
A spiritual dullness and hardness of heart sets in. We begin to wander from God by growing indifferent to Him. We find our heart easily seduced by other affections. (Hebrews 3:13; 5:11; James 5:19; Proverbs 4:23; 2 Corinthians 11:3)
When King David broke that bond of intimacy with God through his liaison with Bathsheba, rationalization and self-deception became a way of life. (Psalm 32)
In David’s prayer of repentance, he implored God for three attitudes of the heart (Psalm 51),
“Renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Verse 10) – That is, he prayed that his broken relationship with God would be repaired. Rebuilt. He asked God for a spirit of stability, faithfulness, and firmness as he sought to be reestablished in his walk.
“Grant me a willing spirit.” (Verse 12) – By this request, David was appealing to God to uphold, or sustain him in his spirit. He may also have been asking God for a renewed spirit of nobility.
You may recall that David, after 15 years of eluding King Saul’s murderous pursuits, was crowned King of Israel. Once his position as monarch was established, he inquired if there were any good he could do for Saul’s family. Aids brought Saul’s crippled son Mephibosheth to his attention. And in response, David offered to provide for his material needs which included sitting regularly at his table. Now, that is a noble spirit! (2 Samuel 9)
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit.” (Verse 17) – Here, David acknowledged the importance of a crushed spirit in repentance. When we began to grasp the cost Jesus paid for our redemption, we will find no place for a cavilier or “oops” attitude in our confession. Rather, we will be crushed over our sin.
Recently, I had lunch with a Christian businessman who had cheated clients in several financial transactions. I had been told that he had “repented” of his actions. Yet, while chatting over lunch, he chided me for not responding to him during his backslidden state in a manner that was to his liking. Upon reflection of our meeting together, it seemed to me the element of “brokenness” was missing from his so-called “repentance.”
Perhaps today, our prayer could be, “Lord, grant me a steadfast, willing and broken spirit.“
Is somebody saying the prayer point above… is not enough to say you have repented from your sin (fall) is important for us to ask God grant us a steadfast, willing and broken spirit… may God help us to pray right in Jesus Name…
David repentance was total and not half repentance… after that encounter and prayers… The Bible never recorded any fall or failure of character for him… and that is how it should be for every child God… who got repented… Amen!!!
The Spirit of God is our Helper… Call on Him and He will help you…. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Stay away from sin… no sinner will enter heaven… Rev.21:27….
Stay pure… that God’s nature and only the pure will see Jesus…
Further Reading- Ps.115:13, Phil.2:13, 2Cor.9:6, Rom.11:33, Gal.5:13. Eph.5:17, Acts.4:31, Ps.102:26.
Remain blessed in the Lord.