Glory honour power and majesty be unto God Amen! Glory honour power and majesty be unto God Amen!… I will lift Up Your Name higher…I will lift up Jesus Amen o Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up Your Name Amen…x2
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You we give You Praise..what an awesome God You are…thank You for the gift of a brand new week…Who can be unto Thee Father there is no one to come with You…receive our Praise…receive our adoration Father…alleluia to Your Holy Name… Father You are Good, so Good to me and all that are mine…blessed be Thy Name O Lord in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… good morning to you… how are doing today? Our God is Good… give Him a shout offering beloveth…. yes because it only the living that Praise the Lord… if you go to grave yard or the mortuary and shout Praise the Lord….you will only get echo of what you said back to yourself….but when you match into God’s sanctuary and shout alleluia sure the living in the house will respond alleluia…. Praise the Lord….
So if you are living being this morning shout alleluia …… alleluia!!!!!!!!!! God bless you… We are gradually coming to the end of this month and faithful is our God… Who liberated us from the pit of hell, delivered us from the captivity of the grave and destroy the power of death … so that death will not an end for us but rather death will be to us a gateway to God’s eternal glory…Praise the Lord.
Beloveth this is a goodnews to us who are believes in Christ…but if you are yet to give your life to Christ …hurry now and click here so that you will escape a second death. how someone wants to know…?
To them who believe… “ But to all who did receive him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His Name…”(Jn 1:12). “ My Father wants all those who see the Son and believe in Him to have eternal life…He wants me to bring them back to life on the last day” (Jn 6:40).
Do you believe in Jesus as the Son of the Living God? If you are yet to do that click here now and surrender your life to Jesus… then being to live your life as the Word of God directed us to do and it shall be well with you… Praise the Lord.
Our Lord Jesus through His death on the Cross destroy the pains of death and gave us victory over death… so that death will no longer be an end to us that believed but a way to gain access to God’s promise of eternal life…but you must first believe… Praise the Name of the Lord.
Come along for more:
Where Is Death’s Sting? O Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is your sting?—1 Corinthians 15:55
Over the centuries, death has been our relentless and unyielding enemy. No one, regardless of worldly rank, strength, or wealth has been able to escape death. As soon as we are born, death becomes our destiny. Many have tried, but no one has developed an antidote for death.
The reality of the resurrection is that death has been defeated! It is no longer the impregnable enemy, for Christ marched through the gates of Hades and claimed decisive victory over death. He conquered death completely; now He assures His followers that we, too, will share in His victory.
Christians need not fear death. Christ has gone before us and will take us to join Him in heaven. Death frees us to experience the glorious, heavenly presence of God. No illness can defeat us. No disaster can rob us of eternal life. Death can temporarily remove us from those we love, but it transfers us into the presence of the One who loves us most. God’s glory is His presence. Death, our greatest enemy, is nothing more than the vehicle that enables believers to experience God’s glory!
Do not allow a fear of death to prevent you from experiencing a full and abundant life. Death cannot rob you of the eternal life that is your inheritance as a child of God. Jesus has prepared a place for you in heaven that surpasses your imagination (John 14:1–4). Death will one day be the door by which you gain access to all that is yours in heaven.
Beloveth, did this ministered to your Spirit…a lot of people are held bound in the valley of shadows death… so fearful about the thought of death …I pray over your life today that the power of the fear of death will no longer have any power over you… that you will by the power that quickened Christ from death live a victorious life and live your destiny in full in Jesus Name…death will longer have any hold over you but you will by God’s grace live a victorious both here on earth and at least in heaven…
Don’t cowed by fear beloveth…. Jesus has conquered death therefore we say death where is your victory.” O death where is your sting…. Remember only those who do the Will of God has this testimony to share… are you living according to the Word of God? Do have Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour? If not yet click here to join this family of God…
Start living your life in full beloveth because the grave have no hold over you and death has no power over you any more ….Praise the Lord Alleluia ….
We hereby declared this week open and by the grace of God we will return at the end with greater testimonies in Jesus Name…
Further Reading – Rev 7:13-14, Col 1:27, Heb 8:10-13, 1Jn 3:1-3, Ps 115:13
Remain blessed in the Lord.