Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good. There is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. Jesus gave us victory, He gave us peace of mind, there nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. // We sing a song in the sanctuary, We sing a song to give You the glory, We sing a song to give You the Praise, And we will praise You for the rest of our days, Yes, we will praise You for the rest of our days, Jesus, we give You the Praise, Emmanuel, we lift up Your Name, Heavenly Father, coming Messiah, And we will praise You for the rest of our days, Yes, will praise You for the rest of our days.
Yes Father we lift our hands in the sanctuary, to pray and Praise Your Name, thank God for answering us from above. Glory be to Your Name alone. Eternal, invisible, the Only Wise God we say thank You for your faithfulness that falleth not. Arise O God! and honour Your Name once again in our lives and situation.
Beloved, I hope you had a nice time in God’s presence? Do you it is a privilege to have access to God’s Presence? Do also you know that God is not presence in all prayer meetings? So when God you feel God’s presence in a meeting or church service you must be grateful. You must worship with all your heart. You must present your needs and that of the church.
God will always hear you when pray for the needs of others and the church in particular.
Today is our faith clinic day, are you in line for miracles, signs and wonders? I believed you must have poured out your heart before God yesterday while you prayed. But one thing is needed to carry those prayers before the presence of God and also deliver answers to you –FAITH. That is what we discuss in faith clinic to enable you stand your ground against the wiles of Satan, having trusted God when you prayed.
The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and are safe. You faith in God is what delivers to you all you present before God at the place of prayer.
Do you know is possible that God is saying something to you and you are not responding to what He is saying? You do not believe Him or what He is saying is going to happen considering what are seeing or experiencing at the moment?
The topic before us today is to help us to have a better understanding of what and how God defends His own in difficult situations, at the valley of death and in an unforeseen circumstances.
The only reason why the prophet remained calm was because he knew God, Who He is and is able to do. Beloveth, our God is Almighty and He is Everlasting God. What is it before you that is making your heart beat as if He cannot handle it?
With all the Syria’s army surrounding the prophet he was not bothered: for they that were with him is greater those that were against him.
Let us bring it home to ourselves, what are those things that are up and against you? Can we look them straight in the eyes and tell them how “Big” your God is. Can you search and get one or two bible reference to back up your claim as it is a battle.
The weapon of warfare is not carnal therefore we must be determine to win the battle not letting down our armour and guide.
We must engage the God of Elisha for as He is in the beginning, He is now and He is forever. For He that is with us is majority.
Also you will reading from the second message attitudes that are displeasing to God. We must watch out for them as such things will hinder us from receiving from God when we pray.
Let’s discover more as we go through:
“And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” 2Kings 6:16
Horses and chariots, and a great host, shut up the prophet in Dothan. His young servant was alarmed. How could they escape from such a body of armed men? But the prophet had eyes which his servant had not, and he could see a greater host with far superior weapons guarding him from all harm. Horses of fire are mightier than horses of flesh, and chariots of fire are far preferable to chariots of iron.
Even so is it at this hour. The adversaries of truth are many, influential, learned, and crafty; and truth fares ill at their hands; and yet the man of God has no cause for trepidation. Agencies, seen and unseen, of the most potent kind, are on the side of righteousness.
God has armies in ambush which will reveal themselves in the hour of need. The forces which are on the side of the good and the true far outweigh the powers of evil. Therefore, let us keep our spirits up, and walk with the gait of men who possess a cheering secret, which has lifted them above all fear.
We are on the winning side. The battle may be sharp, but we know how it will end. Faith, having God with her, is in a clear majority: “They that be with us are more than they that be with them.”
Beloved, He that is with us is greater than they that are with them. However, they are those things that can hinder such immunity. You will discover them as you read along the message below:
Three Words That Curry God’s Displeasure
They are: “But,” “If only,” and “Why?“
As the Israelites approached the Promised Land, Moses commissioned 12 spies to go in and scope out the territory. Upon their return, they reported that the land was indeed flowing with milk and honey!
“But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large… ” (Numbers 13:26a)
By this report, ten of the twelve spies gave evidence of the fact that they were paralyzed by fear, rather than mobilized by faith. Sadly, they had allowed their perception of the facts, rather than the promises of God to dictate their response to the situation. In their minds,
God was not big enough to surmount the obstacles.
- When we allow “but” to dominate our vocabulary, we question God’s power.
“If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert!” (Numbers 14:2b)
Clearly, God had led the Israelites across the desert, assuring them of His presence in providing the pillar of fire by night and the cloud of protection by day. Wonderfully, He had furnished them with manna from heaven, water from the rock, and clothing that did not wear out.
Yet, the moment they were faced with adversity, they cried out, “if only.” By that lament they signaled their preference to living in bondage under their Egyptian oppressors over living in freedom under God’s sovereign care. (Numbers 14:2)
- When we entertain the “if only‘s,” we question God’s goodness.
“Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?” (Numbers 14:3a)
Faced with formidable obstacles in conquering the land God had promised them, the
Israelites whined “why,” rather than believing God could and would help them overcome the barriers.
- When we ask “Why,” we question God’s wisdom .
When God calls us to Himself, He calls us to a life of faith: “But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.” (Hebrews 10:38)
QUESTION: So tell me, fellow pilgrim, as you trek across your own God-assigned desert, are you shrinking back from the barriers with “but“, “if only“, and “why“? Or are you choosing to forge ahead, trusting in His power, His goodness, and His wisdom?
Your faith armour which is the Word of God cannot go together with – “but” ‘if only” “why”. As you can see, they all have implications before God. from today be determined to guide your utterances before and after you have pray. Our God is a “Big God.”
His Hand will bring everything to past. Glory be to Him on high! Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.