Jesus is alive forever is alive Amen. Today O, I will lift up my voice in praise, for I know You are always there for me.Thank You Lord, thank You for everything You have done.
Father in heaven we are grateful unto Thee, thank You for a beautiful day in Your Presence, Glorious Redeemer, hallow be Thy Name, and Thy kingdom come and will be done on earth, as it is in heaven, we are more than conquering in Christ. Thank You Jesus for the strength You have given to those who steps out in faith to trust You. Thank You for the love so pure and so kind even to a fallen soul we adore Thee, we glorified Thee now and forever.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord whose right hand delivers and heals. Thank You for Your Word so comforting to a hungry soul, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever. Thy Word is settle in heaven forever.
Beloved, by God’s grace, the Lord will be opening us up to this awesome Promise as the day unfold. He will show us different levels of abundance and how to be part of it. It promising to be an exciting month again and am sure you ready? We will also be considering different areas we can experience abundance fulfillment. Ensure you follow us through and enlist someone to also be a partaker either by forwarding their names to us or by clicking the forward button each time you receive and you will bless you for the growth of kingdom business. Praise the Lord!
Abundance is a state of an overflowing, surplus, more than enough, plenteous or copious.
Abundance is in varieties. What are you desiring from God, He is saying to you who is believing Him and standing for such a blessing, receive it in an abundance. God wants to make you a blessing to your generations, your community, church, and nation. He is willing to bless you; are you willing to receive of Him? Will you be a willing instrument in His hand? Will you help in the propagation of the gospel and blessings to mankind.
Supernatural Abundance does not just happen, it is ordain and order by the Lord Who made heaven and earth. The whole world belongs to Him. Our confident rest on the Promiser, Whose Word never fail. And will never fail.
This kind of blessing is not meant for the spendthrift nor for the misers. Let the earth rejoice; our Lord God reign. Thank God for Who He is. He is the Mighty One.
In this new month, the Lord will order your step where your abundance is, you must be willing to obey and follow through. Our anchor scripture is based on obedience. You must be willing to follow through all the biddings of the Lord. Sometimes, in fact most time, it looks bleak from a distance but you will only enter through perseverance and faith (Rom 5:1; 1 Cor 16:13; 2 Cor 5:7). The Lord will prove your trust and your obedience and certify you okay and worthy to part of this August blessings.
However, even when the Lord have said a thing, we discovered that satan always forms an obstacle to our receiving through unbelief. This is a grievous sin (Rev 21:8) but he that believeth will be blessed (Rev16:15).
Is the accuser of the brethren at it again, telling you that this promise is not meant for people like you. Is he reminding you of your fallen state? I want you to know that it is only your cooperation that will make it real. You are the one in charge here, so whichever way you chose to go, turns out to be the winning side.
If truly you have sinned, confess your sin and receive forgiveness in Jesus Name. Believe in your heart that His blood is sufficient enough to cleanse you. My prayer for you is that the Spirit of the Lord will help your infirmities, to see beyond where are standing now. Look up from there; move forward and gradually you will make it in Jesus Name.
Do not allow the accuser to hold you bound, break loose in the Name of the Lord. Break every chain in the Name of Jesus. Break every yoke in the Name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus has done it for you. He has set you free, He has made you whole. He has blessed you with an everlasting blessing, enter into your rest in the Name of Jesus.
Come, read and be blessed:
“Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect?” Romans 8:33
Most blessed challenge! How unanswerable it is! Every sin of the elect was laid upon the great Champion of our salvation, and by the atonement carried away. There is no sin in God’s book against His people: He seeth no sin in Jacob, neither iniquity in Israel; they are justified in Christ for ever.
When the guilt of sin was taken away, the punishment of sin was removed. For the Christian there is no stroke from God’s angry hand—nay, not so much as a single frown of punitive justice. The believer may be chastised by his Father, but God the Judge has nothing to say to the Christian, except “I have absolved thee: thou art acquitted.”
For the Christian there is no penal death in this world, much less any second death. He is completely freed from all the punishment as well as the guilt of sin, and the power of sin is removed too. It may stand in our way, and agitate us with perpetual warfare; but sin is a conquered foe to every soul in union with Jesus.
There is no sin which a Christian cannot overcome if he will only rely upon his God to do it. They who wear the white robe in heaven overcame through the blood of the Lamb, and we may do the same. No lust is too mighty, no besetting sin too strongly entrenched; we can overcome through the power of Christ.
Do believe it, Christian, that thy sin is a condemned thing. It may kick and struggle, but it is doomed to die. God has written condemnation across its brow. Christ has crucified it, “nailing it to His cross.” Go now and mortify it, and the Lord help you to live to His praise, for sin with all its guilt, shame, and fear, is gone.
“Here’s pardon for transgressions past,
It matters not how black their cast;
And, O my soul, with wonder view,
For sins to come here’s pardon too.”
I believe this is reassuring enough. Get up, keep going, and never look back. Whatever it may be the Lord has purge you and declare free and whole. So enter into your rest. Be free from every accusation and lay hold of His promises in Jesus Name.
We have a shocker for you. The next message will sweep you off your feet, I tell you, just read on:
“That He may set him with princes.” Psalm 113:8
Our spiritual privileges are of the highest order. “Among princes” is the place of select society. “Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.” Speak of select society, there is none like this! “We are a chosen generation, a peculiar people, a royal priesthood.” “We are come unto the general assembly and church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven.”
The saints have courtly audience: princes have admittance to royalty when common people must stand afar off. The child of God has free access to the inner courts of heaven. “For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” “Let us come boldly,” says the apostle, “to the throne of the heavenly grace.”
Among princes there is abundant wealth, but what is the abundance of princes compared with the riches of believers? for “all things are yours, and ye are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.” “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”
Princes have peculiar power. A prince of heaven’s empire has great influence: he wields a sceptre in his own domain; he sits upon Jesus’ throne, for “He hath made us kings and priests unto God, and we shall reign for ever and ever.” We reign over the united kingdom of time and eternity.
Princes, again, have special honour. We may look down upon all earth-born dignity from the eminence upon which grace has placed us. For what is human grandeur to this, “He hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus”? We share the honour of Christ, and compared with this, earthly splendours are not worth a thought.
Communion with Jesus is a richer gem than ever glittered in imperial diadem. Union with the Lord is a coronet of beauty outshining all the blaze of imperial pomp.
Are you blessed? Are you lifted in your spirit man? What is the splendor of this earth when compared with His blessings and promises? Am in for the race, no going back; no turning back. I must be part of this abundance as promised by the Lord. Nothing must hinder me. Nothing I repeat nothing what
Peradventure you know that you are fallen or in sinful state, confess this sins and believe in God that the blood of Jesus is strong enough to wash away your sin. Accept Him as your Lord and personal Saviour and you will be save from second death. Our God can do all things, Jesus is real.
Remain blessed in the Lord.