How Excellent is Your Name O! Lord. How Wonderful is Your Name O! my Lord. How Beautiful is Your Name, indeed Your Beautiful, Wonderful, Glorious is Your N-a-m-e-e-e!
Praise the Lord O! my soul, let all that is within me, praise His Holy Name.
You are wonderful, You are so beautiful, You are Powerful Lord, Yahweh is Your Name. Yahweh e e e, Yahweh e e e, Your Wonderful, so Wonderful in Your Way, You are Beautiful, so beautiful in Your Way.
Father, we blessed Your Holy Name, be Thou Magnify for ever more.
Praying Time; blessing Time. Your blessing today will not elude you in Jesus Name, Amen!
Beloved, can you ever be tried of asking from a God Who is never and will never be tried of blessing You? You can, as some people do when they asked for a thing and set a time frame for God to answer, when the answer is not forth coming as excepted, they get angry at God, they will refuse to ask again, they will refuse to pray for that need again.
Confront them, they will be quick to tell that they don’t know if God exists, in fact they are not sure if God will ever hear and attain to that need. As much as I want to agree that there are times when there are delays in answers to prayer, it does not mean that God does not want to answer, it mean either the time is not ripe for it yet, or put in another way, you asked amiss, and to such we learnt from the “book of life” there will be no answer afterall (Jas 4:3).
However, in Matt 7:7, we are encouraged to ask and when we do, we are assured of an answer. Today, God is asking you to ask in His Name and it shall be given you, full measure, pressing down shall you receive from the Lord.
Bountifully, will He grant unto you, just have the Wisdom for the asking and you will be amazed at what comes as result of such action. He is never tried, His store house can never run out of resources neither will He ever be indispose to attain to you, just ask and it shall be given you:
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5
“If any of you lack wisdom.” There is no “if” in the matter, for I am sure I lack it. What do I know? How can I guide my own way? How can I direct others? Lord, I am a mass of folly, and wisdom I have none.
Thou sayest, “Let him ask of God.” Lord, I now ask. Here at thy footstool I ask to be furnished with heavenly wisdom for this day’s perplexities, ay, and for this day’s simplicities; for I know I may do very stupid things, even in plain matters, unless thou dost keep me out of mischief.
I thank thee that all I have to do is to ask. What grace is this on thy part, that I have only to pray in faith, and thou wilt give me wisdom! Thou dost here promise me a liberal education, and that, too, without an angry tutor, or a scolding usher. This, too, thou wilt bestow without a fee — bestow it on a fool who lacks wisdom.
O Lord, I thank thee for that positive and expressive word, “It shall be given him.” I believe it. Thou wilt this day make thy babe to know the hidden wisdom which the carnally prudent never learn. Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, and afterwards receive me to glory.
All these is for the Wisdom of asking. Praise God! He will give you willing and freely, only come. You will drink the water freely without a fee. Are you willing to partake of this free offer from the Lord? My spirit is witnessing to me that someone is contemplating on the acceptance of this awesome offer.
Beloved, don’t hesitant, be quick to go to the fountain and drink to your full. Praise God! for that decision to part take of this great invite by the Lord. Click here to accept Jesus now. Then come on and be more enlightened:
“Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17
Jesus says, “take freely.” He wants no payment or preparation. He seeks no recommendation from our virtuous emotions. If you have no good feelings, if you be but willing, you are invited; therefore come! You have no belief and no repentance,—come to Him, and He will give them to you.
Come just as you are, and take “Freely,” without money and without price. He gives Himself to needy ones. The drinking fountains at the corners of our streets are valuable institutions; and we can hardly imagine any one so foolish as to feel for his purse, when he stands before one of them, and to cry, “I cannot drink because I have not five pounds in my pocket.” However poor the man is, there is the fountain, and just as he is he may drink of it.
Thirsty passengers, as they go by, whether they are dressed in fustian or in broadcloth, do not look for any warrant for drinking; its being there is their warrant for taking its water freely. The liberality of some good friends has put the refreshing crystal there and we take it, and ask no questions. Perhaps the only persons who need go thirsty through the street where there is a drinking fountain, are the fine ladies and gentlemen who are in their carriages. They are very thirsty, but cannot think of being so vulgar as to get out to drink. It would demean them, they think, to drink at a common drinking fountain: so they ride by with parched lips.
Oh, how many there are who are rich in their own good works and cannot therefore come to Christ! “I will not be saved,” they say, “in the same way as the harlot or the swearer.” What! go to heaven in the same way as a chimney sweep. Is there no pathway to glory but the path which led the thief there? I will not be saved that way.
Such proud boasters must remain without the living water; but, “Whosoever will, let Him take the water of life freely.”
What a beautiful time in the presence of God. I feel good, I feel energetic, I feel refreshed. What about you?
Beloved, you are shining unto glory this day. Your wisdom is open up. You are moving from one level of glory to another. You are changing levels. Praise the Name of the Lord.
The Lord has done this great things in our life; blessed be thou Holy Name! Surly He have answered you, for you are the next in line for testimony. I prophesy to you, you will testify to the answers to those needs you prayed for today in the Name of Jesus.
Remain blessed in the Lord.