Come and see the Lord is good 2x. There is nothing He can not do, come and see the Lord is good. Who is like unto to Thee, O Lord, who is like unto Thee O Lord! Among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful with praises doing wonder alleluia!
Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name forever and ever. Glory be to You in the highest. Thank You for listening and answering our prayers. Great are You Lord. Faithful is Your Name. Lord You are Worthy to be praise.
Beloved, hope you prayed? The reason to pray was revealed to us yesterday. We are encouraged to pray because He listens. This is more than encouraging. How do you feel when you are talking to a friend or someone you met that give you such an attention?
That is what God does each time we come before either with a heavy heart or a happy heart. He is always patient listening to a broken, burdened or sorrowful heart. He also listens when you are in merry mood. The interesting thing is that He listens. Praise God.
On the faith clinic today we are considering “Wisdom.” do you have wisdom or better still what is Wisdom? Beloved, have you ever ask God to give you knowledge? What knowledge are you asking for? When you have knowledge without understanding is a big tragedy. However, knowledge with understanding and right application is wisdom.
In summary, wisdom is knowledge with right application. Beloved, it means that if you want to want a stress free life, you need wisdom. ‘Wisdom,” the bible said, is the principal thing, so get wisdom. The book of James also advise us to ask for it if is lacking in your life.
What is the relationship between wisdom and faith? Let me go this way. Wisdom is a gift as much as faith is. Both is given from above. You cannot sustain either by self rather it is only the Spirit of God that can help you and guide you to be all that God created you to be.
Wisdom to ask for an increase faith is important to help your walk in God. The goodnews is that whenever you ask, He promised to give you liberally, without upbraid. If you have gone through yesterday ministration, having the revelation that God ‘listens’ whenever we call or come to Him without complaining about anything. You will be more confident to ask Him for wisdom since you know that He will give to you. Praise God.
Beloved, are you at your with end? Are you lost in journey of life? is situations in life asking you where is your God? I have a good news for you.
Come and ask from the One Who will give you wisdom and upbraithed not. Praise God.
Receive the need grace to get principal thing. Praise God!
Let’s get going:
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5
“If any of you lack wisdom.” There is no “if” in the matter, for I am sure I lack it. What do I know? How can I guide my own way? How can I direct others? Lord, I am a mass of folly, and wisdom I have none.
Thou sayest, “Let him ask of God.” Lord, I now ask. Here at thy footstool I ask to be furnished with heavenly wisdom for this day’s perplexities, ay, and for this day’s simplicities; for I know I may do very stupid things, even in plain matters, unless thou dost keep me out of mischief.
I thank thee that all I have to do is to ask. What grace is this on thy part, that I have only to pray in faith, and thou wilt give me wisdom! Thou dost here promise me a liberal education, and that, too, without an angry tutor, or a scolding usher. This, too, thou wilt bestow without a fee — bestow it on a fool who lacks wisdom.
O Lord, I thank thee for that positive and expressive word, “It shall be given him.” I believe it. Thou wilt this day make thy babe to know the hidden wisdom which the carnally prudent never learn. Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, and afterwards receive me to glory.
More from below:
“A certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto Him, Blessed is the womb that bare Thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But He said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” Luke 11:27,28
It is fondly imagined by some that it must have involved very special privileges to have been the mother of our Lord, because they supposed that she had the benefit of looking into His very heart in a way in which we cannot hope to do. There may be an appearance of plausibility in the supposition, but not much.
We do not know that Mary knew more than others; what she did know she did well to lay up in her heart; but she does not appear from anything we read in the Evangelists to have been a better-instructed believer than any other of Christ’s disciples. All that she knew we also may discover.
Do you wonder that we should say so? Here is a text to prove it: “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.” Remember the Master’s words—”Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.”
So blessedly does this Divine Revealer of secrets tell us His heart, that He keepeth back nothing which is profitable to us; His own assurance is, “If it were not so, I would have told you.” Doth He not this day manifest Himself unto us as He doth not unto the world?
It is even so; and therefore we will not ignorantly cry out, “Blessed is the womb that bare thee,” but we will intelligently bless God that, having heard the Word and kept it, we have first of all as true a communion with the Saviour as the Virgin had, and in the second place as true an acquaintance with the secrets of His heart as she can be supposed to have obtained. Happy soul to be thus privileged!
Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom. Let your faith grow as you receive the wisdom from on high (God). Wisdom liberates, get liberated. The wisdom that will set you on high, receive now in Jesus Name. the wisdom that will give you freedom receive in Jesus Name.
It therefore means that they are wisdom of the world, it is very deficient to the race set before you. Only the wisdom from high will help you run through the troops and skip the mountain. God’s wisdom makes the difference. Let get one. Praise God.
Remain blessed in Jesus Name.