Good morning Jesus, good morning Lord, I know you come from heaven above, the Holy Spirit is on the throne, good morning Jesus good morning Lord.// I will enter His court with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His court with Praise, I will say this is day that the Lord made, I will rejoice for He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I am so glad, I will rejoice that He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I am so glad, I will rejoice that He has made me glad.
Our Father in heaven, we glorify Your Holy Name, we bow down before You. thank You Lord for watching over us all through the week, great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise, Father you reign. Thank You Lord for Your blessings that You bestowed upon us Your children, blessed be Thy Name on high.
Thank You above all for the gift of the Holy Spirit for which without Him we may not carry on the works our Lord Jesus left behind. Thank You for Your undying love for mankind, which made You to send Your Son Jesus to redeem us from eternal destruction. Father, You are indeed above what we can call You. Praise be to Your Name Lord!
Beloved, we treated “Who is the Holy Spirit” in March, our month of “Divine Intervention” and here we are considering it again under the Pentecostal experience as was celebrated last Sunday in our local churches. My sincere prayer to us is that each and every one of us will have same experience as it were on that day. Praise the Lord!
As we consider the third Person in the Trinity again today, we are going to discover something new. I have seen it in that fashion before now, it will help you to relate well with other Christian brothers and sister as some many are in the picture painted below.
God’s Spirit and God’s Word fuel our imagination and strengthen our inner being. In john 14:16-17, John 14:16-17 (KJV)
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
It is the Holy Spirit who works in us to give us the power that we don’t have, it doesn’t come from self-help, psychology or a positive mental attitude. The other sources of refueling is God’s Word Ps 119vs 18, 27.
Beloveth, is the Holy Spirit “With” or “In” and “On” you? Beloveth, join me as we discover more below:
1 Kings 19:1-20:43, Psalm 74:18-23, Proverbs 16:13-15, Acts 1:1-26
“With”—or “In” and “On”
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you.—Acts 1:8
The Holy Spirit is a resident counselor. The Greek word here is interesting: parakletos—para (beside), kletos (call)—one who is called alongside to help. There isn’t a single thing needed in the Christian life that He isn’t there to provide. Note the difference in the prepositions that are found in these passages: “He remains with you and will be in you” (Jn 14:17) and “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you” (Ac 1:8). Jesus said that the Spirit was “with” them, but later would be “in” them and “on” them. I take these prepositions to mean that the Holy Spirit was “with” them prior to Pentecost but was “in” them and “on” them subsequent to Pentecost. Prior to Pentecost their lives lacked character and consistency. They cast out devils, but, on other occasions, they seemed to be somewhat influenced by them.
Simon Peter is a case in point (Mt 16:23). The disciples were loud in their assertions of loyalty and loud in their blunderings and misunderstandings. The Spirit was most certainly “with” them—helping, encouraging, and revealing—but He was most certainly not “in” them or “on” them. When the Spirit came “in” and “on” them at a later date, then fitful living became faithful living; erratic loyalty became everlasting loyalty.
Today, in the lives of many Christians, the Holy Spirit seems to be working on the outside rather than on the inside. Actually, of course, the Holy Spirit is resident “in” every Christian, but He wants to be more than just resident—He wants also to be president! How is it in your life and experience? Is the Spirit a passing guest or a permanent guest?
God, forgive me for not utilizing the resources of the Holy Spirit You have placed within me. Help me see that the Spirit within makes for adequacy without if I avail myself of Him. Amen.
Further Study
1Co 2; Neh 9:20; Lk 12:12; 1Jn 2:27
What has God revealed to us by His Spirit?
What does the Holy Spirit bring to us?
What is your inference from the above study? Is the Holy Spirit working from the Outside of you or from the Inside of you? The work of the Holy Spirit cannot be exhausted in our discussion as He has no end, rather is new every morning and it is continual walk with God.
Beloved, make sure you allow the Holy Spirit to live inside of you so that you will experience growth in the outside. May God give us more understanding in Jesus Name.
Have wonderful week with testimonies about the Holy Spirit visitation. See you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.