I will exalt You Lord, for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. (I will exalt You Jesus) I will exalt You Lord, for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love.// glory glory alleluia His banner over me is love, All glory glory alleluia His banner over me is love, All glory glory alleluia His banner over me is love, His banner over me is love (His banner over us is love).

Receive all glory Lord, receive all Honour Lord, receive all Glory Lord Alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!! Father receive all our glory, our alleluia belongs to You, receive all our worship, be Thou magnify in Jesus Name. I will worship You Lord from everlasting to everlasting. I will Praise You from everlasting to everlasting.

Let the living praise the Lord! let the living Praise the Lord. beloved, it is the living that can praise and worship the Lord! are you a living soul? I want you to engage in worship until you are lifted in your Spirit and begin to worship the Lord. Yes! Engage in worship as that is the only way to reach the heart of God faster than any other means. When you give God worship; you let down His Hand to bless you.

Beloved we are going to do a little exposition in this ministration. When God destroy the earth with flood during the time of Noah, it rained for forty days and forty nights, all flesh died that moved upon the earth – birds, cattle, beasts and every creeping thing and every man except Noah and those with him in the ark. The water covered the earth for a hundred and fifty days (Gen 7:17-24)..

And God remembered Noah, (someone reading this devotional, God will remember you in Jesus Name). Yes you will be remembered and your story will change, you will sing a new song in Jesus Name!!!! We are going somewhere, something happened in the tenth month. The rain started in the second month on the seventeen day of the month and for forty days and nights. The water covered the earth for hundred and fifty days and decreased, then the ark rested on the seven month upon the mountain Ararat and the water decrease continually until the tenth month.

On the tenth month, on the first day, something significant happened, – the tops of the mountains seen.

Did you read that, mountains tops were seen, now consider these- the “Mountains” not one, “Tops” not one were seen. Beloved, in this month of the year, our month of “Grace and Glory” you will see visions, you will receive visions, and the Lord will show you what to do. You will be enabled to do it, nothing will hinder you, your glorious manifestation is guaranteed in Jesus Name.

But you need to do one thing, you need to do what the teaching of today said, you need to stop going to the “wrong places” to seek help, solution, vision. You must stop seeking to do it your way. You must stop to do your “Will.” You must stop digging your own cisterns that will not hold water and turn to fountain of the living water to stoop and drink from it.

Beloved, you have to start looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith and stop looking or going to the wrong places in search of help. Let us read more:

Jeremiah 1:1-2:37, Psalm 119:12-16, Proverbs 24:23-25, Colossians 1:1-20

Wrong Places

My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug … cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.—Jeremiah 2:13

One of the major problems with which we are all confronted is that we have at the core of our being a deep thirst for God, which makes us entirely dependent on Him for satisfaction. Our sinful human nature resents this, because it dislikes the feeling of helplessness that such dependence brings; it prefers to have a hand in bringing about its own satisfaction.

This terrible tendency of the human heart to try to satisfy its own thirst independently of God is brought out clearly in the passage before us today. The Prophet Jeremiah indicts Israel—the people of God—for depending on “cracked cisterns” in their efforts to quench their spiritual thirst (cisterns which they themselves made but which can hold no water).

Note the two observations our text for today suggests. First, the people were thirsty, and second, they moved in the wrong direction to satisfy their thirst.

God said it was as if they walked right past the clear waters He provided and chose instead to dig their own well. They wanted to run their own lives and refused to come to God, allowing Him to quench their deep thirst. This stubborn commitment to independence is responsible more than anything else for preventing us from having feet like “hinds’ feet.”


Gracious Father, I see that the problem You had with the nation of Israel is my problem, too. For far too often I try to dig my own well. You are searching deeply into my life. Help me not to evade or avoid any issue. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Jdg 17:1-6; 21:25; Pr 28:26; 1Co 10:12

How does the book of Judges sum up the human heart?

What was Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians?

Beloved, are you guilty as charge? Have you been going to the wrong places to seek help and receive help? Have you dug your own well instead of drinking from the fountain of the living water?

The hour of repentance is now, little wonder you have not been doing well as God planned for you, you are not where He had destined you to be, beloved, this is the time and hour you have to look up to God, seek His help and receive help from Him.

Beloved, stop going to wrong places for solution, God is your solution, look unto Him and He will show you what to do (1Sam 16:3a). The hand of the Lord will do it. Amen. Someone’s vision is coming through. The Lord is empowering someone today. Doors are opening unto someone, good news is reaching someone today, someone is hearing God’s voice and direction today. The Spirit of God is resting on us today and our vision will come forth in Jesus Name. every dark cloud covering our vision and destiny are off today in Jesus Name. The season of ease is “Real” the hand of God will bring it to past in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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