I will Praise Thee Lord; I will Praise Thee Lord! I will Praise Thee Lord; I will Praise Thee Lord! if nobody will Praise your Name, I will Praise Thee Lord! if nobody will worship Thee Lord, I will Praise the Lord!// Great is Thy Faithfulness, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercies I see! All that I needed Thy Hands has provided, great Thy Faithfulness Lord unto Thee!
All power, all glory, all honour to Thee, Holy Father we welcome You, Blessed Saviour, I attend Thee, Holy Spirit we wait You, Holy Spirit we wait on you for power oooo!, for power oooo! All power oooo
Father, we thank You we bless Your Holy Name! Alleluia to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank You for another opportunity to lean on you and learn of Thee. Blessed be Thy Holy Name, alleluia to the Kings of King, the Ancient of Days, Lion of the tribe of Judea, thank You and thank You, and thank You again in Jesus Name!
Beloveth, how are today? Hope you are doing great? Praise Jesus! in all things give Praise. When I came across the topic of today, it caught my attention and I decided to share it with you, hope you will find it interesting too.
Our dependency on God for strength must never be taken as an opportunity to be what the Bible describe as being sluggard. Praise the Lord! we are called to be diligent in our walk with God and men, never give room to slothfulness. It’s too dangerous a game to play whether for fun or real.
God is a worker and so must we, any other thing than that is a fluke. Be not decide the Word of God told us “what a man sow; same he will reap. It means in the context of this teaching, if you sow laziness, same you will reap, if you sow hard-work, you will reap same.
As children of God, we must be diligent because God cannot use a sluggard or a slothful person in accomplishing His task. Take for instance Abraham was a farmer and he has his barn full of cattle, cow, sheep, goats, same with His son Isaac, Jacob was diligent in his work that he served His master fourteen years to marry his two wives. Moses was called while he was in the field, David was skillful in keeping his sheep and that earned him kingship position in Israel, can we come down to the new testaments, the Disciples of Jesus were mostly fishermen with Paul as a tent maker.
Our Mentor and Master Jesus was not left behind, in spite of being God, He also worked. He labored so well in fulfilling His purpose of coming, He healed all manners of diseases, cast out demons, He prayed ceaselessly, He worked both in the day and in the night. Jesus accomplished His purpose of coming to the earth- salvation of souls.
Beloveth, there is no room for the sluggard in God’s earthly ministry and kingdom businesses. We are not only called to be work, we also called to work smartly, work intelligently. Ask for the Wisdom to be everything God has created you to be in Jesus Name.
Come on for more:
“Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: so shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man.” Proverbs 24:33,34
The worst of sluggards only ask for a little slumber; they would be indignant if they were accused of thorough idleness. A little folding of the hands to sleep is all they crave, and they have a crowd of reasons to show that this indulgence is a very proper one. Yet by these littles the day ebbs out, and the time for labour is all gone, and the field is grown over with thorns.
It is by little procrastinations that men ruin their souls. They have no intention to delay for years—a few months will bring the more convenient season—tomorrow if you will, they will attend to serious things; but the present hour is so occupied and altogether so unsuitable, that they beg to be excused. Like sands from an hour-glass, time passes, life is wasted by driblets, and seasons of grace lost by little slumbers.
Oh, to be wise, to catch the flying hour, to use the moments on the wing! May the Lord teach us this sacred wisdom, for otherwise a poverty of the worst sort awaits us, eternal poverty which shall want even a drop of water, and beg for it in vain. Like a traveller steadily pursuing his journey, poverty overtakes the slothful, and ruin overthrows the undecided: each hour brings the dreaded pursuer nearer; he pauses not by the way, for he is on his master’s business and must not tarry.
As an armed man enters with authority and power, so shall want come to the idle, and death to the impenitent, and there will be no escape. O that men were wise be-times, and would seek diligently unto the Lord Jesus, or ere the solemn day shall dawn when it will be too late to plough and to sow, too late to repent and believe. In harvest, it is vain to lament that the seed time was neglected.
As yet, faith and holy decision are timely. May we obtain them this night.
Yes! they are timely, therefore we must hasten up, we must also take extra oil in case the bridegroom tarry why we wait, Praise the Lord!
Beloveth as the year is gradually rounding –up make sure that your hands are busy with things that will improve your lots at the end in Jesus Name.
Be diligent and reap success while here on earth, good life and eternal life at the of your journey here on earth. Alleluia to the King of kings. Praise mater Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.