What the Lord has done for me I cannot say it all, what the Lord has done for me, I cannot say it all, what the Lord has done for me I cannot say it He save and healed by His blood, so that I can shout alleluia, I can shout alleluia, I can shout Praise the Lord x2. I will lift up Jesus higher, I will lift up higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah, alpha Omega, I will lift up Jesus higher.

Father in heaven O God, I thank You I bless Your Name, Great are You Lord; You are greatly to be Praise. Forever O Lord, Your Word is settled, is settled in heaven. Thank You for the gift of a brand new day, how marvelous are works in the life of your people, Father we worship You, we exalt You, we adore You we lift You up, we exalt You forever and ever in Jesus Name.

We specially want to thank You for answers to prayers, this poor men called and You answered O Lord! Father thank You for Your faithfulness, Great are You Lord; You are greatly to be Praise. I don’t why You love me so, I don’t know why. Thank You for honouring Your servant, thank You for answers to prayers, thank You for being God indeed unto us, blessed be Thy Name. How great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise. Forever O Lord! Your Word is settled; is settled in heaven. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and are safe. Who can battle with the Lord? Who say “no” when the Lord has said “yes.” who can “close” the door when the Lord has “open” it, or who can “open” when my says “close”

Beloved, it was Holy Ghost battle and the Lord made Name for himself. I declare unto You this morning that every of life you have been fighting all your life is hereby declare a Holy Ghost battle now in the Name of Jesus. The Lord is taking over every battle you have been fighting in your life and making it His battle in the Name of Jesus. Are you willing to and it over or still want to carry on with the fight.

There is a popular song that goes this way – “when you go with the Lord Jesus; every battle I am a winner” yes “when you go with the Lord Jesus; every battle I am a winner” O brother I am a winner, O my sister, I am a winner.

Yes dearly beloved, we are winners when the Lord go with us in anything we are doing, Praise the Name of the Lord.

Beloved, the Lord demands our obedience more than our sacrifice. When you obey the Lord and fellow His instruction, you are like a sweet savor unto Him. He will be pleased with you and will command His blessing over you and your generation. That was the case of Father Abraham.

Abraham obeyed the Lord and it was counted unto as righteousness, beloved, are you ready to abide in the instructions of the most High God. Have you gotten to level of your walk with God when you say like the three Hebrew boys “we know that our God is able to deliver us but if He chose not so be it.”

The people we mentioned above were creature like you and i. the bible did not say that they came in the as the Son of God as some people always excuse away the actions of our Lord Jesus. Abraham walked with God and he came to trust Him. The Hebrew boys heard what the Lord did for they fore fathers in the Egypt and in the wilderness and stood by it.

Woo! Beloved, these things does not just happen rather it is a fall out of relationship cultivated over time with God as you will also read in the message later. We have treated so much on relationship this week and we must work on our relationship with God so that like the saints of old we will also testify to the goodness of God and most importantly we will not be carried by a wind of doctrine and will not give satan room to mesmerize us in event of any eventuality, Praise the Lord.


After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!”“Here I am,” he answered. “Take your son,” He said, “your only [son] Isaac, whom you love, go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.”—Genesis 22:1–2


Our difficulty is not that we don’t know God’s will. Our discomfort comes from the fact that we do know His will, but we do not want to do it!

When God first spoke to Abraham, His commands were straightforward. “Go to a land I will show you” (Gen. 12:1). Then God led Abraham through a number of tests over the years. Abraham learned patience as he waited on God’s promise of a son, which took twenty-five years to be fulfilled. Abraham learned to trust God through battles with kings and through the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The pinnacle of Abraham’s walk of faith was when God asked him to sacrifice the one thing that meant more to him than anything else.

Abraham’s previous obedience indicated that he would have quickly and decisively sacrificed anything else God asked of him, but was he prepared for this? God did not ask Abraham to make such a significant sacrifice at the beginning of their relationship. This came more than thirty years after Abraham began walking with God.

As the Father progressively reveals His ways to you in your Christian pilgrimage, you, like Abraham, will develop a deeper level of trust in Him. When you first became a Christian, your Master’s instructions were probably fundamental, such as being baptized or changing your lifestyle. But as you learn to trust Him more deeply, He will develop your character to match bigger tests, and with the greater test will come a greater love for God and knowledge of His ways. Are you ready for God’s next revelation?

Are you ready for God’s next revelation? God’s demand for Isaac may come in various way. Mine came in form of money which I need to get a new apartment but God’s instructd us (I and my husband) to give it to missions and we did. Actually the money was not enough to secure the kind of accommodation we are looking for in the area we wanted and here is God who knew that we need a new accommation, here is God who knew we are in need of money asking us to give to mission the  one have to sell my car to save, beloved we obeyed, I told my husband, “let us offer this Isaac as a seed to what God is going to do”

Beloved it was our Isaac at that time and we do offer it wholeheartedly do you know what did for us in return He gave us accommodation just two houses away from where the former house was. Wow! I have never seen this kind of miracle before, beloved, it means the children will still be in their schools as this were many concerns we had, it means that we don’t need a truck to move our property as we don’t have enough to do that. In addition to the above miracle my daughter got admission in one of the choice school where many offer bribe to for their wards to be taken, it  yielded bountiful harvest beyond what we gave as an offering to God. He multiplied it and gave it back to us.

Beloved, it was as a result of relationship we had with God, it was as a result of going to worship where the truth of God is preach and not where you are told only about the God that prospers, it is about getting involve in God’s work (else how would we have had understanding about ‘giving to Missions),” it is also about reading books that helps our faith that made us to trust God that He will not allow our properties to liter the street as the landlord was threatening. God honoured us and were became a testimony to many.   God promise of not forsaking His own is real, but you have enter into it by walking with Him, believing in Him, trusting Him in all situation (1 Jn 1:3, Rom 5:-5).

Come along for more of above experience as demonstrated by the saints of old:


“I assure you: Wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her.”—Mark 14:9


We may assume that our expressions of devotion to God are small and insignificant, but in God’s eyes they may hold much meaning. Our love and dedication to Christ may even create memorials to God for future generations.

This woman performed a profound act of love for Jesus. She did not do it to impress His disciples or to gain public attention or to gain praise from Jesus. She simply sought to express her love for Jesus. She did nothing spectacular; she performed no miracles; she preached no sermons. Yet Jesus was so moved by her selfless loyalty that He deemed it worthy of remembrance throughout the remainder of history.

We do not know all that God finds most pleasing, nor do we know what acts of our love He may choose to honor through our children and future generations. Abraham could not have known that the day he demonstrated his willingness to sacrifice his only son would be memorialized and would bless many generations who heard of his obedience. David could not have known that his walk with God would please Him so much that David’s example would bless generations who followed him.

God can take your faithfulness and begin a spiritual legacy, making it a blessing to others for generations to come. You will never know until eternity all who received a blessing because of your righteous life. That is why it is so important that you daily express your love and devotion to Jesus.

Have you read about the Memorials of Faithfulness. God will never forget your obedience and sacrifice to Him.

Never allow anything to deprive you of the good God have in stores for you. Follow Him, Believe in Him, Keep trusting Him and it shall be well with you. Praise the Lord. Your garment of glory must be deliver unto thee in Jesus Name.  

Remain blessed in the Lord


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IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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