Angels, from the realms of glory,

Wing your flight o’er all the earth;

Ye who sang creation’s story

Now proclaim Messiah’s birth:

Come and worship, come and worship,

Worship Christ, the newborn King.

Our Rock of Ages, the King of Kings the Ancient of days, the Beginning and the end. You are God and reigneth forever more. Thank You Father for Who You Are. You made the Heaven and Earth and all that is within it. Glory be to Your Name on High. We cannot thank You enough for all Your kindness in our lives and families. Be thou exalted forever and ever. Amen!

Beloved, thank God for the privilege to pray corporately once again before the year rounds up, we do not take it for granted, we will therefore beseeched heaven to harken to our voice for I believe that God will yet visit us again and again before the end of this year.

All the package of the His blessedness allotted to me must be fully delivered to me before it rolls away and go forever into the history of time. I believe someone is having same belief with me.

Therefore let us continue in our prayers not giving up, not getting weary, but with everything in us we will pray today till we receive from the Lord answers to our prayers.

The nearer we are to God; the deeper our fellowship with Him both here and hereafter.  Sometime we are not comfortable talking about when we will be gone and that is why oftentimes we don’t pay attention on the kind of life we are living, where is it leading us? What will be awaiting us at the end of it.

Is so important that we pay attention to our eternity, when we will no longer be in control of our actions but rather we will reap whatever we sow while we are in flesh.

Beloved, bear this in mind your “choices today determines your eternity. Therefore we requires daily decision that is spur towards making our tomorrow better.  When we consider Lazarus and the Rich man (Lk 16:19-31). We were not told that the rich man wealth was ill gotten or was amassed by unfair means nor was there any judgment passed on his character. It was not said that he was unjust, or harsh but was simply presented as rich, wearing the finest clothes and eating the most delectable food. There was only one drawback. At the entrance to his palace, a beggar- a miserable creation covered with sores, who feed on the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table and dogs lick the sores on his body. Later both died and the rich man went the hell while the Lazarus went to Abraham’s bosom.

 Why am I bring in this in today’s message? This is not a diversion from our call to prayer but for us to meditate on what has eternal values and know how to pray right. Our self-righteous, wealth and fine houses will not led us to heaven neither was it guaranteed that every poor person will make to heaven.

Therefore, what are those choices we are making today that will guarantees our eternity tomorrow. We must continual desire to have close relationship with God, which will help us to examine our daily living and help us to make amend where there is need.

The only way to do that is to seek out Christ, Who is the only way/door to salvation, success and at the end, to eternity.  Let us discover more as we read further:

“So shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1Thess. 4:17


While we are here the Lord is with us, and when we are called away we are with Him. There is no dividing the saint from His Saviour. They are one, and they always must be one: Jesus cannot be without His own people, for He would be a Head without a body. Whether caught up into the air, or resting in Paradise, or sojourning here, we are with Jesus; and who shall separate us from Him?

What a joy is this! Our supreme honor, rest, comfort, delight, is to be with the Lord. We cannot conceive of anything which can surpass or even equal this divine society. By holy fellowship we must be with Him in His humiliation, rejection, and travail, and then we shall be with Him in His glory. Before long we shall be with Him in His rest and in His royalty, in His expectation and in His manifestation. We shall fare as He fares, and triumph as He triumphs.

O my Lord, if I am to be for ever with thee, I have a destiny incomparable. I will not envy an archangel. To be for ever with the Lord is my idea of Heaven at its best. Not the harps of gold, nor the crowns unfading, nor the light unclouded, is glory to me; but Jesus, Jesus Himself, and myself for ever with Him in nearest and dearest fellowship:

“I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9

Jesus, the great I AM, is the entrance into the true church, and the way of access to God Himself. He gives to the man who comes to God by Him four choice privileges.

  1. He shall be saved. The fugitive manslayer passed the gate of the city of refuge, and was safe. Noah entered the door of the ark, and was secure. None can be lost who take Jesus as the door of faith to their souls. Entrance through Jesus into peace is the guarantee of entrance by the same door into heaven. Jesus is the only door, an open door, a wide door, a safe door; and blessed is he who rests all his hope of admission to glory upon the crucified Redeemer.
  2. He shall go in. He shall be privileged to go in among the divine family, sharing the children’s bread, and participating in all their honours and enjoyments. He shall go in to the chambers of communion, to the banquets of love, to the treasures of the covenant, to the storehouses of the promises. He shall go in unto the King of kings in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the secret of the Lord shall be with him.
  3. He shall go out. This blessing is much forgotten. We go out into the world to labour and suffer, but what a mercy to go in the name and power of Jesus! We are called to bear witness to the truth, to cheer the disconsolate, to warn the careless, to win souls, and to glorify God; and as the angel said to Gideon, “Go in this thy might,” even thus the Lord would have us proceed as His messengers in His name and strength.
  4. He shall find pasture. He who knows Jesus shall never want. Going in and out shall be alike helpful to him: in fellowship with God he shall grow, and in watering others he shall be watered. Having made Jesus his all, he shall find all in Jesus. His soul shall be as a watered garden, and as a well of water whose waters fail not.

Don’t forget that your choices today determines your eternity. Therefore pray for divine guidance as you transverse through this part of eternity.

Father, listen to the cries of your children we pray Thee. sing joyfully with me the rest of the song:

Shepherds, in the field abiding,

Watching o’er your flocks by night,

God with man is now residing;

Yonder shines the infant light:

Sages, leave your contemplations;

Brighter visions beam afar;

Seek the great Desire of nations;

Ye have seen His natal star:

Saints, before the altar bending,

Watching long in hope and fear,

Suddenly the Lord, descending,

In His temple shall appear:

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Next articleSo Shall We Ever Be with the Lord
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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