Take glory Father, Take glory Son, Take glory Holy Ghost now and forever more. Let the Living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my cares and burden unto Thee I come.

Our Father in heaven above, we thank You for Your immesuarble gifts and love upon us. Thank You Lord for Your Faithfulness, Peace and joy granted from above. Your loving kindness towards is unquantifiable therefore we bow and worship Thee Who is above all.

Beloved, our God is love. In the store house of heaven are too numerous a gift which He desires to bestow on us. Are you ready to receive? Are you willing to receive? Jesus had already receive diverse gifts on our behalf and He is willing to give out same to all who will ask from Him.

Beloved I will encourage you to read our study text Eph 1. This text is the pride of every child of God by redemption. Do you want to partake in this month prophetic declaration of God to us as a ministry? Hold tight to this bible passage. It mirrors who you are in Christ Jesus, it also spell out what Christ did on your behalf. Often times we spend some much time analyzing what the devil is doing with little or no time to declare the goodness and the promises of God in our lives.

Beloved, I made a resolved to notice less what is not right in my life, what the devil is doing or not doing this year but to focus mostly on everything God is doing and saying concerning me, my family, career and ministry this year to see how far I can go. Is someone agreeing with me?

This is was a fall out of a discuss with someone, who was sharing some things with me and the Holy Spirit gave me this words for him of which I told him and I also decided to apply same to myself and am sure you can adapt same. I believe at the end of this year, we must take stock on far we went than in previous years. If you taking this decision with me send an email to us so that you will on our list for our testimony at the end of the year. Praise God. Always remember that Christ is our righteousness; Christ is our covenant; Christ is our inheritance.

Let’s read on for a grand discoveries:

“In whom also we have obtained an inheritance.” Ephesians 1:11

When Jesus gave Himself for us, He gave us all the rights and privileges which went with Himself; so that now, although as eternal God, He has essential rights to which no creature may venture to pretend, yet as Jesus, the Mediator, the federal Head of the covenant of grace, He has no heritage apart from us.

All the glorious consequences of His obedience unto death are the joint riches of all who are in Him, and on whose behalf He accomplished the divine will. See, He enters into glory, but not for Himself alone, for it is written, “Whither the Forerunner is for us entered.” Heb. 6:20. Does He stand in the presence of God?—”He appears in the presence of God for us.” Heb. 9:24.

Consider this, believer. You have no right to heaven in yourself: your right lies in Christ. If you are pardoned, it is through His blood; if you are justified, it is through His righteousness; if you are sanctified, it is because He is made of God unto you sanctification; if you shall be kept from falling, it will be because you are preserved in Christ Jesus; and if you are perfected at the last, it will be because you are complete in Him.

Thus Jesus is magnified—for all is in Him and by Him; thus the inheritance is made certain to us—for it is obtained in Him; thus each blessing is the sweeter, and even heaven itself the brighter, because it is Jesus our Beloved “in whom” we have obtained all. Where is the man who shall estimate our divine portion? Weigh the riches of Christ in scales, and His treasure in balances, and then think to count the treasures which belong to the saints.

Reach the bottom of Christ’s sea of joy, and then hope to understand the bliss which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Overleap the boundaries of Christ’s possessions, and then dream of a limit to the fair inheritance of the elect. “All things are yours, for ye are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.”

More discoveries:

“And these are ancient things.” 1Chronicles 4:22

Yet not so ancient as those precious things which are the delight of our souls. Let us for a moment recount them, telling them over as misers count their gold.

The sovereign choice of the Father, by which He elected us unto eternal life, or ever the earth was, is a matter of vast antiquity, since no date can be conceived for it by the mind of man. We were chosen from before the foundations of the world.

Everlasting love went with the choice, for it was not a bare act of divine will by which we were set apart, but the divine affections were concerned. The Father loved us in and from the beginning. Here is a theme for daily contemplation.

The eternal purpose to redeem us from our foreseen ruin, to cleanse and sanctify us, and at last to glorify us, was of infinite antiquity, and runs side by side with immutable love and absolute sovereignty.

The covenant is always described as being everlasting, and Jesus, the second party in it, had His goings forth of old; He struck hands in sacred suretyship long ere the first of the stars began to shine, and it was in Him that the elect were ordained unto eternal life. Thus in the divine purpose a most blessed covenant union was established between the Son of God and His elect people, which will remain as the foundation of their safety when time shall be no more.

Is it not well to be conversant with these ancient things? Is it not shameful that they should be so much neglected and even rejected by the bulk of professors? If they knew more of their own sin, would they not be more ready to adore distinguishing grace? Let us both admire and adore today, as we sing—

“A monument of grace,

A sinner saved by blood;

The streams of love I trace

Up to the Fountain, God;

And in His sacred bosom see

Eternal thoughts of Love to me.”

I told you that you in your best season ever. Even before Christ came to the scene we have a surety in Him that is from the foundation of the world. We are His heritance and He is making sure daily that none His Father has given is lost. He is to present us to the Him at the end of everything. He daily intercedes for us at the Throne of mercy that we will make to heaven at the end. Not only that, He blesses us daily by supplying our needs.

Beloved, am glad I belong to Jesus, what about you? Peradventure you are not sure whether you belong to this awesome family just click here to be part of it. Read Jn 16:27 and make some lasting discovery.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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