Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good, everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good. // come see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. He gave me victory, He gave me peace of mind, come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good.
Father, be glorified, we worship You, we give Praise, adoration to Your Name, be Thou magnify. What shall I render to Jehovah, for all He has done for me, if all my bodies are full of tongues, it wont be enough, if I start off from the early morning to late in the night, it won’t be enough, but I know and I know that I cannot thank God enough, Yes! I cannot thank Him enough for all His has done for me. I will magnify You Jehovah forever and ever, be Thou glorify in Jesus Name.
Let the Living water flow by my side, let the Holy Spirit come and take control in every situation that troubles my mind, all my care and burden unto Thee O Lord! Jesus Jesus, Jesus, calling Father, Father, Father, Father, calling Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit.
Thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit. Have Your way in our lives again and be Thou glorify.
Beloved, how are doing? Hope you doing well? Our God is faithful, our Glorious Manifestation has been release, Praise the Lord!
Our topic today is “The Standard Note,” there is a standard note to follow in life, you must not be out of tune. If you are out of tune dearly beloved, you will not function in God’s plan for your life. Someone wants to know how someone can be out of tune?
Before we go into the ministration of the day, it will good to know what “key” do in music. Have you ever sat down and waiting to listen to a good music only to hear a crack sound coming from either from the musical set or from the choir. I guess you will get disappointed. But do know we something do that in our life, we get out of tune. Wondering how?
When you are not doing what the Word of God commanded us to do, you are will not be operating with the standard note.
Yesterday, we were taught about staying fresh by abiding to the vine- Jesus, today we need to know things that will help us to stay fresh- keeping and maintain “the Standard Note” through praying, studying the scripture and disciplining others for Christ. It must a normal way of life for us, we must not be coerce. It must come natural to us like the way we eat, and desire to sleep too.
Jesus who is the son of God did it, why then we it be difficult for us to do?
We must follow His footsteps and that well it will be well with us, Praise the Lord! Alleluia Amen!
Come along for more:
Amos 3:1-5:27, Psalm 143:7-12, Proverbs 30:24-28, Revelation 8:1-9:12
The Standard Note
Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You.—Psalm 143:8
Jesus felt the need for three simple habits in His earthly life: (1) He stood up to read; (2) He went up a mountain to pray; (3) He taught people the Scriptures—all “as usual” (Lk 4:16).
These three habits—reading the Scriptures, exposing oneself to God in prayer, and passing on to others what one has found—are basic to the spiritual life. If Jesus Himself couldn’t get along without them, how can we?
I am often asked by interviewers how I maintain my spiritual life. I usually reply that it centers on a daily quiet time with God. There are some days when a morning quiet time is not possible, but most of my mornings begin with a time closeted with God in prayer.
Someone sent me a brochure once, telling me of a home that had opened, which they described as “a place in the country where those who have lost their spiritual freshness may come to tone up and be invigorated.” My quiet time is such a “place.”
A sheep rancher in Australia found that his violin was out of tune, and being unable to find another musical instrument to provide him with a standard note, he wrote to a radio station asking them to strike that note. They did just that—stopped a program and struck the note. The sheep rancher caught it, and the violin was in tune again. Your daily quiet time will help you hear God’s “standard notes.” Then you can tune your flattened notes to His.
O God, I know there is nothing better than what I have found in You—except more of what I have found in You. Help me today to catch Your “standard note” and tune every part of my life to it. In Christ’s name I ask it. Amen.
Further Study
What is recorded of Cornelius?
What is said about Hezekiah?
Did you read that? God’s standard notes will guide us through the day if we follow suit. Do you want to be in turn with God? then you must make sure you observe all the standard notes. – studying the Word of God, getting involve in Kingdom works not forgetting to pray always, these will keep you fresh and also make your tune maintain the “Standard Note”
Shout alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.