Glory honour Power Majesty… be unto Christ our King…. Alleluia! Glory honour Power Majesty… be unto Christ our King…. Alleluia….// I am Thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord… I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done… Dan Sakari Baba…
Beloveth… we are here again to give honour to Whom honour is due…. God the Father… God the Son…. God the Holy Spirit… we offer praises and worship every Saturday to the glory of God.
And as our praises goes up …it will rain down blessings… Yes! there shall be showers of blessings… upon us … This year will do us good not evil… This year we end in Praise …whether the devil likes it or not… God will relocate us to bless us… lift us up and reposition us all to His own glory …Amen!!!
So if you are ready let go there….
There shall be showers of blessing… This is promise of love… there shall be season refreshing… Sent from the Savior above.
Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need:Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
2 There shall be showers of blessing, Precious reviving again; Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain
There shall be showers of blessing: Send them upon us, O Lord;Grant to us now a refreshing, Come and now honor Thy Word. [Refrain]
4 There shall be showers of blessing: Oh, that today they might fall, Now as to God we’re confessing, Now as on Jesus we call! [Refrain]
5 There shall be showers of blessing, If we but trust and obey; There shall be seasons refreshing, If we let God have His way..
What a Marvelous God; what a Wonderful God… He has done marvelous me… what a glorious God…what a beautiful He use to do marvelous things for me… the things that are impossible…. the Things that money cannot buy…there are things He dey do for O!!! What my papa cannot do; what my mama cannot do he has done it again and again.
Jehovah is your Name… Jehovah is Your Name… Jehovah is Your Name… Mighty Warrior… Great in battle Jehovah is Your Name… Jehovah is Your Name…
How excellent is Your Name O God… how Excellent…. How Excellent is Your Name O God! How Excellent… How Excellent is Your Name… How Excellent is Your Name… How Excellent is Your Name O God!!!!!!!!!! x2 How Excellent is Your Name O God!!!!!!!!!!
I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies. Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus … I will exalt You Father… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies your banner over me is love… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name…. I will lift up Your Name I will lift up Your Name.. I will lift up Your Name above every other Name O Lord!
Beloveth… this is to lead you into God’s Presence…dwell therein until you got a release to do so alleluia….
Come on to discover what God want of us …
For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.—Hosea 6:6
No amount of activity for God will ever take the place of a heart that is right with Him. Through the ages God’s people have been persuaded that they could please Him through their service and their offerings, regardless of their heart condition. King Saul offered generous sacrifices, hoping God would overlook his disobedience (1 Sam. 15:22–23).
David may have assumed that after all he had done on God’s behalf, God would overlook his sin (2 Sam. 12:7–15). Ananias and Sapphira thought that their generous gift to the church would compensate for their deceitfulness (Acts 5:1–11).
Paul was certainly one who had thought his zealousness would please God. After his conversion, however, he concluded that even if he had faith to remove mountains, gave all he had to feed the poor, and offered his body to be burned for the sake of God, and yet had a heart that was not right, it would all be for nothing (1 Cor. 13:1–3).
We are susceptible to the same misunderstanding as all of these people were. We can be deceived into assuming God is more interested in our activity for Him than He is in the condition of our heart. God has consistently made it clear that He will not be pacified by even the most generous offerings and zealous service if our hearts are not right with Him (Mic. 6:6–8).
No matter how much we do in God’s service, regardless of how active we are in our church, no matter how honorable our reputation in the Christian community, He will not overlook a sinful heart. His desire is that we devote ourselves to knowing Him and loving Him with all of our hearts.
Beloveth… may our heart be right before God… may we not use activities to cover our flaws in Jesus Name…. may we not serve God with a sinful heart… may we always offer the right sacrifices before God and may this season of Praise usher us into His Presence for sanctification in Jesus Name…. and may it be an acceptable sacrifices in Jesus Name…. Amen! Amen! Amen!!!
Further Reading Gal.4:5, Matt. 21:5, Isa 32:18
Remain blessed in the Lord.