I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted above my enemies Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love…. I will lift up Your Name (I will lift up Your name) I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name above every other Name…// You are the Lord that is Your Name You will never share Your glory with anyone…You will never share Your glory with anybody Almighty God that is Your Name.

Father receive all glory receive our worship, be Thou magnify O Lord…in heaven You are God…on earth You reigneth forever O Lord I Praise Your Name blessed be Thou Name…. Ancient of Days how old are You Lord…You are so Great, so Mighty and so loving… Who can be compared with You… Nobody….thank You for Your loving me too much ooo… Your grace so abiding and so real… I love You Father…thank You for saving my soul from hell through the gift of Your Son Jesus Christ I love You Lord be glorify in Jesus Name…

Beloveth, good morning… how are doing today? hope you are doing fine…our joy will not cease in Jesus Name…satan will not pull us down…circumstances will not hinder us from being what God has made us to be… yes not even death will remove us from the love of God…. because Jesus has conquered it and has given us victory over its sings and pains …we glorify You Jesus Amen!!!

Are you trusting in God’s mercy beloveth (Ps 52:8)…I am forever living and trusting in the mercy of God beloveth…God’s mercy conquers all. so I will keep believing and resting till my eyes lids close in death…Amen…

Beloveth we are having our last prayer session for this month…. I want to ask, ‘have you experienced God’s lifting in any area of your life? I for one have and like Oliver Twist always asking for more; there is no end to His love so I am poised for more daily…. And am seeing it everywhere I turn… God is taking me through some difficult terrine and He is helping me to overcome and am so grateful to Him for whom I becoming… Praise the Lord….

Today’s topic enjoins us to keep “Abiding in the Vine.”  Beloveth are you abiding in the Vine- Jesus? If not beloveth you need to start now before it is too late to do…I pray for you…’you will not miss heaven in Jesus Name.’ Don’t forget you will not get there by accident but by abiding in Him…  may you receive bountiful grace from above to leave every other thing and focus on God in Jesus Name….

(Song) All other ground they are all sinking sand, Jesus is the Rock….the Only Rock of Ages, all other ground they are all sinking sand….

Yes! there are sinking sand; only Jesus is the solid ground…Praise the Lord, somebody?

Jesus abided in His Father while here on earth…and He never miss a mark…why are we not following the footsteps of our Master… (Mk 1:35, Jn 14:9-11a).

Are you ready to bear fruit that will last then keep on abiding in Jesus and it shall be well with you…. Create time to study and meditate in God’s Word… Don’t leave your soul fallow, clear the tares always by reading the Word of life…. manure it by meditating on the Word…and keep on cultivating seed bearing fruit daily to remain relevant and readiness to serve in God’s kingdom in Jesus Name….

Nothing works without abiding in the True Vine… so pray for the power to abide in the vine today and see your lifting coming through in Jesus Name… come along for more:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me.”—John 15:5

There are those who feel that they must be constantly laboring for the Lord in order to meet God’s high standards. Jesus gave a clear picture of what our relationship to Him ought to be like. He is the vine, the source of our life. We are the branches, the place where fruit is produced. As we receive life from Christ, the natural, inevitable result is that fruit is produced in our lives.

In our zeal to produce “results” for our Lord, we sometimes become so intent on fruit production that we neglect abiding in Christ. We may feel that “abiding” is not as productive or that it takes too much time away from our fruit production. Yet Jesus said that it is not our activity that produces fruit, it is our relationship with Him.

Jesus gave an important warning to His disciples. He cautioned that if they ever attempted to live their Christian life apart from an intimate relationship with Him, they would discover that they ceased to produce any significant results. They might exert great effort for the kingdom of God, yet when they stopped to account for their lives, they would find only barrenness.

One of the most dramatic acts Jesus ever performed was cursing a fig tree that had failed to produce fruit (Mark 11:14). Are you comfortable in abiding, or are you impatient to be engaged in activity? If you will remain steadfastly in fellowship with Jesus, a great harvest will be the natural by-product.

May God help us to keep abiding in Him so as to always be relevant in God’s kingdom and be good representative of Jesus as we display His beauty to the world through abiding steadily in Him in Jesus Name….

Engage in prayer beloveth, seek His face and see you radiating His beauty as the day go by… no more sorrow, sickness, failure, disgrace, anger, dishonesty, lying, all vices will leave your life and virtues will start radiating in you….

You will exemplify Jesus Love, Kindness, Peace, Joy, Self-Control, Long-Suffering, Meekness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and many more …

Father, we come before Your Throne this day to receive the grace of enduring that will keep us abiding in You forever and ever in Jesus Name…

Beloveth let us pray…

Remain blessed in Jesus Name.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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