Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the Throne… Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the Throne… We bow before the Throne, we worship at Your Feet… We bow before Your Throne.. You are a Glorious God x2…// Your Name is Alpha, Omega, Glorious…Changeless.. Glorious God we bow before the Throne… we bow before the Throne, we worship at Your feet… we bow before the Throne.. You are a Glorious God…

Our Father in heaven O Lord! We Thank You, We bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee, We give You Praise… Alleluia to You great God… Who is like unto Thee Father, there is none like Thee… Alleluia!!!!

(Song)You are Mighty God; You are The Great I AM… Alleluia… Alleluia…

Heavenly Father we Worship, Who is like unto Thee… no one, no one… Alleluia…. I will worship my Lord… I will worship my God… me I go worship my God… My God do well for me…. Thank You Jesus… Glory! Glory! Alleluia…

Beloveth… how are doing today… Our God is good; all the time… Worthy! Worthy! is the Lamb.. that was slain … He saved us and delivered us from all destruction from the workers of iniquities, satan and his cohorts… Amen!!!

Wow! Today is another glorious day the Lord has made and said we should rejoiced and be glad… in it… Alleluia somebody.

Beloveth… God is an Expert Searcher… alleluia… Yesterday we saw a God that promised to Protect and Defend us… Today, our Father declared that “He is an Expert Searcher….

Is someone excited… alleluia! Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good…

Sincerely, I so excited… it will be a sin to you if you say God has forgotten me… the text before us is giving us the assurance that God “Seeks His Own”

Beloveth, may God help our unbelief… why did I say that…” beloveth… there are times you imagine whether God has forgotten you… Have ever come to that point in life and you are asking God where are You?… or You are saying “God if you exist show Yourself to me…

I watch a film, call it a series …where a young boy was wrongly diagnosed of cancer… when ask whether he believed in God, He gave a blunt “No” answer… I was wondering why… He is too young to be so hardened…. The next thing he said brought tears to my eyes…. He said “What kind of God will allow sickness to ravage his body and he will still believe Him….

This young man does not know the “Mercies” of God… “He is not aware that our God is full of compassion and love… which have no end… if only he is aware of God’s unending love… He wouldn’t have said that…

If he knew that our God searchers His own, He goes after them that seeks Him… like we are seeing here today… he wouldn’t  have said what he said…

That is why He commanded us to “Go” and share the gospel of Christ… and until we share; they will not hear… and unless they hear… they will not believe… Alleluia… Rom. 10:13-15.

Faith and believing comes from hearing… The Word of God… Alleluia…v17.

Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia… 

An Expert Searcher

“For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.” Exod. 34:11

This He does at the first when His elect are like wandering sheep that know not the Shepherd or the fold. How wonderfully doth the Lord find out His chosen! Jesus is great as a seeking Shepherd as well as a saving Shepherd.

Though many of those His Father gave Him have gone as near to hell-gate as they well can, yet the Lord by searching and seeking discovers them, and draws nigh to them in grace. He has sought out us: let us have good hope for those who are laid upon our hearts in prayer, for He will find them out also.

The Lord repeats this process when any of His flock stray from the pastures of truth and holiness. They may fall into gross error, sad sin, and grievous hardness; but yet the Lord, who has become a surety for them to His Father, will not suffer one of them to go so far as to perish.

He will by providence and grace pursue them into foreign lands, into abodes of poverty, into dens of obscurity, into deeps of despair; He will not lose one of all that the Father has given Him.

It is a point of honor with Jesus to seek and to save all the flock, without a single exception. What a promise to plead, if at this hour I am compelled to cry, “I have gone astray like a lost sheep”!

Beloveth… none which His Father has given Him will perish… alleluia… none at all will perish… alleluia somebody..

Beloveth I don’t know where you are or what is happening at this point in your life… Just know that God is interested in you… don’t give up… don’t ask God where are you… He is the very breathe in your nostrils… He is not far off… He is not far away… He loves you and will never let you down…

Beloveth, God cannot lie… He is not a man that He will fail you… Don’t let the devil deceives you… You got the victory because Jesus has already won same for you on the Cross… Alleluia…

Alleluia somebody… Great is His Faithfulness… Just be calm and know that He is God… He will not leave you nor forsake you… Alleluia… Praise Jesus… Amen…

Further Reading- Ps.119:165, Col.4:2, Rev.2:7, Heb.6:15, Ps.19:3, 2Pet.1:4, Heb.7:22,25… Job.28:28, 1Thess.5:17, Jas.1:27, 2Cor.7:1, Rom.1:16, 2Thess.3:3, 1Cor.8:3.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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